Hanging Out

Hey guys. I've decided to make this post the night before since I'll probably be spending all day hanging out with my friend. I somewhat correctly predicted my day though.

What got done: Pagan Book, Reading Book, Curls, Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary, Clean Kitchen.

I was honestly expecting less.

I honestly don't have much to say, so I'll have to jump into the next book review.

Instant Marketing for (almost) Free: Effective, Low-Cost Results in Weeks, Days, or Hours.

This book was, alright. Mostly it's just a contemplation of traditional marketing techniques like brochures and telemarketing. Once in a while he'll come up with a somewhat unique idea (CD Business Cards), but it's nothing really special. Honestly there's not much to say about this. It's easy to read, but more likely you'll just be flipping the pages since it's fairly well divided. If you're looking for something and you're stuck, this would be good to pick up at the library and just copy down ideas as you find them, but nothing really huge.

Well, we'll see how much I get done since I'll be gone pretty much all day. If I read the rest of my library book, I'll put the review up next, if not, it'll be a review of Kick Ass 2.

Back-Up Rewards: 23

List for today:
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Writing: Short Story
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Pagan Book
Reading Book
Library Book
Brushing Teeth
Money Making
Step Aerobics
Practice Violin
Work On Art
Drunken Pixie Planning

Wish me luck. :)

Late to Rise Late to Post

Hey guys. Well yesterday could have definitely gone better.

What got done: Pagan Book, Reading Book, Library Book 1&2, Curls, Step Aerobics, Dinning Room, Stairs, Shower.

I'm not looking forward to today either since it's now after 5 pm and I am going to be trying to get to bed early to hang out with my friend tomorrow. We're going to see Kick Ass 2 so on Sunday it might be a review of the movie. But still, I'm not expecting much from today, but maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised.

I'm not entirely sure if I'll be able to post a Kickstarter update the next couple of days, but we'll see. I do have 2 planned, but right now I'm bouncing around like a mexican jumping bean in a sweaty warm hand.

The next book in my small line of reviews is Making Habits, Breaking Habits: Why We Do Things, Why We Don't, and How to Make Any Change Stick.

This book, is not that great. I don't think it's a bad book, it just could have done well with some trimming and editing because this book feels like it takes a lot of mini detours to tell you essentially the same things. Now don't get me wrong, if you like statistics and fact and case studies, this book is full of them! It just feels like he's spending more time bringing these up then any advice or tips of changing/making/breaking your habits. Some of them are useful in seeing just what goes into our brains and how almost everything we do is habit or the decisions we make without realizing it. But honestly, I felt like the only useful piece of information from this book was a graph showing how long it really takes to make/break/change a habit disproving the old 30 days adage.

Overall this book would be great for researching since it has so many examples already, it's just I know other books that are more concise and a lighter read to keep up with everyone's busy day.

Back-Up Rewards: 22

List for today:
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Writing: Short Story
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Pagan Book
Reading Book
Library Book
Brushing Teeth
Money Making
Step Aerobics
Japanese Hiragana
Japanese Katakana
Japanese Vocabulary
Japanese Sentences
Ballet DVD
Work On Art
Drunken Pixie Planning
Clean Kitchen

Wish me luck. :)


Despite some good intentions yesterday, it didn't turn out to be a good day to get things done. Some things were intentional (my legs didn't feel like they'd be up to doing more step aerobics), some I just need to learn to start doing.

What got done: Pagan Book, Reading Book, Library Book 1-3, Curls, Wig, Kitchen.

I even decided to go to bed early last night, which wouldn't be a bad things if I had woken up with my alarm this morning. I have this bad habit of when I'm dreaming, I don't want it to end, so I try and get back to sleep and back to dreaming. I don't dream that often

I'm going to be posting daily updates on my Kickstarter. I already got the next 3 days planned. I can't get anywhere unless it's funded

The next book in this line of reviews is called Contagious. And my gosh, did I love this book for a business perspective. It really dissects why things become successful or go viral. Why don't I explain better with an example?

Mean Kitty since it aired has over 76million views as of the time of posting. But why? It's another cat video sure, but why this little cat named Sparta?

S) Have you ever heard of a cat doing all this stuff? Drinking from a toilet? Isn't that what a dog does?
T) Mean Kitty has several, when you see a cat who looks like him, you're likely to remember. This video came around the 300 craze where everyone would also think of this cat when Sparta was mentioned. Or maybe you'll remember him from another mean kitty or even just by looking at your bathroom sink?
E) Awww playful little kitten. :3
P) It's no secret the public loves cat videos, and Sparta being unique little kitty just adds to everyone curious about this rambunctious feline.
P) Dangers of owning a new kitten full of energy.
S) Maybe this scene is all too familiar to you, and you wanna share your own crazy kitten stories? Which also works to spread the word of this kitten. That's nothing, my kitten did ...

You'll notice that I didn't put down what each of those letters mean? There's a reason, get the dang book! Seriously, if you're looking into something where going viral would be key to success, look into it. Go on! Go to the library or I gave you a link to get it!

Well, I best get to my day. I'll be posting the Kickstarter update within the hour.

Back-Up Rewards: 21

List for today:
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Writing: Short Story
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Pagan Book
Reading Book
Library Book 1
Library Book 2
Brushing Teeth
Money Making
Step Aerobics
Belly Dance DVD
Work On Art
Drunken Pixie Planning
Dining Room
Vacuum Stairs

Wish me luck. :)

Kickstarter & Books

Hey guys. Well, not as much got done as I had hoped, but what can you do?

What got done: Pagan Book, reading Book, Library Book 1-5, Curls, Step Aerobics, Wig, Bathroom.

As you guys might have deduced from the title, that illustrious Kickstarter is up! Finally...

The goal is $4,500 for various parts of the project and I'll begin the process of making up the review material, getting everything together, etc, when/if I get close enough to goal that it's almost guaranteed. I can't make anything without some help, hell, I couldn't make a youtube video without help of a better computer than one I've had since middle school with an exposed opening. Even if you only have a $1 or only can  share this Kickstarter, every little bit of help helps.

Well, as you may have also gathered that I finished at least one book and I'm about to put p a review. Well, technically I finished two books, but one at a time. I'm also going to expand some reading on one of the books since otherwise I either wont have it done in time or so close to time that it's day of from 25 pages to 35 pages.

Pocket your dollars is a great self help book on money and attitudes towards money. While more focused on less spending and more saving side of money rather than the last money book I reviewed where it looked at the stingy misers (this books dives into that but it's not as balanced at the other book) it focuses more on attitudes a lot of us share about money, want to change about money, etc. Mostly this book is about changing your attitude to get out of debt. And considering debt is a large and often, when you come down to it, unnecessary part of our financial burdens even if we make the payments, it's not a bad place to focus on. It focuses on taking personal responsibility since no one made us buy the things that hurt our budget and put us further in debt. And with personal responsibility, you can look for ways of working around something or setting rules for yourself with a little leeway. (They found that $80 a month just went to having coffee out, which they could have be put elsewhere, but, they agreed if he had overtime at work, the money was his to spend however he pleased) And holds many tricks and resources I'll likely try. (When I actually get money, that 30 days eating out purge is going to be among the first! Too much of my money goes to eating out!) If you're strapped for cash, it's a light read that you can try and find at the library, but I'd sooner recommend that you just get your own copy of the book for reference/rereading. Because I'm not sure about you, but I find things stick a bit more or become more polished with rereading.

I simply must find ways of using up these reward points though, they're quite simply becoming ridiculous.

Back-Up Rewards: 20

List for today:
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Writing: Short Story
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Pagan Book
Reading Book
Library Book 1
Library Book 2
Library Book 3
Brushing Teeth
Money Making
Step Aerobics
Clean Bedroom
Work On Art
Marcelline Wig
Drunken Pixie Planning
Clean Kitchen

Wish me luck. :)

Before Bed

Hey guys. I decided that before bed, I'll start making my posts. Unless I end up not getting to sleep, why not? But yesterday (or today, this might be a tad confusing) a lot of stuff actually got done.

What got done: Pagan Book, Reading Book, Library Book 1-5, Money Making, Step Aerobics, Curls, Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary/Sentences, Clean Out E-mail, Wig, Drunken Pixie Productions.

Currently my Kickstarter is being edited, if can't get this up, I'm not sure what I'll do.

Back-Up Rewards: 18

List for today:
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Writing: Short Story
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Pagan Book
Reading Book
Library Book 1
Library Book 2
Library Book 3
Library Book 4
Library Book 5
Brushing Teeth
Money Making
Step Aerobics
German Practice
Ballet DVD
Practice Violin
Work On Art
Marcelline Wig
Drunken Pixie Planning
Finish Bathroom
Clean Kitchen

Wish me luck. :)

Still Awake

Since I got up so late and had coffee so late, I'm still awake and now it's a brand new day for my list. Though I didn't get nearly as much done yesterday.

What got done: Pagan Book, Library Book 1-5.

I'm noticing a pattern where if I get a good amount done one day, I wont be doing much the day afterwords. It probably would help if I can decide what to use my reward points on, but what are you going to do for now? All I can do is try and be better at this.

I am currently still waiting for my Kickstarter to be approved. Hopefully I'll know within a couple of hours and begin the process of promoting it.

I am nearly done with some of these library books though and you guys should be expecting reviews within the next few days and probably over a couple of days. It's good that at the very least, I seem to have no problem getting that done.

Back-Up Rewards:15

List for today:
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Writing: Short Story
Webcomic Writing
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Pagan Book
Reading Book
Library Book 1
Library Book 2
Library Book 3
Library Book 4
Library Book 5
Brushing Teeth
Money Making
Step Aerobics
Japanese Hiragana
Japanese Katakana
Japanese Vocabulary
Japanese Sentences
Belly Dance DVD
Clean Out E-Mail
Youtube Video
Work On Art
Marcelline Wig
Drunken Pixie Planning

Wish me luck. :)

Kickstarter Soon?

Hey guys. Well, yesterday went well.

What got done: Writing: Book, Pagan Book, Reading Book, Library Book 1-5, Step Aerobics, Curls, Kickstarter Planning, Shower.

So I got my Kickstarter through to be approved, so here's hoping. I tried to do a script and a video last night, but it didn't work out, at all. The screen was cropped in the top half and premiere decided it didn't like working so it crashed. Oh well, thus the reason for it.

If the Kickstarter is successful, then I'll need to really get moving on everything else Drunken Pixie, so I really should be focusing on that over the next few days.

Back-Up Rewards: 14

List for today:
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Writing: Short Story
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Pagan Book
Reading Book
Library Book 1
Library Book 2
Library Book 3
Library Book 4
Library Book 5
Brushing Teeth
Money Making
Step Aerobics
Clean Out Purse
Work On Art
Drunken Pixie Planning
Clean Bathroom

Wish me luck. :)

Can't Sleep

Hey guys. I can't sleep at the moment so I decided might as well use this overstimulated time to blog early. Hopefully I'll get to sleep soon otherwise I don't predict a good day for trying to get things done. Though yesterday went well.

What got done: Etsy Product, Pagan Book, Reading Book, Library Book 1-5, Curls, Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary/Sentences, Clean Room, Clean Kitchen.

Finally my room is once again cleaned after I had the streamer trunk moved in. Of course it didn't help that I had boxes that still need to go up into the attic in here as well as the boxes of stuff to donate. But with that being done and the webcam program being reinstalled, the only thing standing in my way is my own lack of ideas for the Kickstarter.

You might have noticed that I got an etsy thing done. Basically I just relisted somethings I have found and still have. I'll be relisting other things as I find them otherwise my goal is to have at least 1 new product I can list made a day.

I'll also probably be starting up my old etsy blog again soon. Maybe even tomorrow, depends on how much new stuff I get done for the shop.

Well, hopefully I can keep up/pick up the pace, if I'm not asleep soon though, it's not looking too hopeful.

Back-Up Rewards: 12

List for today:
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Writing: Short Story
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Pagan Book
Reading Book
Library Book 1
Library Book 2
Library Book 3
Library Book 4
Library Book 5
Brushing Teeth
Money Making
Step Aerobics
Practice Violin
Work On Art
Drunken Pixie Planning
KickStarter Planning

Wish me luck. :)

New Phone

Hey guys. Yesterday could have gone better I suppose, but with the amount of errands I ran yesterday, I'm fine with it.

What got done: Pagan Book, Reading Book, Library Book 1-5, Shower.

While I was out, I did end up going to Godiva for my free chocolate since I was 5 minuets down the road. I decided since there was a store for it in the mall, to finally upgrade my phone. (It's been due since November!) Lucky for me, they just happened to have the free phone I was looking for in the store. I've been fiddling around with it since last night, getting used to it, installing new things, etc. I'm so happy I don't have a phone where I have to chose between keeping the app I use and receiving a text anymore! Hopefully this one lasts longer.

I wanted to clean my room last night, but by the time I got to it, I was too tired. A nasty habit of late. I'll have to try and get at least somethings done earlier tonight.

Back-Up Rewards: 10

List for today:
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Writing: Short Story
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Pagan Book
Reading Book
Library Book 1
Library Book 2
Library Book 3
Library Book 4
Library Book 5
Brushing Teeth
Money Making
Step Aerobics
Japanese Hiragana
Japanese Katakana
Japanese Vocabulary
Japanese Sentences
Ballet DVD
Work On Art
Drunken Pixie Planning
KickStarter Planning
Clean Room
Clean kitchen

Wish me luck. :)

Bzz Bzzz Bzzz Busy Busy

Hey guys. I only got a few minuets to post before I gotta run to get my sisters cars oil changed. Basically I got 15 minuets to type everything out.

The other day didn't go so well, and I felt so exhausted yesterday that I didn't even so much as read. Hopefully today fairs better especially since I'm going to be bringing some of the books with me to the dealership while I am waiting. Not sure how much of it will get done there, but we'll see.

This is the first chance I've gotten today to post since I left to drop my sister off at work since afterwords I got lost getting back and had to go to the Farmer's Market, 2 different grocery stores, an Italian grocery store,  and finally to pick up lunch.

I'm planning on after the oil change, to go to Godiva since the mall's 5 minuets down the road for my free monthly chocolate.

Well, if I have anything else to say, I'll have to say it tomorrow.

Back-Up Rewards: 9

List for today:
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Writing: Short Story
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Pagan Book
Reading Book
Library Book 1
Library Book 2
Library Book 3
Library Book 4
Library Book 5
Brushing Teeth
Money Making
Step Aerobics
Belly Dance DVD
Work On Art
Drunken Pixie Planning
KickStarter Planning
Clean Room

Wish me luck. :)


Hey guys. Well, yesterday could have gone better, could have gone worse.

What got done: Library book 1-4, Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary, Clean Out E-mail.

Hopefully I'll be able to get the Kickstarter up and running tomorrow, my major problem is thinking up perks while I am not established.

I really don't have much to say today however, I really just should be trying to get as much done as possible right now.

Back-Up Rewards: 9

List for today:
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Writing: Short Story
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Pagan Book
Reading Book
Library Book 1
Library Book 2
Library Book 3
Library Book 4
Library Book 5
Brushing Teeth
Money Making
Step Aerobics
German Practice
Ballet DVD
Practice Violin
Work On Art
Marcelline Wig
Drunken Pixie Planning
KickStarter Planning
Clean Room
Clean Kitchen

Wish me luck. :)

Faire Yesterday

Hey guys. Well, I had fun at the faire, I'm trying to figure out how I always end up at Dextre Tripp's Fire & Water show. (If you're lucky enough to catch him, you know it's the stunt he has with a ladder, duct tape, and firecrackers.) wish I had money to actually do other things though. Oh well.

This is later than my normal post. My parents came back this morning so I was taking advantage of the HD TV that has actual working cable...with constant The Simpsons marathons on DVD...

Back-Up Rewards: 8

List for today:
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Writing: Short Story
Webcomic Writing
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Pagan Book
Reading Book
Library Book 1
Library Book 2
Library Book 3
Library Book 4
Library Book 5
Brushing Teeth
Money Making
Step Aerobics
Japanese Hiragana
Japanese Katakana
Japanese Vocabulary
Japanese Sentances
Belly Dance DVD
Clean Out E-Mail
Youtube Video
Work On Art
Marcelline Wig
Drunken Pixie Planning
KickStarter Planning
Clean Room

Wish me luck. :)

Faire Day Tomorrow

Hey guys. Well, I had better get my lazy butt into gear if I am ever going to be able to get anything done since I missed posting yesterday. I did read goal for most of my books the other day but not all of them. I'm taking off one of my books and returning it to the library cause I can already tell it's not going to provide me with much help. It's amazing how out of date a 7 year old book can be about online business.

I don't really have much else to say at the moment though.

Edit: I am returning the last two books, have kind of the same problems.

Back-Up Rewards: 7
List for today:
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Writing: Short Story
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Pagan Book
Reading Book
Library Book 1
Library Book 2
Library Book 3
Library Book 4
Library Book 5
Brushing Teeth
Money Making
Step Aerobics
Practice Violin
Work On Art
Drunken Pixie Planning
KickStarter Planning
Clean Room
Clean Kitchen

Wish me luck. :)

Computers, Reviews, French, More Books

Hey guys. Unfortunately I was unable to post for the passed couple of days due to my computer being out of commission. Then my laptop refused to work with me and Blogger and did everything in it's power to keep me from posting. So needless to say I didn't get much done. But luckily my dad fixed the computer for now and I am now terrified of shutting down/restarting it in fear it wont ever boot back up again. So sometime within the next few hours I'm going to transfer my important documents to my dad's external hard drive so anything and everything I actually care about losing isn't lost.

So I have decided that twice a week, I'll be adding French to the list of things to do. I'm going to do it Wednesdays and Sundays. I was originally thinking Saturday and Sunday but then I thought that'd be a little silly when the other languages are a couple days apart.

Incase anyone is wondering, no my room is not clean and I probably should have taken advantage of the fact that my computer was out of commission since it cause my room to go from really warm to nicely cool. But maybe I'll just have to shut it down again, read a bit, clean, and then boot it back up...after I transfer those files of course.

I also have just gotten back from the library yesterday with many books. (I need to remember that I am setting this post in the future since it's nearly midnight when I am typing it now.) 8 infact, 6 of them dealing with business, and 5 of those 6 are in marketing and advertising. So expect a lot of reviews coming up for them within the next few weeks. I've had to assign note cards with numbers to the books to keep my records straight.

Speaking of reviews...

Yeah, I've been promising you guys the finished book review, and I did honestly try and get it to you but the computers were conspiring against me. That and I had forgotten how to do links with amazon, but I figured it out. :)

So Grandmother's Secrets: The Anchient Rituals and Healing Power of Belly Dancing by Rosina-Fawzia Al-Rawi as translated by Monique Arav for us in who rely on English at the moment.

I honestly really loved this book. It's an interesting piece starting with her life as it later develops not only her points of view in life, but an interesting theory in the practice of belly dancing. Incase it's not obvious by now, I love to belly dance and have always been fascinated by it. So as I started, the book is broken into three sections, the life experiences becoming theory as she retells her life, the history of dance throughout time and cultures (notice the s!), and finally practice.

Her life is probably my favorite part of the book as she vividly tells her story as she grew up with her family. There were some points where I was not only picturing myself in her place, but finding myself jealous at her childhood. From a very young age to the day where is declared a woman and the life lesson's she learned, yes, mostly from her grandmother.

The history is an interesting summary of large leaps over many countries since an in-depth history lessen would make this very breezy read weighed down with a lot of nit-pick facts and dates. Mostly she focuses on the roles of dance and it wanes and flourishes in various cultures at various times.

Practice is probably the biggest part the book has to do with specifically belly dance as it goes through each individual body part and exercises and dances for it. As well as some other dances such as veil and stick. There's even a brief moment where she takes the time to explain rituals through most of the regions of South Asia and the Middle East.

Over all, this book is a must have for anyone with a keen interest or fascination with this type of dancing.

Well, now that that has been taken care of, best get my list going for my busy day. (I also have to make sure I make it to Staples to fax something and take advantage of their $0.01 notebooks)

Back-Up Rewards: 6

List for today:
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Writing: Short Story
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Pagan Book
Reading Book
Library Book 1
Library Book 2
Library Book 3
Library Book 4
Library Book 5
Library Book 6
Library Book 7
Library Book 8
Brushing Teeth
Money Making
Step Aerobics
Belly Dance DVD
Work On Art
Drunken Pixie Planning
KickStarter Planning
Clean Room

Wish me luck. :)

Post For The Morning

Hey guys, well, after my trunk was moved into my room, things got a little messy. Basically the trunk got moved where my sewing desk used to be and cause everything from said desk including the desk itself to sprawl over my room. I am only just now starting to put it together. As it is I am not sure what will get done since my cousin and aunt are over for the weekend though their going out tonight as well, so we'll see.

I have completely caught up on all videos of That Guy With The Glasses including the 5th year anniversary special. Though there was more consequence than the opening let on. And soon will come the daunting task of catching up with all my webcomics. By catching up with these, I can do what I used to do and only spend at most an hour an a half of my day with them rather than allowing all my time to be consumed by it.

As you might have noticed, the kickstarter stuff isn't finished, otherwise I would posted about it and done it. I realized I need to almost completely rework the rewards. But hopefully I'll figure out by next Wednesday.

I should be finished with the reading book and have the review ready tomorrow.

Back-Up Rewards: 6

List for today:
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Writing: Short Story
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Pagan Book
Reading Book
Brushing Teeth
Money Making
Step Aerobics
Practice Violin
Work On Art
Marcelline Wig
Drunken Pixie Planning
KickStarter Planning
Clean Room

Wish me luck. :)

More Important

Hey guys. Yesterday went, fairly well.

What got done: Pagan Book, Reading Book, 1/2 Chain Mail, Curls, Hiagana/Katakana Practice, Clean out E-mail, Clean Bathroom, Shower.

Though I'm noticing an annoying trend where important things don't get done. As it is I definitely wont have everything ready by tomorrow to post the Kickstarter. I need to figure out a way to fix that. Maybe it's simply because of dry spells and these thing involve creative out put.

I've decided to remove Chain Mail from the list since I don't seem to be good at it, at least not with the tiny rings I have. Maybe I'll try again with much bigger rings, but we'll have to see.

I'll likely be posting a review of the book I'm reading within the next day or two.

Back-Up Rewards: 6

List for today:
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Writing: Short Story
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Pagan Book
Reading Book
Brushing Teeth
Money Making
Step Aerobics
German Practice
Ballet DVD
Practice Violin
Work On Art
Marcelline Wig
Drunken Pixie Planning
KickStarter Planning
Clean Dinning Room

Wish me luck. :)

Another Disapointing Post

Hey guys. Well, yesterday certainly could have gone better with only Reading Book and Curls being done. At least my steamer trunk has found a place in my room so it's a major hurtle crossed.

I honestly don't have much to say other than I had better get working on some of my major projects.

I've decided to count my Marcelline wigs as a separate project since I plan on making a different outfit for me and my sister going to the NY Renaissance Faire weekend after next.

Back-Up Rewards: 5

List for today:
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Writing: Short Story
Webcomic Writing
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Pagan Book
Reading Book
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Money Making
Step Aroebics
Japanese Hiragana
Japanese Katakana
Japanese Vocabulary
Belly Dance DVD
Clean Out E-Mail
Youtube Video
Work On Art
Marcelline Wig
Drunken Pixie Planning
KickStarter Planning
Clean Bathroom

Wish me luck. :)

Cleaned Room

Hey guys. Well, yesterday went better than most of the other days.

What got done: Reading Book, Pagan Book, Step Aerobics, Curls, Drunken Pixie Productions Planning, Kickstarter Planning, Unpack, Clean Room, Clean, Cut Cardboard, and Shower.

So between my title and that list, you could probably guess that my room has finally been cleaned. Which is good because now I can try and get that kickstarter going. Hopefully by Wednesday since I can touch up my room right before recording the video and starting the kickstarter.

Of course, now that it's cleaned I have to figure out what to do with my huge steamer trunk.

There's literally no room for it in my room unless it takes up walking space so I'll have to figure something out for it.

I am not going to do Clean Car today since my car has yet to be fixed, so thus I haven't used it enough for it to need cleaned again.

Back-Up Rewards: 5

List for today:
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Writing: Short Story
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Pagan Book
Reading Book
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Money Making
Step Aroebics
Clean Out Purse
Work On Art
Drunken Pixie Planning
KickStarter Planning

Wish me luck. :)

Late To Wake

Hey guys. Well, since I hit sleep deprivation loopy around 6pm yesterday, not as much got done as I had hoped.

What got done: Reading Book, Hiragana/Katakana Practice, Grocery Store.

So hopefully with lots of sleep today, things will work out better.

Incase anyone is wondering, I use this site for the Hiragana/Katakana practice so I can easily translate them mentally. I do about 5 each twice a week.

I did do most cardboard cutting yesterday and I think my dad did the rest, but I'm keeping it on my list for the ones that's in (or near) my room.

Back-Up Rewards: 3

List for today:
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Writing: Short Story
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Pagan Book
Reading Book
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Money Making
Step Aerobics
Practice Violin
Work On Art
Drunken Pixie Planning
KickStarter Planning
Clean Room
Cut Cardboard

Wish me luck. :)

Late Night Early Post

There seems to be an unfortunate event where I tend to get more done when everyone else is in bed then any other time. This mostly because I can't adjust my sleep schedule accordingly since I'd have all of a two hour nap before my mom sends my sister up to annoy me awake. But as you may have guessed at least I got a decent amount done in the few hours I gave myself to work with.

What got done: Pagan Book, reading Book, Step Aerobics, Belly Dance DVD, Clean Kitchen, Clean Bathroom.

And as predicted, I remembered what I wanted to add to my daily list about the time I considered going to bed. Curls. I want to do 10 each arm everyday to improve my upper strength and tone my arms. So on to the long, long list.

I'm probably going to have to edit this list later so that I can add whatever chore my mom feels like giving me today, but in the meantime, it's around 7am which means I count this as being a brand new day to try and get things done.

Back-Up Rewards: 3

List for today:
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Writing: Short Story
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Pagan Book
Reading Book
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Money Making
Step Aerobics
Hiragana Practice
Katakana Practice
Vocabulary Practice
Ballet DVD
Work On Art
Drunken Pixie Planning
KickStarter Planning
Clean Room
Go To Grocery Store
Cut Cardboard

Wish me luck. :)


Well, despite having a great start I started to fall back, the only thing that got done the other day was Clean Kitchen and then nothing yesterday. I've been a little distracted since I've been trying to catch up on all the reviews/specials I've fallen behind on on That Guy With The Glasses. But, though it's late, maybe today will at least be slightly better.

What's annoying is there was something else I was going to do every day and I can't remember what it is. And I'm sure I'll remember it when I'm about ready to go to bed.

Back-Up Rewards: 2

List for today:
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Writing: Short Story
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Pagan Book
Reading Book
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Money Making
Step Aerobics
Belly Dance DVD
Work On Art
Drunken Pixie Planning
KickStarter Planning
Clean Room
Clean Kitchen
Clean Downstairs Bathroom

Wish me luck. :)