Hey guys. Well, I got a good deal done yesterday, though I was hoping more would have gotten done. But sometimes, things like unable to find pliers gets in the way.
What got done: Gaia Online Updates, Writing: Script, Reading Book, Clean out Purse, Clean Out Car, Sewing, Film Appreciation Homework, Business Homework.
What Didn't Get Done; Writing: Book/Play, World Of Warcraft 1/2 Level, Brush Teeth, Chain Mail, Europe DVD, German, Art Histroy Homework, Winter Cleaning Phase 9.
So more didn't get done then got done but that's still a lot that got done.
I'm going to hopefully actually get sewing done the next couple of days and get rid of my big pile of hot pink velvet. Though it's a good gypsy color, I might make warm bloomers out of it come to think of it. I'll use up what's left afterword.
to track your green
List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Webcomic Writing
Reading Book
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Clean Out E-Mail
Belly Dance DVD
Youtube Video
Art History Homework
Film Appreciation Homework
Business Homework
Winter Cleaning Phase 9
Wish me luck. :)
Not As Much Done Yesterday
Hey guys. Well, thanks to my sister's room being worked on and the stuff that ensued from it, I didn't get as much done yesterday as I did the day before.
What got done: Gaia Online, Reading Book, New years Resolutions, Shower, Film Appreciation Homework, Winter Cleaning Phase 8.
But at least the only thing left to do in my Winter Cleaning is to return some stuff to the therapist I used to go to. Hopefully she's still there. After that's done, I'll have completed all phases of the winter cleaning and I can tally that I owe myself 1 dress.
I had spent some time before bed designing my Steam Punk World's Faire Costume. I have most of the piece and the pieces I don't have should be cheap. That and I should start work by the time this con comes around.
I have yet to start to work on my thermometer, does anyone have any suggestions since I'll still be jobless till April?
to track your green
List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Reading Book
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Europe DVD
Chain Mail
Clean Out Purse
Clean Out Car
Art History Homework
Film Appreciation Homework
Business Homework
Winter Cleaning Phase 9
Wish me luck. :)
What got done: Gaia Online, Reading Book, New years Resolutions, Shower, Film Appreciation Homework, Winter Cleaning Phase 8.
But at least the only thing left to do in my Winter Cleaning is to return some stuff to the therapist I used to go to. Hopefully she's still there. After that's done, I'll have completed all phases of the winter cleaning and I can tally that I owe myself 1 dress.
I had spent some time before bed designing my Steam Punk World's Faire Costume. I have most of the piece and the pieces I don't have should be cheap. That and I should start work by the time this con comes around.
I have yet to start to work on my thermometer, does anyone have any suggestions since I'll still be jobless till April?
to track your green
List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Reading Book
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Europe DVD
Chain Mail
Clean Out Purse
Clean Out Car
Art History Homework
Film Appreciation Homework
Business Homework
Winter Cleaning Phase 9
Wish me luck. :)
Woke Up Late ; Got A Lot Done
Hey guys. I woke up at 2 today so I'm not happy about that. But at least I got a lot done yesterday.
What got done: Gaia Online, Reading Book, 1/2 Brush Teeth, Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice, Film Appreciation Homework, Business Homework, Winter Cleaning Phases 5/6/12.
What didn't get done: Writing:Book/Play/Script, World Of Warcraft 1/2 Level, 1/2 Brush Teeth, Chain Mail, Ballet DVD, German, Sewing, Art History Homework, Winter Cleaning Phases 8/9.
Almost as much got done as didn't get done yesterday. :)
So we're not going to the flea market tomorrow because despite how many times I told her, my sister apparently didn't know we had to be there before 7am. As it is, I am not sure what to do since I have a gigantic pile of stuff to sell sitting in my room. A collapsed pile too. Oh well, better get to my list then.
to track your green
List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Reading Book
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
New Years Resolutions
LARP Songs
Anime Music Video
Art History Homework
Film Appreciation Homework
Business Homework
Winter Cleaning Phase 8
Winter Cleaning Phase 9
Wish me luck. :)
What got done: Gaia Online, Reading Book, 1/2 Brush Teeth, Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice, Film Appreciation Homework, Business Homework, Winter Cleaning Phases 5/6/12.
What didn't get done: Writing:Book/Play/Script, World Of Warcraft 1/2 Level, 1/2 Brush Teeth, Chain Mail, Ballet DVD, German, Sewing, Art History Homework, Winter Cleaning Phases 8/9.
Almost as much got done as didn't get done yesterday. :)
So we're not going to the flea market tomorrow because despite how many times I told her, my sister apparently didn't know we had to be there before 7am. As it is, I am not sure what to do since I have a gigantic pile of stuff to sell sitting in my room. A collapsed pile too. Oh well, better get to my list then.
to track your green
List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Reading Book
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
New Years Resolutions
LARP Songs
Anime Music Video
Art History Homework
Film Appreciation Homework
Business Homework
Winter Cleaning Phase 8
Winter Cleaning Phase 9
Wish me luck. :)
Hey guys. I didn't get much done yesterday, just Gaia Online, Reading Book, and SOME Violin Practice. We're going to the flea market Sunday because my sister's boyfriend has a job interview where we work Sunday. Meanwhile all I'm thinking about is how much I have to do today and all sorts of other days. What with me needing money and all.
to track your green
List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Reading Book
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Study German
Chain Mail
Ballet DVD
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Art History Homework
Film Appreciation Homework
Business Homework
Winter Cleaning Phase 5
Winter Cleaning Phase 6
Winter Cleaning Phase 8
Winter Cleaning Phase 9
Winter Cleaning Phase 12
Wish me luck. :)
to track your green
List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Reading Book
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Study German
Chain Mail
Ballet DVD
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Art History Homework
Film Appreciation Homework
Business Homework
Winter Cleaning Phase 5
Winter Cleaning Phase 6
Winter Cleaning Phase 8
Winter Cleaning Phase 9
Winter Cleaning Phase 12
Wish me luck. :)
Going Through My Stuff
Hey guys. Yesterday was better, better then I had expecting really though nothing much really got done. Just Gaia Online, Reading Book, Clean Room, Shower, and Business Homework. And my sister decided this weekend was probably a better idea to go to the flea market. And since we both really need the money, I'm inclined to agree with her. Besides, looks like there's going to be a warm front coming in and warming up NJ, hopefully to only be slightly chilly. So ontop of everything else on the list I got to return some books at the library, maybe go to the Asian market, go through all my stuff, price it, etc. Ever feel like you do too much?
Btw, incase you were wondering why I removed Library Book yesterday, it's because I'm returning them today and knew I owuldn't finish. I'll go back when I'm a bit more in order and take them out again.
to track your green
List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Reading Book
Pagan Book
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Belly Dance DVD
Violin Practice
Business Homework
Art History Homework
Film Appreciation Homework
Winter Cleaning Phase 5
Winter Cleaning Phase 6
Winter Cleaning Phase 8
Winter Cleaning Phase 9
Winter Cleaning Phase 12
Wish me luck. :)
Btw, incase you were wondering why I removed Library Book yesterday, it's because I'm returning them today and knew I owuldn't finish. I'll go back when I'm a bit more in order and take them out again.
to track your green
List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Reading Book
Pagan Book
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Belly Dance DVD
Violin Practice
Business Homework
Art History Homework
Film Appreciation Homework
Winter Cleaning Phase 5
Winter Cleaning Phase 6
Winter Cleaning Phase 8
Winter Cleaning Phase 9
Winter Cleaning Phase 12
Wish me luck. :)
Nothing Done Yesterday
Hey guys. Late post today, I was going to post earlier, but I lost my piece of paper for the Art History quiz I bombed on. I guess I'll have to get my butt to work on the next one. But yeah, all that got done was a bit of voice homework that didn't turn out too well. I'm hoping today will be better but no expectations. Hopefully I'll at least get to writing those short stories.
to track your green
List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Reading Book
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Clean Room
Work on Art
Step Aerobics
Art History Homework
Film Appreciation Homework
Business Homework
Winter Cleaning Phase 5
Winter Cleaning Phase 6
Winter Cleaning Phase 8
Winter Cleaning Phase 9
Winter Cleaning Phase 12
Wish me luck. :)
to track your green
List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Reading Book
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Clean Room
Work on Art
Step Aerobics
Art History Homework
Film Appreciation Homework
Business Homework
Winter Cleaning Phase 5
Winter Cleaning Phase 6
Winter Cleaning Phase 8
Winter Cleaning Phase 9
Winter Cleaning Phase 12
Wish me luck. :)
Really Behind
Hey guys. Yesterday wasn't so good. Since I was still suffering from pretty bad con funk. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's when you go to a convention for a weekend, you get maybe a grand total of 8 hours of sleep between when you wake up Friday to when you get home Sunday or later, and you're partying, you're going to panels, you're playing games, you do all the fun stuff you go to a con for, and when you get home, the after effects hit and you crash. I had slept for 17 hours when I got home and probably would have slept all day if my family wasn't so keen on waking me up. I'm really not going to enjoy driving home after any of these. I should probably invest in a night in a cheap cheap CHEAP motel for that.
Anyway, due to that, along with returning near everything I needed to return, all that got done was Gaia Online and Clean Out E-mail. And I really didn't want to clean out my e-mail yesterday but since I didn't do it last week it really really needed to get done. But now I also only have a few hours to learn a song by heart for my voice class. Wish me luck on that. I also can't count those 2 stories as part of my making up the money thing simply because I wont know till 3-5 months from now and I need to get that money asap. So I'll have to figure out something else. I have a short fairy tale to write as well but no one to sell it to. Any ideas on what I should do short of self-publishing? Cause unless I get a lot of people to like a read my work in a short period of time, I can't invest in a long-term thing right now.
to track your eco-friendly
List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Reading Book
Library Book
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Ballet DVD
Violin Practice
Film Appreciation Homework
Art History Homework
Business Homework
Voice Homework
Winter Cleaning Phase 5
Winter Cleaning Phase 6
Winter Cleaning Phase 8
Winter Cleaning Phase 9
Winter Cleaning Phase 12
Wish me luck. :)
Anyway, due to that, along with returning near everything I needed to return, all that got done was Gaia Online and Clean Out E-mail. And I really didn't want to clean out my e-mail yesterday but since I didn't do it last week it really really needed to get done. But now I also only have a few hours to learn a song by heart for my voice class. Wish me luck on that. I also can't count those 2 stories as part of my making up the money thing simply because I wont know till 3-5 months from now and I need to get that money asap. So I'll have to figure out something else. I have a short fairy tale to write as well but no one to sell it to. Any ideas on what I should do short of self-publishing? Cause unless I get a lot of people to like a read my work in a short period of time, I can't invest in a long-term thing right now.
to track your eco-friendly
List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Reading Book
Library Book
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Ballet DVD
Violin Practice
Film Appreciation Homework
Art History Homework
Business Homework
Voice Homework
Winter Cleaning Phase 5
Winter Cleaning Phase 6
Winter Cleaning Phase 8
Winter Cleaning Phase 9
Winter Cleaning Phase 12
Wish me luck. :)
Failed Cotume
Hey guys. Well, my costume was a complete failure. I'll be returning everything that wasn't opened in the costume creation back to the stores and be putting that costume in a storage bag and on hold for the next appropriate theme.
But now that it's post-con I have a lot more money I should be making up so between today and tomorrow, along with everything else I am doing. Shoot me now. But, in addition to the two stories I'll be writing for an action fantasy (I think it's a book collection but it could be a magazine); which I have never written action before, I've always been dialog driven, hopefully they'll like it; I'll also be going back on Elance looking for a job to do as well as anything else I can find on any other site I find. I also have to go to the grocery store today and I am completely out of it right now.
At some point I need to find boxes because me, my sister, and her boyfriend are going to be renting a table at a flee market at some point in the near future. Which is cool that he's in on it too cause it's $10 a day divided 3 ways makes the profit margin much bigger. We're looking for a close day but also a warm day since we don't want to be standing in the cold and we know no one else will either. Which I also need to find stuff for that. So much to do, I'm going to have to create a separate list on my white board.
Lets see, I got to:
Write 2 short action stories.
Look for jobs on elance and any other odd job website I can think of that my parents wont complain about me doing.
Find stuff for the flea market, tags for pricing and such.
Separate stuff I am selling and figure out prices for everything.
Return Un-Opened Costume Material
I'm probably forgetting more I should be doing in that department, but I'm too out of it to think of it right now. So I'll get started on that list.
Edit: I decide to once again do that obnoxious fundraiser thermometer, so here it is so I can visually see how much of a dent I am making.
to track your eco-friendly
List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Webcomic Writing
Reading Book
Library Book
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Clean Out E-Mail
Belly Dance DVD
Youtube Video
Art History Homework
Film Appreciation Homework
Business Homework
Voice Homework
Winter Cleaning Phase 5
Winter Cleaning Phase 6
Winter Cleaning Phase 8
Winter Cleaning Phase 9
Winter Cleaning Phase 12
Wish me luck. :)
But now that it's post-con I have a lot more money I should be making up so between today and tomorrow, along with everything else I am doing. Shoot me now. But, in addition to the two stories I'll be writing for an action fantasy (I think it's a book collection but it could be a magazine); which I have never written action before, I've always been dialog driven, hopefully they'll like it; I'll also be going back on Elance looking for a job to do as well as anything else I can find on any other site I find. I also have to go to the grocery store today and I am completely out of it right now.
At some point I need to find boxes because me, my sister, and her boyfriend are going to be renting a table at a flee market at some point in the near future. Which is cool that he's in on it too cause it's $10 a day divided 3 ways makes the profit margin much bigger. We're looking for a close day but also a warm day since we don't want to be standing in the cold and we know no one else will either. Which I also need to find stuff for that. So much to do, I'm going to have to create a separate list on my white board.
Lets see, I got to:
Write 2 short action stories.
Look for jobs on elance and any other odd job website I can think of that my parents wont complain about me doing.
Find stuff for the flea market, tags for pricing and such.
Separate stuff I am selling and figure out prices for everything.
Return Un-Opened Costume Material
I'm probably forgetting more I should be doing in that department, but I'm too out of it to think of it right now. So I'll get started on that list.
Edit: I decide to once again do that obnoxious fundraiser thermometer, so here it is so I can visually see how much of a dent I am making.
to track your eco-friendly
List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Webcomic Writing
Reading Book
Library Book
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Clean Out E-Mail
Belly Dance DVD
Youtube Video
Art History Homework
Film Appreciation Homework
Business Homework
Voice Homework
Winter Cleaning Phase 5
Winter Cleaning Phase 6
Winter Cleaning Phase 8
Winter Cleaning Phase 9
Winter Cleaning Phase 12
Wish me luck. :)
Hey guys. Well, yesterday was terrible, all that got done was Gaia Online. Well, the time is ticking down for me to finish my costume. So I decided to forget about my list until it's finished. The only other thing I'll do is homework. So until it's finished, I'll be, finishing attaching the third layer of skirt to the rest. Bunching and sewing the third layer. Inserting the drawstring. Sewing the ends of the skirt together. Sew the chemise. Sew the bodice. Find boning or something and make the skirt a hoop skirt. Make prosthetics. Snip my tights. And find wings. ...I'm going to go to bed or back to sewing.
List for today:
Wish me luck.
List for today:
Wish me luck.
Didn't Wake Up Early
Hey guys. I decided not to even try and wake up at 8:30 today. After staying up till 4 pretty much doing nothing but sewing, I knew I wasn't going to get up. As it is, because I've decided to try hand sewing, nothing got done either. Gaia online, Reading Book, and Shower were all that got done.
I had decided to go down the hand sewing route cause I can't find my sewing machine manual and I don't want to keep fighting with it. Actually I think I just realized where it could be. Just checked my thing where I'm keeping manuals, it's not there. So I guess I better spend part of the day looking for it.
List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Reading Book
Library Book
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Europe DVD
Chain Mail
Clean Out Purse
Clean Out Car
Art History Homework
Film Appreciation Homework
Winter Cleaning Phase 5
Winter Cleaning Phase 6
Winter Cleaning Phase 8
Winter Cleaning Phase 9
Winter Cleaning Phase 12
Wish me luck. :)
I had decided to go down the hand sewing route cause I can't find my sewing machine manual and I don't want to keep fighting with it. Actually I think I just realized where it could be. Just checked my thing where I'm keeping manuals, it's not there. So I guess I better spend part of the day looking for it.
List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Reading Book
Library Book
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Europe DVD
Chain Mail
Clean Out Purse
Clean Out Car
Art History Homework
Film Appreciation Homework
Winter Cleaning Phase 5
Winter Cleaning Phase 6
Winter Cleaning Phase 8
Winter Cleaning Phase 9
Winter Cleaning Phase 12
Wish me luck. :)
Woke Up Really Late Yet Again
Hey guys. Once again I woke up much later then I wanted to. I only got up at 2:30. I shouldn't have had that coffee so late cause despite the fact I was tired and didn't want to deal with anything else that night, I had trouble sitting still and falling asleep. Yesterday wasn't that bad of a day to try and get things done though, despite the fact that my sewimg machine was giving me a rather bad day to try and finish my costume. What got done: Gaia Online, Writing: Script, Reading Book, Library Book, and Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice. I finished rereading Overcoming Overspending, and I'm going going to make notes in One year To An Organized Financial Life.
Unfortunately, due to my mom sending me out on errands and going on a clean, do nothing but clean, my stuff is more important then your stuff, I lost a couple hours in the day to try and do more. And it's likely going to happen today when I don't have a couple of hours to give.
List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Reading Book
Library Book
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
New Years Resolutions
LARP Songs
Anime Music Video
Art History Homework
Film Appreciation Homework
Winter Cleaning Phase 5
Winter Cleaning Phase 6
Winter Cleaning Phase 8
Winter Cleaning Phase 9
Winter Cleaning Phase 12
Wish me luck. :)
Unfortunately, due to my mom sending me out on errands and going on a clean, do nothing but clean, my stuff is more important then your stuff, I lost a couple hours in the day to try and do more. And it's likely going to happen today when I don't have a couple of hours to give.
List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Reading Book
Library Book
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
New Years Resolutions
LARP Songs
Anime Music Video
Art History Homework
Film Appreciation Homework
Winter Cleaning Phase 5
Winter Cleaning Phase 6
Winter Cleaning Phase 8
Winter Cleaning Phase 9
Winter Cleaning Phase 12
Wish me luck. :)
Woke Up Only A Little Late
Hey guys. Instead of waking up at 8:30 I woke up at 9:00, so now I have several hours in the day to work. Which hopefully get used on a lot of things, unlike yesterday. It wasn't necessarily bad, but it wasn't a good day either. What got done: Gaia Online, Reading Book, Library Book, Sewing, Shower. I don't really have anything to say, so I better get to it.
List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Reading Book
Library Book
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Study German
Chain Mail
Ballet DVD
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Art History Homework
Film Appreciation Homework
Winter Cleaning Phase 5
Winter Cleaning Phase 6
Winter Cleaning Phase 8
Winter Cleaning Phase 9
Winter Cleaning Phase 12
Wish me luck. :)
List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Reading Book
Library Book
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Study German
Chain Mail
Ballet DVD
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Art History Homework
Film Appreciation Homework
Winter Cleaning Phase 5
Winter Cleaning Phase 6
Winter Cleaning Phase 8
Winter Cleaning Phase 9
Winter Cleaning Phase 12
Wish me luck. :)
Woke Up Really Late
Hey guys. I was hoping to get up at 8:30am today, but I only woke up 15 minuets ago. As it is yesterday was terrible for getting things done. All that got done was Gaia Online, Clean Room, and Film Appreciation. I don't really have anything else to say and my mom's sending me to the store, so I have very little time to get things done today.
List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Reading Book
Library Book
Pagan Book
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Belly Dance DVD
Violin Practice
Art History Homework
Film Appreciation Homework
Winter Cleaning Phase 5
Winter Cleaning Phase 6
Winter Cleaning Phase 8
Winter Cleaning Phase 9
Winter Cleaning Phase 12
Wish me luck. :)
List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Reading Book
Library Book
Pagan Book
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Belly Dance DVD
Violin Practice
Art History Homework
Film Appreciation Homework
Winter Cleaning Phase 5
Winter Cleaning Phase 6
Winter Cleaning Phase 8
Winter Cleaning Phase 9
Winter Cleaning Phase 12
Wish me luck. :)
I Hate Wensdays
Hey guys. Had to get up earlier then normal today cause I got to go pick up my parents from the train station in an hour. Yesterday sucked to get things done, with only Gaia Online Updates, Reading Book, and Winter Cleaning Phase 7 getting done. I don't really have much else to say except, I hate Wednesdays, well, more today for waking up so god damn early.
List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Reading Book
Library Book
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Clean Room
Work on Art
Step Aerobics
Art History Homework
Film Appreciation Homework
Winter Cleaning Phase 5
Winter Cleaning Phase 6
Winter Cleaning Phase 8
Winter Cleaning Phase 9
Winter Cleaning Phase 12
Wish me luck. :)
List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Reading Book
Library Book
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Clean Room
Work on Art
Step Aerobics
Art History Homework
Film Appreciation Homework
Winter Cleaning Phase 5
Winter Cleaning Phase 6
Winter Cleaning Phase 8
Winter Cleaning Phase 9
Winter Cleaning Phase 12
Wish me luck. :)
Test Today
Hey guys. I woke up later then I wants to again today, at least I didn't over sleep since I have a test in Film Appreciation today. Which makes me wish I had done my homework, but at least I got the definitions down. What got done:
Gaia Online, Writing: Book, Writing: Script, Reading Book, Library Book, 1/2 Brush Teeth, Clean Out E-mail, Sewing, German, Business Homework, Winter Cleaning Phases 2 and 4.
At least I got a great deal done yesterday and earned a bit of honey again. :) Though I wish I had checked if the file separator was going to fit in the drawer or not, cause I already opened it before I tried to fit it in. Had I checked first, I could have returned it. :( Oh well, c'est la vie.
List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Reading Book
Library Book
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Ballet DVD
Violin Practice
Film Appreciation Homework
Art History Homework
Winter Cleaning Phase 5
Winter Cleaning Phase 6
Winter Cleaning Phase 7
Winter Cleaning Phase 8
Winter Cleaning Phase 9
Winter Cleaning Phase 12
Wish me luck. :)
Gaia Online, Writing: Book, Writing: Script, Reading Book, Library Book, 1/2 Brush Teeth, Clean Out E-mail, Sewing, German, Business Homework, Winter Cleaning Phases 2 and 4.
At least I got a great deal done yesterday and earned a bit of honey again. :) Though I wish I had checked if the file separator was going to fit in the drawer or not, cause I already opened it before I tried to fit it in. Had I checked first, I could have returned it. :( Oh well, c'est la vie.
List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Reading Book
Library Book
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Ballet DVD
Violin Practice
Film Appreciation Homework
Art History Homework
Winter Cleaning Phase 5
Winter Cleaning Phase 6
Winter Cleaning Phase 7
Winter Cleaning Phase 8
Winter Cleaning Phase 9
Winter Cleaning Phase 12
Wish me luck. :)
Woke Up Late...Yet Again
Hey guys. Yes I woke up late again, I think the power surged as I was trying to get up so I fell back asleep. But yesterday I was out at the Hong Kong Super Market and hanging out with my friend Risa the vast majority of the day. We watched Kickassia and Plan 9 From Outer Space. So all that got done yesterday was: Gaia Online, Clean Out Purse, Film Appreciation Homework, and Business Homework.
List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Webcomic Writing
Reading Book
Library Book
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Clean Out E-Mail
Belly Dance DVD
Youtube Video
Art History Homework
Film Appreciation Homework
Business Homework
Winter Cleaning Phase 2
Winter Cleaning Phase 4
Winter Cleaning Phase 5
Winter Cleaning Phase 6
Winter Cleaning Phase 7
Winter Cleaning Phase 8
Winter Cleaning Phase 9
Winter Cleaning Phase 12
Wish me luck. :)
List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Webcomic Writing
Reading Book
Library Book
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Clean Out E-Mail
Belly Dance DVD
Youtube Video
Art History Homework
Film Appreciation Homework
Business Homework
Winter Cleaning Phase 2
Winter Cleaning Phase 4
Winter Cleaning Phase 5
Winter Cleaning Phase 6
Winter Cleaning Phase 7
Winter Cleaning Phase 8
Winter Cleaning Phase 9
Winter Cleaning Phase 12
Wish me luck. :)
Woke Up Late Again
Hey guys. Well, after that late night I had last night, I didn't get up quite so early today. I was up till 3 am but at least I got a good amount done, this is the first time in a long time that I earned a bit of honey. What got done:
Gaia Online, Writing: Book, Writing: Script, Reading Book, Library Book, 1/2 Brush Teeth, New Years Resolutions, Shower, Art History Homework, Film Appreciation Homework, Business Homework, Voice Homework, Winter Cleaning Phase 3.
I didn't get all I wanted to get done yesterday done, but at least it's still a lot.
List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Reading Book
Library Book
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Europe DVD
Chain Mail
Clean Out Purse
Clean Out Car
Art History Homework
Film Appreciation Homework
Business Homework
Winter Cleaning Phase 2
Winter Cleaning Phase 4
Winter Cleaning Phase 5
Winter Cleaning Phase 6
Winter Cleaning Phase 7
Winter Cleaning Phase 8
Winter Cleaning Phase 9
Winter Cleaning Phase 12
Wish me luck. :)
Gaia Online, Writing: Book, Writing: Script, Reading Book, Library Book, 1/2 Brush Teeth, New Years Resolutions, Shower, Art History Homework, Film Appreciation Homework, Business Homework, Voice Homework, Winter Cleaning Phase 3.
I didn't get all I wanted to get done yesterday done, but at least it's still a lot.
List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Reading Book
Library Book
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Europe DVD
Chain Mail
Clean Out Purse
Clean Out Car
Art History Homework
Film Appreciation Homework
Business Homework
Winter Cleaning Phase 2
Winter Cleaning Phase 4
Winter Cleaning Phase 5
Winter Cleaning Phase 6
Winter Cleaning Phase 7
Winter Cleaning Phase 8
Winter Cleaning Phase 9
Winter Cleaning Phase 12
Wish me luck. :)
Woke Up Ealier, Still Later
Hey guys. I was hoping to get up at 8:30 today, but 10:30 is good too. Yesterday was pretty good for getting things done. Gaia Online, Reading Book, Library Book, 1/2 Brush Teeth, Study German, Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice. I wanted to get Winter Cleaning Phase 3 done, but the folder I got while I was running errands wont be enough, I'll have to go get another one that'll be easier to close and keep close other then a weak magnet. If you see a black and light pink organizer, that's it's big flaw.
List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Reading Book
Library Book
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
New Years Resolutions
LARP Songs
Anime Music Video
Art History Homework
Film Appreciation Homework
Business Homework
Voice Homework
Winter Cleaning Phase 2
Winter Cleaning Phase 3
Winter Cleaning Phase 4
Winter Cleaning Phase 5
Winter Cleaning Phase 6
Winter Cleaning Phase 7
Winter Cleaning Phase 8
Winter Cleaning Phase 9
Winter Cleaning Phase 12
Wish me luck. :)
List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Reading Book
Library Book
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
New Years Resolutions
LARP Songs
Anime Music Video
Art History Homework
Film Appreciation Homework
Business Homework
Voice Homework
Winter Cleaning Phase 2
Winter Cleaning Phase 3
Winter Cleaning Phase 4
Winter Cleaning Phase 5
Winter Cleaning Phase 6
Winter Cleaning Phase 7
Winter Cleaning Phase 8
Winter Cleaning Phase 9
Winter Cleaning Phase 12
Wish me luck. :)
Woke Up Late
Hey guys. Thanks to all my errands yesterday, I didn't do much on my actual list. Just Gaia Online, Reading Book, Library Book. But after all my errands, I have stuff to complete some of the winter cleaning on my list. So at least it's a bit more productive. I spent like 5 hours yesterday running errands and by the time I was done, I was completely worn down.
List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Reading Book
Library Book
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Study German
Chain Mail
Ballet DVD
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Art History Homework
Film Appreciation Homework
Business Homework
Voice Homework
Winter Cleaning Phase 2
Winter Cleaning Phase 3
Winter Cleaning Phase 4
Winter Cleaning Phase 5
Winter Cleaning Phase 6
Winter Cleaning Phase 7
Winter Cleaning Phase 8
Winter Cleaning Phase 9
Winter Cleaning Phase 12
Wish me luck. :)
List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Reading Book
Library Book
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Study German
Chain Mail
Ballet DVD
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Art History Homework
Film Appreciation Homework
Business Homework
Voice Homework
Winter Cleaning Phase 2
Winter Cleaning Phase 3
Winter Cleaning Phase 4
Winter Cleaning Phase 5
Winter Cleaning Phase 6
Winter Cleaning Phase 7
Winter Cleaning Phase 8
Winter Cleaning Phase 9
Winter Cleaning Phase 12
Wish me luck. :)
Parents Gone
Hey guys. Yesterday didn't go over so well, all that got done was Gaia Online, Clean Room, and Shower. I had every intention of getting things done when I got home, but I ended up procrastinating most of the time with watching a webcast and playing games on Gaia. I just came back from dropping my parents off at the air port. I got one or two, maybe more errands to run but otherwise, I got all day to do everything.
List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Reading Book
Library Book
Pagan Book
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Belly Dance DVD
Violin Practice
Art History Homework
Film Appreciation Homework
Business Homework
Voice Homework
Winter Cleaning Phase 2
Winter Cleaning Phase 3
Winter Cleaning Phase 4
Winter Cleaning Phase 5
Winter Cleaning Phase 6
Winter Cleaning Phase 7
Winter Cleaning Phase 8
Winter Cleaning Phase 9
Winter Cleaning Phase 12
Wish me luck. :)
List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Reading Book
Library Book
Pagan Book
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Belly Dance DVD
Violin Practice
Art History Homework
Film Appreciation Homework
Business Homework
Voice Homework
Winter Cleaning Phase 2
Winter Cleaning Phase 3
Winter Cleaning Phase 4
Winter Cleaning Phase 5
Winter Cleaning Phase 6
Winter Cleaning Phase 7
Winter Cleaning Phase 8
Winter Cleaning Phase 9
Winter Cleaning Phase 12
Wish me luck. :)
Busy Busy Day
Hey guys. Yesterday didn't go over so well, I only got Gaia Online Updates done. After going to the grocery store, twice, a full day of classes, little sleep, and staring at what else I had to do by the time I got home at 10pm, I was too tired to do anything else. Hopefully today will be much different, I'm done by 5 today even if I had to wake up early...I really need to find out where that caffeine gum is hiding.
List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Reading Book
Library Book
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Clean Room
Work on Art
Step Aerobics
Art History Homework
Film Appreciation Homework
Business Homework
Voice Homework
Winter Cleaning Phase 2
Winter Cleaning Phase 3
Winter Cleaning Phase 4
Winter Cleaning Phase 5
Winter Cleaning Phase 6
Winter Cleaning Phase 7
Winter Cleaning Phase 8
Winter Cleaning Phase 9
Winter Cleaning Phase 12
Wish me luck. :)
List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Reading Book
Library Book
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Clean Room
Work on Art
Step Aerobics
Art History Homework
Film Appreciation Homework
Business Homework
Voice Homework
Winter Cleaning Phase 2
Winter Cleaning Phase 3
Winter Cleaning Phase 4
Winter Cleaning Phase 5
Winter Cleaning Phase 6
Winter Cleaning Phase 7
Winter Cleaning Phase 8
Winter Cleaning Phase 9
Winter Cleaning Phase 12
Wish me luck. :)
Hey guys. It's Feburary, and I got a lot to do. It's Feburary which means that today is the last day I can pick up a text book. It's Feburary which means I only have 17 days to finish that costume. I was going to work on it yesterday but I didn't feel like figuring out how to attach the shorter piece to the longer piece after the day I had had. So all that got done was Gaia Online and Clean out E-mail. Well, considering I do still have class unlike what I was hoping, I better get to work.
List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Reading Book
Library Book
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Ballet DVD
Violin Practice
Film Appreciation Homework
Business Homework
Winter Cleaning Phase 2
Winter Cleaning Phase 3
Winter Cleaning Phase 4
Winter Cleaning Phase 5
Winter Cleaning Phase 6
Winter Cleaning Phase 7
Winter Cleaning Phase 8
Winter Cleaning Phase 9
Winter Cleaning Phase 12
Wish me luck. :)
List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Reading Book
Library Book
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Ballet DVD
Violin Practice
Film Appreciation Homework
Business Homework
Winter Cleaning Phase 2
Winter Cleaning Phase 3
Winter Cleaning Phase 4
Winter Cleaning Phase 5
Winter Cleaning Phase 6
Winter Cleaning Phase 7
Winter Cleaning Phase 8
Winter Cleaning Phase 9
Winter Cleaning Phase 12
Wish me luck. :)
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