Getting Back On Track

Hey guys. Yesterday was a pretty good day to get stuff done despite major problems with finishing my late assignment for TV Production class. Set me back many hours to try and get it to be right.

What got done: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice, Gaia Guild, Webcomic Writing, Library Book, Violin For Dummies, Japanese Study, TV Production Homework, History Homework, 1/2 Brush Teeth, Clean Room, Shower.

What didn't get done: Writing, World of Warcraft Emblem/Leveling, Japanese Homework, Computer Literacy Homework, 1/2 Brush Teeth, Work on Art.

So a good amount more of things got done then didn't get done. I feel like I'm finally back to the grove of getting things done.

I found out a few days ago that the Rickshaw was a Japanese invention, so I wrote down the original Japanese name; Jinrikisha and the invention year 1869. Which is 120 years before I was born, so a Rickshaw is around 141 years old.

I don't have much time before this semester ends and I need to really spend a lot of time catching up on my Computer Literacy class, studying for Japanese class test, and editing the final project and the missing labs and exercises for my TV Production class.

Once I'm finished with classes, I'll be reassessing some projects that have been on the side line since Spring Cleaning. Hopefully by then I'll have an idea of how much time will be taken from my day from the last science class over the summer and my either one or two jobs.

List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblem / Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
TV Production Homework
History Homework
Belly Dance DVD
Violin Practice
Work on Doll

Wish me luck. :)

Down Yesterday

hey guys. I wasn't feeling to well yesterday and probably wont feel very good today. I'm not going to go into the details, just that it's a usual sickness I get a few days after a few days.

What got done: Hiragana/Katakana Practice, Gaia Guild, Webcomic Writing, Library Book, TV Production Homework, Violin Practice.

What didn't get done: Vocabulary, Writing, Violin For Dummies, Japanese Study, Japanese Homework, Computer Literacy Homework, History Homework, Brush Teeht, Ballet DVD.

My job might be starting after this weekend rather then a few weeks, and that is always good. :)

List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblem / Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
TV Production Homework
History Homework
Clean Room
Work on Art

Wish me luck. :)

Great Day Yesterday

Hey guys. Yesterday went pretty well.

What got done: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice, Gaia Guild, Webcomic Writing, Library Book, World of Warcraft Emblem/Leveling, Japanese Study, Japanese Homework, Public Speaking Homework, Clean E-Mail, Shower.

What didn't get done: Writing, Violin For Dummies, Computer Literacy Homework, TV Production Homework, History Homework, Brush Teeth, Belly Dance DVD.

This morning was a bad morning to wake up, but hopefully I'll be getting back on track with that too.

I got an hour before I have to go so I should probably get started.

List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblem / Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
TV Production Homework
History Homework
Ballet DVD
Violin Practice

Wish me luck.

Picking Up

Hey guys. Yesterday went alright though it would have been much better if I started earlier then 10pm.

What got done: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice, Gaia Guild, Webcomic Writing, Library Book, History Homework, Clean Purse.

What didn't get done: Writing, Violin For Dummies, World of Warcraft Emblem/Leveling, Japanese Study, Japanese Homework, Computer Literacy Homework, TV Production Homework, Public Speaking Homework, Brush Teeth, Violin Practice, Clean Car, Shower.

So there's still a decent amount more that didn't get done then got done but at least I dented it.

I truly think that the reason why I've been putting so much off is because it's crunch time and I'm currently feeling like I'm biting off more then I can chew. But I got a plan, and I need to stick with it.

List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblem / Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Public Speaking Homework
TV Production Homework
History Homework
Belly Dance DVD
Clean E-Mail

Wish me luck.

Dragging Along

Hey guys. Yesterday was alright all things considered, I got: Hiragana/Katakana Practice, Library Book, World Of Warcraft Emblem/Leveling, History Homework.

I really need to figure out why I am losing focus easily.

I don't think i have anything interesting to say today though.

List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblem / Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Public Speaking Homework
TV Production Homework
History Homework
Violin Practice
Clean Car
Clean Purse

Wish me luck.

On And Off Need To Be Back On

Hey guys. This week has been completely on and off with me. I've either been focused on one project, or I've been feeling to tired to do anything, or generally forgetting to post on this blog, and I've learned that if I don't post, I don't do anything anytime I've ever not posted. And considering it's crunch time at school, that's not good to slack off. But maybe I'm slacking because it's crunch time, maybe I feel like there's a little too much to chew? And because I feel likes there's too much to chew, I don't even try? I hope that is it because identifying the problem is half the battle.

Well, at any rate, I need to get to work. Once I finish in 2 weeks, I'll only have one class and 1-2 jobs to deal with along with my small projects instead of 5 classes with constant looming due dates along with the small projects. I'm hoping that because I'll be working and because I'll be trying to swim twice a week, that that'll sharpen my dulled mind a bit.

List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblem / Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Public Speaking Homework
TV Production Homework
History Homework
New Years Resolutions
Violin Practice

Wish me luck.

Bad Spot Right Now

Hey guys. In a nut shell all that got done yesterday was: Webcomic Writing, Japanese Homework, TV Production Homework. I don't exactly have time right now as I have napped for 2 hrs longer then I should have and I got to get in early to try and finish my late project. So I need to get right to stuff.

List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblem / Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
TV Production Homework
History Homework
Clean Room

Wish Me Luck.

Up And Down

Hey guys. Yesterday was not as good as Sunday was. Only a few things got done.

What got done: Gaia Guild, Library Book, World of Warcraft Emblem/Leveling, TV Production Homework, History Homework, Clean E-mail.

What didn't get done: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice, Writing, Webcomic Writing, Violin For Dummies, Japanese Study, Japanese Homework, Computer Literacy Homework, Brush Teeth, Belly Dance DVD.

I need to try and finish the TV Production project before it's more then 2 weeks late.

I don't know if i have anything else interesting to say.

List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblem / Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Public Speaking Homework
TV Production Homework
History Homework
Violin Practice
Ballet DVD

Wish me luck. :)

Back On Track

Hey guys. I'm starting to get back on track, even with weight watchers.

What got done: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice, Gaia Guild, Japanese Homework, Public Speaking Homework, Library book, Clean Purse, Shower, World of Warcraft Emblem/Leveling.

What didn't get done: Writing, Webcomic Writing, Violin For Dummies, Japanese Study, Computer Literacy Homework, History Homework, Sewing, Violin Practice, Clean Car, 1/2 Brush Teeth.

So it's roughly equal of what didn't and did get done.

I got a call today saying my orientation is scheduled May 15th at 1pm, which means I'll be broke about another 2 months. But afterwords, I wont be broke anymore. :) I need to make a savings chart for all my Conventions and LARPs in the future.

I spent about 2 hours doing errands because my mom and sister realized they didn't have the ingredients they needed, twice, after my first initial run to the store. I also had to go to the library real quick and ended up picking up a cd and another book from there.

List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblem / Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Public Speaking Homework
TV Production Homework
History Homework
Clean Out E-Mail
Belly Dance DVD

Wish me luck. :)

Picking It Up

Hey guys, as you may or may not have noticed the last few weeks I was really slacking. Well last night I was starting to pick things up again. Although currently I think the quantity of homework that has built up is making me feel a bit overwhelmed. So I wrote down all the homework I have for Japanese, Computer Literacy, Public Speaking, and History. Since TV Production currently I more need to get filming for a project 2 weeks late and write a script for the next project then anything else. So with it laid down like it is, hopefully, I'll have an easier time doing the homework in more doable chunks.

What got done: Hiragana/Katakana Practice, Gaia Guild, Violin For Dummies, Library Book, Computer Literacy Homework, Violin Practice, Clean Room.

What didn't get done: Vocabulary Practice, Writing, Webcomic Writing, Japanese Study, Japanese Homework, Computer Literacy Homework, Public Speaking Homework, TV Production Homework, History Homework, Sewing, New Years Resolutions.

So more things didn't get done then got done, but at least it's a start to getting back on track.

I'm currently debating whether to start over again in the Violin For Dummies Book since I need to reread rereread rerereread, etc, the sections on notes and beats until it sinks in, otherwise, I wont be able to read the sheet music for the numerous songs it wants me to do. I'll look over that section in the meantime.

My mom suggested this and I am going to try putting it into practice. I am a slob with myself. I rarely remember to brush my teeth or take a shower every other day. So those are now on my list as necessary.

Yesterday I tried to get some business done at the Old Bridge Public Library only to find out it closes a 5pm on Saturdays, is it just me or dose 5pm seems awfully early for a place where teenagers like to meet up before going somewhere and chit chat? And people still take out books? And use the library's computers?

Well, I don't think I have anything else to say at the moment.

List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblem / Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Public Speaking Homework
TV Production Homework
History Homework
Violin Practice
Clean Car
Clean Purse

Wish me luck. :)


I've been tired for a bit, and so ill focused. I need to figure out what it is and make up a cure, maybe it's because the last few weeks my diet and exercise has been lacking. In which case, I really need to get back on track on weight watchers. I feel so bloated lately too. :(

I found a job yesterday. :) I'm the person who records people doing the Dare Devil Dive at Six Flags and then sell the tape, or they might do DVD now. I don't know exactly when I am starting.

I don't think I have anything else to say and I don't like how I had to retype this. Y'know how you'll only remember the summary and it comes out badly when you have to retype a paper or something?

Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblem / Leveling
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Public Speaking Homework
TV Production Homework
History Homework
Violin Practice
New Years Resolution
Clean Room (Doing until cleaned for next Wednesday)

Wish me luck.


Hey guys, I've still been dragging, but slowly but surely I'm starting to get back on track. Although I didn't post yesterday, I did start on my room although it's no where near done. I need to do it off weekly schedule because it's such a mess so I wouldn't be able to do anything. Tomorrow I have a job interview as a body artist at Six Flags. I don't even recall if I picked that, but if I did, what the hell was I thinking? I'm not the artist in the family. Well, at least it's something, though I've heard except for the rides and the friends free, Six Flags doesn't treat their employees well. I think it's a cover. Probably beat Walmart though.

Today I picked up my book Organizing From the Inside Out and already reached my daily quota. I'll be posting a review when I am finished with it.

Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblem / Leveling
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Public Speaking Homework
TV Production Homework
History Homework
Job Search
Violin Practice
Belly Dance DVD
Clean Room (Doing until cleaned for next wensday)

Wish me luck.

Lagging Behind

Hey guys. Yesterday I posted on my blog a list of things to do, and I didn't do anything at all. Although the mere fact I'm blogging again is helping. So now I'm falling behind on my school work and stuff and I need to start working on catching up. I need to make a big list and check off for things I still need to do. And that bad part is that it's 8:15 pm that I am posting this so I have a smaller window of time then I'd like. And I'm still recovering from hiking all weekend but nearly recovered.

List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Library Book/Reading Book (Depending)
World of Warcraft Emblem / Leveling
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Public Speaking Homework
TV Production Homework
History Homework
Job Search
Violin Practice
(not doing Ballet DVD due to legs)

Wish me luck.


Hey guys, after Saturday I got in a major procrastination funk. Until Monday I literally just sat around and watched my ebay stuff. Monday I changed direction because there was no possible way I could make it to OH. Maybe next year I'll meet Killit and Damnit. But I did make it to a LARP this weekend and am currently recovering from the amount of times I had to go up and downhill to get to my cabin. Totally worth it. :)

But unfortunately I'm now really behind on all my homework and projects. So I got to spend a lot of time tonight trying to get back on track. It doesn't help that I was asleep until 11:30 and was zoned out until 2:30 and then zoned again until 3:30.

Tuesday was my birthday. So Happy 21st Birthday to me. I need to find someplace for a good Pina Colada to try and get myself a taste for alcohol. I ate at Cheeseburger Cheeseburger and got my cake from Sams Club before I had to go to school.

I'm putting up notes for myself for the next time I go to a LARP:
1) 2 layers of sleeping bag and MUST remember cape
2) Food is not necessary
3) Mary Jane slippers are not good LARP shoes when there's pebbles everywhere
4) Remake buffer weapon, currently the open cell foam is not correct and some of the foam didn't wrap around right so there's pipe sticking out under the duct tape.
5) Find leather or chain mail for cheap for armor points. I could easily be killed in 2 hits.
6) Work on correct Romanian accent, I came out with more of a German accent.
7) Must create purse for tissues and money

I'm not sure if I have much else to say, but I should probably get going on my list anyway. My sister is about to get out of class in 25 min.

List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblem / Leveling
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Public Speaking Homework
TV Production Homework
Job Search
Clean Out E-mail
(I'm not doing Belly Dance DVD because of my legs)

Wish me luck.


Hey guys, yesterday was pretty bad once I got home. All that got done was: Hiragana/Katakana Practice, Gaia guild, and World of Warcraft Emblem/Level. I have no idea why. It's already 2pm too and I didn't wake up until like 12:30pm today.

Currently I'm working on trying to get money for LARP by selling old text books and literature books on Ebay. I need to raise around $200 before April 8th.

I don't have mcuh else itneresting to say today.

List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblem / Leveling
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Public Speaking Homework
TV Production Homework
Job Search
LARP Reading for Character History (The LARP is April 9th) (Currently the odds of it happening are very slim, but I still want to try)
New Year Resolution Record
Violin practice

Wish me luck.

Driving Through The Funk

Hey guys. yesterday was an alright time to get things done. I got a 6 pack of peanut butter eggs that I have to share with my family, so I am currently using those for my small reward.

What got done: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice, Gaia Guild, Webcomic Writing, Violin For Dummies, World of Warcraft Emblem/Leveling, Japanese Study, Japanese Homework, Computer Literacy Homework, Job Search, Public Speaking Homework.

What didn't get done: Writing, Library Book, LARP, Belly Dance DVD, Violin Practice, Doll.

So I got a good amount done, but I still need to work hard.

You might notice I am posting late today, I was out running errands today. I got up about when I wanted to get up so I managed to get everything done in a decent amount of time.

I don't think I have anything interesting to say right now.

List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblem / Leveling
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Public Speaking Homework
TV Production Homework
Job Search
LARP Reading for Character History (The LARP is April 9th) (Currently the odds of it happening are very slim, but I still want to try)
Ballet DVD

Wish me luck

Why am I tired?

That's what I want to know. Why am I always tired? I guess yesterday I didn't really eat anything so that could have been it. Today, my self discipline was low, I was about to get up at 9:30 until for some reason in my head I said to myself screw it. I don't know why i did knowing that I have a lot I have to do today.

So basically:

What got done: Hiragana/Katakana, Gaia Guild, Violin For Dummies, World of Warcraft Emblems/Level (explain later), Viking Project, History Homework, Clean Room.

What didn't get done: Vocabulary Practice, Writing, Webcomic Writing, Library Book, LARP stuff, Japanese Study, Japanese Homework, Job Search, Work on Art.

I know I should be happy that I even did so much, but I can't help but feel disappointed I didn't do a tad more, especially since I went to bed early to try and wake up on time which almost happened, but didn't. Maybe it's because I stopped having honey to slow my consumption on what I have left for my small rewards for getting around half this stuff done? I plan on buying more when i find a job, but I need something till then, otherwise I have nothing to look forward to except the completion check and apparently that's not enough. I'll figure out something.

About the Emblems and Leveling. I find out from my boyfriend that I only need frost emblems right now, the only way I can do that with the random system currently is one at a time. Yeah, I can just do those Lich King instances, but I don't want to do those day after day after day. But I don't want a 2 to be just one instance a day. So I decided to combine it with leveling another character I have who is a Drenai Mage. One level a day until it becomes too much, then I'll figure out something else.

I thought someone stole my stuff yesterday. Which would have really really have been bad. That stuff had my laptop, my school books, my library books, my reading books, everything I need for that day to get my stuff done. I was having a panic attack and crying as I was filling out the police report. I thought I was going to faint several times. Luckily, it turns out I was just on the other side of the library and everything was still there. So good news for me. :)

List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblem / Leveling
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
History Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Public Speaking Homework
Job Search
LARP Reading for Character History (The LARP is April 9th)
Violin Practice
Belly Dance DVD

Wish me luck.