Hopeful Sunday?

Hey guys. Didn't get much done yesterday but slightly more then what got done Friday. Basically I did my Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary practice, reading violin for dummies, library book reading, my Japanese homework, and new year resolutions progress reports.

Of course, while I was doing my spring cleaning I ended up growing my list. And my procrastination book didn't help either. Nor did my new years resolutions. So in addition to my other work I've got loose concepts of: Finishing DVD Covers, Learning Social Networking, Reorganizing My Drawers, Refreshing on Business Etiquette, coming up with idea for the AnimeNext Table Top Game Room, Learning HTML, coming up with Film/Video Ideas I can do right now, reading my Career in Film book, and reorganize myself in general.

So now I need to organize these new goals:

Finishing DVD Covers: Lets make this on Saturdays whenever possible
Learning Social Networking: 1 Website a day just like my viking project
Reorganizing Drawers: Lets make is really spring cleaning by making it done on March 20th
Refreshing on Business Etiquette: 1 Website a day until well known
AnimeNext Table Top Room: 1 new idea day
HTML: 1 Website A Day
Film/Video ideas: 1 idea a week
Reading Career in Film Book: After finishing either Violin for Dummies, Current Book, or Library Books
Reorganize Myself: Wednesday with cleaning my room


Yesterday I finished scanning pictures from my sketch books for my webcomic. I'll be uploading them soon. I also wont be scanning gain until I have enough conceptual art to last me a few days of scanning anytime soon. Which is, unfortunately for me, another thing I have to do. I am going to make a goal of 5 pieces of conceptual art a day. The sketch above was drawn by my friend Risa Peirce, a talented artist.

Well I should be doing my list:
Social Networking
Business Etiquette
Table Top Room Ideas
Film/Video Ideas
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
((Violin For Dummies Reading is being held off until next practice due to current section))
Reading Books
Library Book Reading
World of Warcraft Emblems
Homework: TV Production Reading Chapters 3-4 (Due Tuesday for Wednesday Class)
Homework: TV Production Editing Lab (Due Tuesday for Wednesday Class)
Homework: Public Speaking Show And Tell (Due Monday for class Tuesday)
Homework: History Traditions and Encounters Reading Pages 25-41 & 43-51
Homework: History Viking Project Website Reading
Anime Music Video First Draft (8 out of 9 DVD are done, doing the 9th now and should be able to do the first draft after it's done)
Clean Out Purse

HOLY!! That's one big list. D: It's almost 12:30pm, and I'll go and get lunch before I start. Wish me luck. :(

Yesterdy was terrible, today is bad

Hey guys, I didn't really do anything yesterday. I spent a good chunk of time getting my new used car which might end up being returned and we may or may not be getting a loan to get em a slightly better car. Basically the only things that got done was Hiragana, Katakana, and Scanning Pictures. I did also start ripping videos for my Anime Music Video. The first DVD needs to be redone because there's subtitles on it. Death Note is not one of those high action animes, there's A LOT of dialog in it. I am going to continue working on it today and hopefully by Wednesday have a first draft. Well, it's 6:48pm as I am typing this so I should shut up and get to work. I also decided last night to eliminate my midnight deadline and move it to 2am just in case I get something that throws a wrench in.

List For Today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Scan Pictures
Violin For Dummies Reading
Reading A Book
Library Book Reading
World of Warcraft Emblems
Homework TV Production Book
Homework TV Production Editing Lab
Japanese Homework Work Book
Japanese Homework Dittos
History Homework Reading
Viking Project Website Reading
Spring Cleaning
Anime Music Video Ripping/Editing
New Years Resolutions Updates

Gah! Another big list even though it's Saturday. Wish me luck. :(


Yep, it's TGIF day. Thank goodness it's Friday. No classes today, though I am picking up my new used car today! :D Which hopefully means monday I can go out and look for jobs.

Ok, today, some old things and some new things:

Old Things:

As seem my good stream so far, I do a grand bulk of my list. I probably would have gotten everything done if it weren't for the grocery store trip taking a huge chunk of my time once again. I probably would have even had another 30min-45min to work with if I didn't have a problem getting home. There was a long road block because someone's house caught fire. D: I hope no one was in there! Though today there is nothing special to report about my to do list.

Did: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary, Some Gaia Guild Updates, Scan Pictures, Violin For Dummies Reading, Library Book Reading (Which has given me new wind, a relook at my perspective, and new ideas for things that need done), Viking Project Website, Violin Practice, Doll.

Didn't Do: World of Warcraft Emblems, Belly Dance DVD (Which admittedly I could have done if I weren't role playing online with my friend Claire), Reading Book, Writing.

The end of the month is coming up fast, and I need to pick something to cook and cook it. Though before I do, I am going to give myself more options and write down the new recipes I've found that I wanted to try.

I also need to do a little bit of slight spring cleaning. Which is what I am going to call it on my blog list. I need to replace the index cards I have made with a to do list since that seems to be what I have been doing more. I need to move my paper file to somewhere where it's not pretty much hidden, out of sight out of mind kind of thing. I also need to get back on track with weight watchers and double check what we have in this house that's wight watchers friendly. It's been seeming that my favorite excuse is that there's not enough weight watcher friendly stuff around. I am sure this book is going to give me more ideas of what I need to do, but for now, that's it.

I seem to always be doing something now a days, but it'll be the weekend soon and I shouldn't be doing much then. :)

At my current rate of reading, I should have a review up about the book I took out of the library in 3-5 days. Maybe 6 if I am lazy. And then move on to my other book for review and notes.

Well, it's 10:45, I should probably get to my list before it gets any later, i don't know how long picking up the car is going to take.

List for today:
Spring Cleaning
Ballet DVD
Sewing (need to catch up on it and sew something else)
Gaia Guild Updates
Scan Pictures
Violin For Dummies Reading
Reading a Book
World Of Warcraft Emblems (I've decided to make my time limit for this alone at 2am due to the sheer length of time it requires)
Library Book Reading
TV Production Homework (Due Tuesday For Wednesday Class)
Japanese Homework (Due Monday for Tuesday Class)
History Homework (Due Tuesday For Wednesday Class)
Viking Project Website Reading/Note Taking
*edit* I looked at my gaia procrastination guild and found I am also way behind on making my Anime Music Video, so I need to catch up with that.

DAAAANG I got a big list, oh well, better get started.

Late Thursdays

Hey guys. Another day where I "borrow" a picture I took of my bento from my mom's blog An American In Bento. That day I made a cheese omelet. Added 2 fried vegetable samosas. Little hint while making these, their definitely worth the extra fat to have it fried. It's soft and yummy instead of hard and kind of burnt. And some grapes, vegetables, and a japanese pudding filled marshmallow.

I decided to show my favorite piece of art from yesterday. It's a concept design for my webcomic. I still got a lot of work to do on art though. I created it based off a monster from the Monster Manual in Dungeons and Dragons 3.5. I'm already thinking of what it's like for her culturally. :) Most of my other ones didn't turn out so well, I definitely need to start working on eyes.

As for what got done yesterday:
Done: Few Updates for Gaia Guilds, Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice, Scanning the Pictures, 20 pages of book reading (I am thinking of lowering my goal so I am putting it up), Clean Room, Japanese Homework, and obviously the Art.
Didn't Do/Didn't Finish: Writing, World of Warcraft Emblems (I only got 4 of 10 :().

Overall I'm somewhat happy with my progress so far. But now I've added other things to challenge me.

I've decided to make a daily goal in reading my library books so I can get the review up here faster. I've got more homework to do. I now have a MANDATORY goal in one of my writings rather then a loose one. For the webcomic at least 10 lines a day. Since I have a bigger project to do in history class about Vikings. I need to research at least 1 website a day until I have enough information to actually start on my project.

I hope these goals will be meet. :)

I am still looking for suggestions on how to make my blog more interesting.

List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Scan Pictures
Reading Books
Reading Library Books (Yes, their going to be separate, I have a lot of reading to do now, and for reference, Library Books are under the time limit, the book I am reading for a slightly pressured leisure is not.)
Reading Violin For Dummies (Yes I am making that a goal too, at least 5 pages a day)
World Of Warcraft Emblems
Belly Dance DVD
Violin Practice
Homework: TV Production: Editing Lab (Due Tuesday for Wednesday)
Homework: TV Production: Book Chapters (Due Tuesday for Wednesday)
Homework: History: Book Reading (Due Tuesday for Wensday)
Homework: Viking Project: 1 Website Minimum

GAH! That's a lot of stuff and I have to go to the grocery store today. :( Wish me luck. I'll need it.

I hate Wensdays!

Hey guys, once again I have to borrow my picture of my bento from my mom's blog. This was what I had yesterday for the most part. I only ate 1 of the whole wheat peanut butter rolls cause I used natural peanut butter...Never buy it. It's a pain to mix, takes forever to mix, and if you don't mix it full and right you'll end up with dry peanut butter. Incase you were wondering what that green thing and those black things were. ABC brand jelly cup green apple flavor, which I highly recommend, their delicious with juice like syrup and less then 1 weight watchers point for each. Though the grape is pretty bad and the syrup for the lychee is bad, though not the jelly itself. And blackberries, yummy. :)

Bento made last night will most likely be put up tomorrow.

Anyway, yesterday went badly, not only did I wake up late, I ended up spending 2 hours watching south park as procrastination when I got home. Damn you South Park for being so funny! Especially since they played one of my favorite episodes about the anti-tobacco groups. I don't smoke, but I agree with the argument of freedom of choice. Just keep that smoke away when I'm trying to eat in a restaurant or something.

Well, here's a condensed version of what I did get done and what I didn't get done:
Done: Hiragana, Katakana, Vocabulary, some Gaia Guild Updates, Scan Pics, History Homework, Bento.
Didn't Do: Writing, Reading Books, Ballet DVD, Violin Practice, World of Warcraft Emblems.

I should have had plenty of time to do at least 2 of those things that I didn't do.

I'll be posting book reviews as I do them including a reread of the book that's been helping me with my procrastination habit.

I'm still looking for suggestions on how to make my blog more interesting.

Well, it's 8:30am, I got early classes today, and I'm behind schedule so I should get right to work, rather then procrastinating with Facebook Apps and Youtube Videos like I've been doing for the past hour. I'm so bad.

To Do List For Today:
Clean Room
Work On Art
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Scan Pics
Gaia Guild Updates
Reading Books
World Of Warcraft Emblems
Japanese Homework (Due by Midnight Tonight for Class 6pm Tomorrow)

Another big list day. :( Hope I get it done.

Tuesday Rut

Hey guys, don't have much time to talk, I'll be leaving for school in half an hour. :( My alarm didn't wake me up so I over slept. :( The bento picture wont be coming today again due to the fact that my scanner/printer still doesn't want to read the memory card. Which is a shame because it was a nice colorful one as well. Though I'll be making another bento tonight for Wednesday classes. Anyway, nothing much to report. I did 10 minuets of Belly Dance DVD which was enough to satisfy my list, but not weight watchers. My e-mail has been checked through. I didn't get enough World Of Warcraft Emblems for my list but I did manage to buy a new pair of much needed shoulders. While I was waiting to be placed in a heroic raid, I got a slight bit of homework done, but not much. I didn't send any invites for my role playing guild though. Oh well. I also finished going through a dungeons and dragons book for design ideas for my webcomic.

Speaking of webcomics. I just wanted to say this cause of the drama involved in the story line. Today's Dominic Deegan upsets me so. D: Boo hoo, poor Luna and Dominic.

I'm still waiting for suggestions on how to make my blog more interesting.

List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Scan Pictures
Reading Books
World Of Warcraft Emblems
History Homework (Must be done tonight)
Ballet DVD
Violin Practice

Dang, big list, wish me luck.

New Work Week = New Wind?

Happy Monday guys! Why say that? I know Mondays suck, why couldn't it be Saturday? But with the start of a new work week hopefully I'll be able to get at least the grand bulk of things done today. I decided to lower the number of emblems on World Of Warcraft I should get by 2.5x simply because it would take too long per day to get 26 emblems. So my new number is 10 emblems. Not that I got any yesterday, but I did get a good chunk of things done.

I updated my gaia guilds, including starting a writing contest in my role playing guild. Practice my hiragana/katakana/vocabulary for Japanese. And speaking of Japanese, I finished decorating my card yesterday. And I started reading my dry, repetitive, history text book. Which is like the text books you get back in high school. I cleaned out my purse as well. But I am still behind on my reading and writing. :(

I'm still looking for suggestions on how to make my blog more interesting.

To Do List:
Gaia Guild
Scan pictures
Reading Books
World Of Warcraft Emblems
History Homework
Belly Dance DVD
Clean Out E-mail
Make A Bento

Great Advice From My Horoscope

"Considering that your focus is on personal wealth and money, Aries, it may sound strange to you that a wish could come true today. It's all about you manifesting it, and that's all about you realizing that you have created your current life situation. Your heart and your mind contain the most powerful magic in the universe: think carefully and seriously about where you want to be five years from now, without considering how, and hold on to that image for a while. That's all it takes to start the process of creating your future."

That's what I got today from my horoscope on Facebook. It's generally good advice to follow by. :)

Yesterday went pretty well. I got most of the things done except I didn't get all the world of warcraft emblems I wanted to get and I didn't do my homework which is due Tuesday. Yesterday I also got one of my history text books. Which annoyingly has highlights and underlines and stuff, but oh well. It's used, what do you expect? There's nothing else much to report, so see you all soon.

To Do List:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild
Scan Pics
Reading Books
Japanese Homework
History Homework
World Of Warcraft Emblems
Clean out Purse
(Car is already cleaned out, possibly to be sold for parts?)

Bento Picture and Recovery

Well, I have to borrow this picture from my mom's blog, "An American In Bento", while I figure out why my computer doesn't want to read the memory card.

I made some mei fun with a stir fry mostly in Worcestershire Sauce for one meal in one tier. In the other tier I made some pierogies, broccoli, and add some peppermint white chocolate bark from Christmas. I think I needed some oyster sauce or something in the stir fry though because the Worcestershire sauce was overly powerful.

Unfortunately Thursday got me out of my getting things done groove. It took over 2 hours since I haven't gone grocery shopping in weeks. Had to borrow my sister's new used car. I only had an hour to cook and eat before I had to leave again for my Japanese class.

Yesterday me, my mom, my sister, and Glyn-Chan went to the Hong Kong Supermarket and then went and hung out at her house. Unfortunately when I came home, I was very tired and went and took a nap. It was a bad day and I still should have gotten at least something done. :( Might have helped if I did my blog before I left, oh well, knowledge for next time.

I'm still looking for suggestions on how to make this blog more interesting if anyone has any?

I just finished having my stir fry left overs. Which a side note, it's much better to have the noodles cooked in the sauce after you've soaked them rather then to just have it soak and cover it with sauce. Cooking it makes it much softer, but be careful not to over cook it.

Well, now that I just finished my lunch, I'll get to work on my procrastination list.

List for today:
World of Warcraft Emblems
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Japanese Homework
Gaia Guild
Scan Pics
Reading Books
New Years Resolutions

I may or may not try and catch up with my sewing, but it wont count as a replacement of Friday, just to try and make some more of the cosplay costume, and get rid of some of my fabric that's currently overflowing in my drawers.

Picture delay

I promised you guys pictures of my bento today, unfortunately I wont be able to put them up today. For some reason my scanner took files from my Violin For Dummies disk rather then the actual card. It may still be in the card, if so, I think it was just a matter off I picked the wrong source to choose from. So hopefully they'll be up and online tomorrow.

Anyway, status update of yesterday's to do list. It went really well. I got most of my room done before I left (late) for school. All that was left when I left was to vacuum and go through the stuff I got out of my now broken down car. My poor pink baby. :( Yes, if you didn't know, my car was pink. While I was at school during the 3 hours before my sister gets out of school, I updated everything I needed to update for Gaia Online Guilds, and did my Hiragana, Katakana, and Vocabulary practice. So those were a good chunk of my to do list that got done. After my dad came to pick us up, I finished up my room, drew something which didn't turn out so well (I am currently debating whether to waste the time to show it), scanned the pictures I needed for my blog, and did my TV production homework. I am currently waiting for my history books to arrive. I plan on going to the library monday while I have to drop off Kat and Glyn-Chan to read for the reading quiz Wednesday.

Based off the work that got done yesterday, I don't think I'll be doing the step aerobics for a while, unless I am really energetic. I'll also try to wake up around
half an hour earlier to clean my room and get some things done before I leave. Though if I actually keep up with my room, it shouldn't need as much time as it did yesterday.

Some of you have commented on forums my blog is very boring. Although the primary reason I have this blog is for myself, I don't want to be boring. So any suggestions to spice up my blog is welcomed while I sit here in down time thinking of what I can add.

In addition to my list I also have to go to the grocery store and my Japanese class. Hopefully I'll have plenty of time before I leave.

I'll be planning some short videos soon to get some practice for my hopeful career as a film maker. :) The results, status updates, and screen shots will be posted here when available. If anyone knows where to find the song Yakety Sax, please let me know, I plan on doing some exercises with that.

I found that I save a lot more time and it comes out nicer to make my list on Microsoft Excel then it dose writing it down, especially since I break down the violin for dummies book in 5 pg increments. 5pg 10pg 15pg 20pg etc. So hopefully my energy being strained writing it down wont keep me from doing it.

Tomorrow is my day to sew, and I'm very behind on a project, so if it comes out well enough, I'll post pictures about it on here.

Today's To Do List:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild
Scan Pics
Plan Events, Videos, Pictures?
Belly Dance DVD
Violin Practice
Work On Doll
*new goal* At Least 25 World Of Warcraft Emblems A Day

Resting Yesterday, School Today

Hey guys, I don't have much times since I am getting ready. So somethings, I didn't do anything yesterday to try and take it easy before my semester started since I had an earlier class. Kind of backfired when I didn't go to bed till 1-2am. I'm starting to pack bento lunches so I'll be posting the pictures, and if anyone wishes recipes when able to be given. They'll become part of my to do list everyday I need them. Today I am going to try and get done what can get done, including trying to do my room before I go to school in 45 minuets, which I will also have to get ready and eat something, that or I hopefully have time to buy a bagel w/ cream cheese and coffee. Today on my class schedule, I have Video Editing/Post Production and Public Speaking. Monday went pretty well although I still didn't do any vocabulary stuff and didn't do my belly dance work out.

I should probably stop the blog here and get to work.

List for today:
Step Aroebics (Canceled for school or not? I need to decide)
Clean Room
Work On Art
Scan Pics
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Reading Books

I'll be posting pics soon. :) See you all soon.

Tired + Avatar Review + Bonefish Grill Review

Hey guys. I didn't really get much if anything done yesterday. I did my hiragana and katakana practice but not my vocabulary which is bad because my first Japanese class is Thursday. I cleaned out my purse but not my car which really needs done because it's no longer drivable and my parents are looking at new cars. My cars breaks don't want to work anymore and that's the one thing you should be able to rely on.

Part of it could be the movie from yesterday which I promised a review for you guys for.

If someone came up to and told you that Avatar is most likely never going to be appreciated on the small screen compared to the big screen, THEY ARE RIGHT! Avatar is really a visually stunning film with a pretty good story base. What I really like is he created this world and an entire complete culture from the ground up. For those who put that much thought into their writing and do it skillfully, they deserve a gigantic cake or extremely large desert of their choosing. The basic story behind avatar is that the native people's home, which is a gigantic tree, is sitting ontop of some very valuable ore. I think they said it was worth $20million a kilo. The native people refuse to move for several reasons. So they decided to make these clones or "Avatars" made from their DNA and the DNA of the controller of these clones. Basically it's a mental link. A navy man who's legs no longer work twin brother committed suicide on the journey there, so he's the only one who can operate the very expensive Avatar now. He learns the ways of the native and falls in love. There's a anthropological scientist who takes the socially responsible approach. And there's the racist jerk general who just wants to blow them to smithereens. Attempts mass genocide at several point closer to the end. If someone tells you you MUST see this film in IMAX 3D, listen to that too! I don't ever recall seeing an IMAX 3D movie before but it really enhanced this film. I plan on making a gigantic party to the same theater to see Alice In Wonderland when it comes out. The IMAX theater in New Brunswick is very nice, very big, very clean. I got the chicken tender combo because I was hungry and craving protein. The chicken was soft, fresh, and at least mostly pure and the outside was nice and crunchy. The curly fries was seasoned and delicious. And the icee was huge. For something you get in a movie theater, I would say it was worth the $15 if you ever hungry before a movie like I was. I recommend asking for cheese sauce on the side. My dad order their pretzel bites with cheese, which was good as well, so he had extra cheese left over, so I dipped my food in the sauce and it was delicious.

Unexpectedly, after the movie we went out to eat. Originally we were going to go to the Olive Garden by the East Brunswick Mall, but for 5 of us (including my friend Glyn-Chan aka Glynnis) it would have been a 40 minuet wait. There apparently is always a wait there. Which might say something about the food. I wouldn't know, it's been years since I've been there. So instead we went to the Bonefish Grill a bit down Route 18 from there. The atmosphere was lovely. Me and my friend Glyn-Chan ended up getting Shirley Temples, which in my opinion, could have been more sweet, but had huge cherries. I ordered the Tilapia with butter lemon sauce and au gratin potatoes. The lemon butter sauce was more butter then lemon then I would have liked. So I recommend getting 1-2 lemon wedges with it. However, it was cooked to perfection it was very moist and yummy. The succotash was green bean, corn, tomatoes, and bacon. Luckily I got one with very few tomatoes and bacon which I just ate around. It was very good, cooked perfectly. The au gratin potatoes were also perfect, just would have preferred a non-breaded crust. I wish I had room to try their Creme Brulee however. My dad got fish tacos which looks like it has chips like he makes it, which is a bit greasy, but extra potato taste to it so it balances out. Maybe his was less greasy then how he makes though. I wouldn't know. I highly recommend this place.

Well, I should get right to the list after I have my brunch. I am start back up on Weight Watchers after being with my boyfriend for a week. Probably gained weight come to think of it.

List for today:

Gaia Guild
Reading Books
Scan Pics
Belly Dance DVD
Clean Out E-Mail

Back Home And Back To Work

Hello, anyone. I just got back from spending a week with my boyfriend in New Hampshire. Now that I am home, it's back to work before I start another semester at school Wednesday. New Hampshire was alright, I didn't see any of it but I didn't care, I just wanted to be with my boyfriend and his mother. Oh and his pet chiwawa Bella, who I am convinced is trying to take over the world with kisses.

I finished reading my Coraline graphic novel on 2 different train rides.

My family is about to go out to see Avatar, so I'll start my list once I get home. I'll be posting a review about it tomorrow.

List for today:
Gaia Guild
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Scan Pics
Reading Books
Clean Out Car
Clean Out Purse

At my boyfriends

Hey all if any readers. I haven't been posting because I am vacationing in New Hamphsire to see my boyfriend. So until Sunday I wont be doing any procrastination stuff. Sorry but it was very last mineut that I came here, we literally bought my ticket 8 hours before I had to leave. See you, if there's anyone there, soon.

Sorry if my spelling is off, I am on my laptop with internet explorer rather then firefox which has spellcheck.

So very very tired, new job?

Hey guys, I've been very tired of lately, I think I haven't been getting enough sleep since I had 2 days out of 3 where I was stuck in half sleep. Where you're laying down, and you're falling asleep, but you can't get fully asleep. Also haven't been eating much lately, don't know why.

I had a job interview today for target, hope I get it. :)

There's really nothing to report, I've been quite lazy with the list and currently trying to get back into the groove.

List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild
Scan pics
Step Aroebics
Clean Room
Work on Art

Resolutions Suck

Hey guys. Didn't get as much done as I would have liked to yesterday mostly due to the fact that it took me hours to be able to finish my new years resolutions notes. And it was pretty much just creating a track record. Which while I was doing that, I forgot an important resolution. Wake up earlier, so I need to create a track record and chart for that. No more waking up passed 1pm dang it! In addition to that I did my Japanese stuff, scanned the drawings for the webcomic, and started working on my gaia guild.

My friend invited me to go to NYC on the 20th. It sounds exiting I am sure, but I am anything but. Unless I am going somewhere like Broadway or China Town or AnimeFest (which I forgot to plan for and put in the list of things to save for...I NEED A JOB!!!) I hate going to NYC. It's crowded. :( When you live an hour drive, 2 hour train ride away, some of the magic's gone.

Me and my boyfriend decided we are going to save up to go to the Food and Wine Festival in Disney World specifically Epcot. If anyone who might be actually reading this has more information on the dates, could you tell me, because me and Mikey aren't entirely sure when it starts.

I need to stop procrastinating with reading The Devils Panties...WEBCOMICS!! MY KRYPTONITE!!!

List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Clean Out Purse
Clean Out Car
Read Books
Gaia Guild
Scan Drawings

Bumpy Start For The New Year

Hey guys, yesterday didn't do so well, basically all I did was my japanese learning stuff and trying to move 3 tubs of fabric to 2 drawers. Did not work, so I need to figure out where that last tub will go and where my bag of scrap fabric will go.

I decide to make myself a rule however. If it's not done by midnight, it's not done for the day. Maybe having more of a time pressure but still relatively loose will encourage me to do it. This rule starts in affect today. This rule dose not apply with writing.

Though yesterday I started planning out finding a job route. For some reason I think I'd like working in a comic book shop, so each point is a comic book shop and I go to everything else along the route.

Well, there's really nothing to report so I'll get to making my list and getting to it.

To Do List:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild
Scan Pics
New Year Resolution Game Plan

Happy New Years! Resolution Time

Hey guys, as promised, I have my new years resolutions ready in a general sense, I'll be spending part of the day planning things out and fine tuning my resolutions. And as usual I feel like I am forgetting something so I might need to edit my lsit later and add something.

New Years Resolutions:
1. Finish at least 1 first draft of a story.
2. Enter Cosplay Contest.
3. Find a job. (Still jobless :()
4. Clear half of credit card debt.
5. Learn to play violin & figure out sheet music for 1 Voltaire song.
6. Take horseback riding lessons w/ job money
7. Keep up with procrastination list (I feel overall I am doing alright but I need to do better)
8. Do better in school
9. Reduce Stress
10. Plan out conventions better
11. Form better savings
12. Learn to Ice Skate
13. Practice for film career
14. Practice for directing career
15. Plan for life
16. Learn Japanese
17. Develop time management skills
18. Make more bento lunches
19. Be cleaner
20. Remember reusable shopping bags more
21. Make a budget and stick to it
22. Do more LARPs
23. Create books to read list and read them
24. Be neater and more organized.
25. Write more notes.
26. Expand religious practice
27. Get involved in more plays
28. Learn to fence
29. Start a table top rpg group

Seems like a lot doesn't it? But I want to do a lot. :)

Report of yesterday:
It went alright, between my usual webcomic distraction and the fact of it being new years eve, I didn't get as much done as I should have and spent some of my last few hours awake doing some things for the sake of saying I did it even though I don't think I should have said I did with how much of it I did.

I got my hiragana, and katakana practice done yesterday and actually wrote down a few sentences. I went through the websites I wanted to read to boost my writing career forward, but there was really only one useful one. I tried to get as much reading my violin book and violin practice as I could done only to discover that my d-string is all out of whack and sounds more like an out of tune g-string. (Get your minds out of the gutters, I am talking about a violin perverts) So now before I get any work done with it, I need to replace the string which involves finding a shop and paying for it to be replaced.

I looked up a website where people have been putting up their resolutions and I think it gave me a couple ideas but it's usually the same ones just different people making them.

I only did about 10 minuets of my belly dance dvd feeling like I had been tensed up and my joints didn't want to move as I wanted them to. Shame, I wanted to do ideally half an hour minimum 15 minuets. And I only did a few strands of hair for the doll, but every strand counts towards a full head of hair.

It's currently 4pm here, and hopefully I'll get more things done today.

List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild
Plan Out New Years Resolutions
Ballet DVD
Scan Pics
Clean Out Laptop

Lets see how much I get done.