Of course, while I was doing my spring cleaning I ended up growing my list. And my procrastination book didn't help either. Nor did my new years resolutions. So in addition to my other work I've got loose concepts of: Finishing DVD Covers, Learning Social Networking, Reorganizing My Drawers, Refreshing on Business Etiquette, coming up with idea for the AnimeNext Table Top Game Room, Learning HTML, coming up with Film/Video Ideas I can do right now, reading my Career in Film book, and reorganize myself in general.
So now I need to organize these new goals:
Finishing DVD Covers: Lets make this on Saturdays whenever possible
Learning Social Networking: 1 Website a day just like my viking project
Reorganizing Drawers: Lets make is really spring cleaning by making it done on March 20th
Refreshing on Business Etiquette: 1 Website a day until well known
AnimeNext Table Top Room: 1 new idea day
HTML: 1 Website A Day
Film/Video ideas: 1 idea a week
Reading Career in Film Book: After finishing either Violin for Dummies, Current Book, or Library Books
Reorganize Myself: Wednesday with cleaning my room
Yesterday I finished scanning pictures from my sketch books for my webcomic. I'll be uploading them soon. I also wont be scanning gain until I have enough conceptual art to last me a few days of scanning anytime soon. Which is, unfortunately for me, another thing I have to do. I am going to make a goal of 5 pieces of conceptual art a day. The sketch above was drawn by my friend Risa Peirce, a talented artist.
Well I should be doing my list:
Social Networking
Business Etiquette
Table Top Room Ideas
Film/Video Ideas
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
((Violin For Dummies Reading is being held off until next practice due to current section))
Reading Books
Library Book Reading
World of Warcraft Emblems
Homework: TV Production Reading Chapters 3-4 (Due Tuesday for Wednesday Class)
Homework: TV Production Editing Lab (Due Tuesday for Wednesday Class)
Homework: Public Speaking Show And Tell (Due Monday for class Tuesday)
Homework: History Traditions and Encounters Reading Pages 25-41 & 43-51
Homework: History Viking Project Website Reading
Anime Music Video First Draft (8 out of 9 DVD are done, doing the 9th now and should be able to do the first draft after it's done)
Clean Out Purse
HOLY!! That's one big list. D: It's almost 12:30pm, and I'll go and get lunch before I start. Wish me luck. :(