Yesterday Went Well.....Today.....eeeeehhhhhhhhh?

Yesterday went well, besides the big peices of catching up homework, I got pritty mcuh everything done before I went to bed. Healthier eatting has helped alot yesterday, after I got some Velveta Broccoli And Cheese, Lays Baked Sour Cream And Onion Potato Chips, and string cheese, I felt alot more full of energy. I had an omlet late at night not because I was running low on energy, but because I was really hungry. And that boost of cheesey energy had really helped. Now I got to focus on eatting right more like I did, destressing often, and doing little things to try and earn a little bit of money while I look for a job. The Gaia Guild has been a little slow, but the way I rearranged the fourms in the update list seemed to make everyone realize it. I had to cancel a contest though since it seems like not many people realized it. Oh, and I actualy uploaded some cafepress designs last night!! HURRAY!!

Today I already satisfied my once a month goal of cooking a new recipie, I made pumpkin muffins altering my mom's Banana Nut Bread Recipie. And I have to rearrange my room just a bit because I got a new printer/scanner which will hopefully get my *** moving on some things.

So, it's already 5:10, in Japanese Class (got a 78% on the test, just a few more points and I would have been dancing around like a mad girl :D), I got a 2 hour rehurssal unless I cancel early. My fatigue level isn't as bad as before but still relatively bad, I need something to help before I go to rehurssals or at least afterwords. My list shouldn't be too hard today.

My list for today:
Cafepress Upload
Hiragana/Katakana Practice (we're moving into Katakana in my class and I need to start learning it)
Read Up To Page 105 In My Directing Book
Watch Crash And Take Notes
Gaia Guild Update
Belly Dance DVD
Violin Practice
Work On Doll
Break Down World Is Mine Dance
Create Evil Bullet Points
Create Documents For Film/Play Ideas
Catch Up On Directing Notes
Think Up At Least 5 Money Ideas
Think Up At Least 5 Stress Relief Ideas
Plan At least 5 Healthy Meals

Hope I make at least most of this.
P.S Once again I am using internet explorer, so it there's a bunch of spelling errors, that's why.

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