Weekend Off

Hey guys. Posting late cause I forgot to post before I left for work. Which I realized after I was sitting around bored, I should have done it and brought my reading book so I wasn't so dang bored and I could get something done. Oh well, next time I'll try and remember it.

I didn't get anything done yesterday, not even my room which REALLY needs done. I thought I could even stay up late and do it when I get home, but my computer area was torn apart last night and needed to be at least put somewhat back together. But I am going to try and do it off schedule tonight because it REALLY needs to get done if I am going to do that summer cleaning.

I'm also going to be trying to get some of my to sell on ebay stuff on the internet. Including finally going through the comic books to determine which to keep and read and which to sell. How and if I am going to get this all done tonight is beyond me since I am infact tired from work. I'm just more tired of not getting stuff done.

List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Reading Book
World of Warcraft Emblem / 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Europe DVD
Summer Cleaning Phase 1
Summer Cleaning Phase 2
Summer Cleaning Phase 3
Summer Cleaning Phase 4
Summer Cleaning Phase 5
Summer Cleaning Phase 6
Summer Cleaning Phase 7
Summer Cleaning Phase 8
Summer Cleaning Phase 9
Chain mail
Clean Room
Belly Dance DVD
Violin Practice

Wish me luck. :)

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