Halloween 3 Days Away!

Hey guys. Well I haven't been posting lately due to me trying to push Etsy listings. And while I have failed in my mission to reach $150 by 5pm Saturday, I did succeed in at least listing some things and over $20 worth of things. I suppose that is a start. Though now that Halloween is 3 days away, I really got to kick start on my Halloween costume that I had barely started on. That and I got to clean for my sister's Halloween party. And I got to pack now that I have put together the boxes I got from Shoprite.

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Well, I suppose I need to get to work. Between cleaning, packing, sewing, and still trying to make listings, I need to get moving.

List for today:
Cafepress Shop
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Money Making
New Years Resolutions
LARP Songs
Clean Bathroom
Clean Hallway
Moving Phase 1
Moving Phase 4
Moving Phase 6
Moving Phase 8
Moving Phase 10
Moving Phase 12
Moving Phase 13
Moving Phase 15
Moving Phase 16
Moving Phase 17
Moving Phase 18
Moving Phase 19
Moving Phase 20

Wish me luck. :)

Late To Bed, Early To Rise

Hey guys. Well, pretty much nothing got done. With the exception of maybe Money Making. I didn't get to do much. I started making things to sell on my Etsy's shop and since I decided to make my goal to have $150 worth of listings by 5pm Saturday, I spent many hours trying to get as much done as possible before I near passed out around 4:15am. Then I had to get up at 6:45 to arrive, late, at Shoprite to get some boxes. Luckily I found one of the night crew who still had a pile of boxes and managed to salvage quite a number of boxes from him. I don't know if these boxes wont be enough to pack everything, so I wont check off Moving Phase 1, but if nothing else I can get the other phases done.

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Well, I got 4 hours till I have to go get my car serviced and I got a lot I should do before then. So I better get moving.

List for today:
Cafepress Shops
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Money Making
Clean Room
Work on Art
Step Aerobics
Go To Grocery Store
Clean Kitchen
Moving Phase 1
Moving Phase 4
Moving Phase 6
Moving Phase 8
Moving Phase 10
Moving Phase 12
Moving Phase 13
Moving Phase 15
Moving Phase 16
Moving Phase 17
Moving Phase 18
Moving Phase 19
Moving Phase 20

Wish me luck. :)

6 Days To Halloween!

Hey guys. Well, yesterday was lost. It was almost all errands yesterday. And a good chunk of it dealing with errands to work on my Halloween costume, which I have barely gotten started on putting together. Which if you haven't figured out what I am going as yet, I'll give you another hint. My enemy's: The filthy stinking humans! The beeeeeeees! The planet jackers. Those "babies".

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Well, I got a lot I should do before the day is done. And if I am going to get done, I better get started. It's like rolling a ball down a hill, you need to push it started and then it's own momentum keeps it moving.

List for today:
Cafepress Shop
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Money Making
Ballet DVD
Violin Practice
Moving Phase 1
Moving Phase 4
Moving Phase 6
Moving Phase 8
Moving Phase 10
Moving Phase 12
Moving Phase 13
Moving Phase 15
Moving Phase 16
Moving Phase 17
Moving Phase 18
Moving Phase 19
Moving Phase 20

Wish me luck. :)

Pre-Made Post

Hey guys. Well, last night was a better day. What got done: Cafepress Shop (at this point I want to get into the habit of doing it, after all, what little I did took a while), Europe DVD, Clean Out Purse, Clean Bathroom, and Clean Hallway.

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I am going to be busy. Not only am I going to have to change this post to adjust for chores. But I got errands to run, including going to the thrift store. So I am not looking forward to being so busy. But at least maybe I'll have some form of progress.

List for today:
Cafepress Shops
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Webcomic Writing
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Money Making
Clean Out E-Mail
Belly Dance DVD
Youtube Video
Go To Store
Moving Phase 1
Moving Phase 4
Moving Phase 6
Moving Phase 8
Moving Phase 10
Moving Phase 12
Moving Phase 13
Moving Phase 15
Moving Phase 16
Moving Phase 17
Moving Phase 18
Moving Phase 19
Moving Phase 20

Wish me luck. :)

Broken Spacebar

Hey guys. Well, I have to post on my laptop because my computer's keyboard's space bar decided to become very stiff. So creating a post would take at least twice as long if not much much more.

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But I realized today that I have been extremely lazy lately. And I need to at least clean out my car today, darkness or no darkness, and it's already getting dark. And I really need to start getting income coming in.

I also changed my Halloween Costume, so hopefully I can find the last few pieces I'd need to throw my costume together quickly. I'm going to be going to the Thrift Store soon to try and find it. If you're wondering what I am being, I'll give you a hint: "You dare question ___?! All shall fear the wrath of ___!! You shall perish under my wrath!!"

I don't think I have much left to say, so I'll just try and get to work.

List for today:
Cafepress Shop
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Europe DVD
Chain Mail
Money Making
Clean Out Purse
Clean Out Car
Clean Bathroom
Clean Hallway
Moving Phase 1
Moving Phase 4
Moving Phase 6
Moving Phase 8
Moving Phase 10
Moving Phase 12
Moving Phase 13
Moving Phase 15
Moving Phase 16
Moving Phase 17
Moving Phase 18
Moving Phase 19
Moving Phase 20

Wish me luck. :)

Salvaging Time

Hey guys. Well, yesterday could have gone a lot better with Step Aerobics, Clean Room, and Go To Store getting done.

I am trying to salvage some time I'm losing since a certain someone confused a group meeting with a school club meeting. When will that someone get it through their head that I don't go to this school anymore and have no interest in joining a club runned by said school?

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I haven't gotten a chance to weigh myself yet, but I did 40 minuets of step aerobics to burn off the calories I was over, so hopefully it at least helps with last weekend.

Well, I got quite a bit to do today, and only so many conscious hours of the day.

List for today:
Cafepress Shops
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Pagan Book
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Money Making
Belly Dance DVD
Violin Practice
Go To Store
Moving Phase 1
Moving Phase 4
Moving Phase 6
Moving Phase 8
Moving Phase 10
Moving Phase 12
Moving Phase 13
Moving Phase 15
Moving Phase 16
Moving Phase 17
Moving Phase 18
Moving Phase 19
Moving Phase 20

Wish me luck. :)

Back Home

Hey guys. I've been away for a while due to the fact that my Uncle Mark Pansing died last week and I spent the weekend attending the funeral. I'll spare you some speech about mortality, but chances are, if you had someone you lost, you already know, and if you didn't you already heard all about it. But he wouldn't want me to dwell, and just live a happy life, so I'll continue on.

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So with the fact that I wasn't paying attention to my diet at all while I was gone, I wouldn't be surprised if I gained weight. Especially with a fattening lunch today. But this is a week to reset everything.

As for everything I plan on doing to make a few extra dollars here and there. I want to have a separate reward chart. Something where I get a little something every x amount of hours I put into each. The thing is, I'm having trouble thinking of the reward should be. Cause unless I'm making more money then I'd like, I can't be having it money orientated like going to the Inkwell Coffee House or something like that. So I need to think of something special, that'll motivate me, that's either free or pennies to do. So I'll be sitting here for a bit brainstorming ideas.

I did stop somewhere while I was in West Virgina. I was going through coffee withdrawals since I need a good amount of creamer in my cold coffee, I couldn't just have Keurig coffee. So I walked to the stores/restaurant section of Parkersburg WV and tried an iced coffee from Mango's Latin Bistro with a shot of espresso. A word of warning, if you're from a coffee obsessed state, have at least 2 shots. I think they have more coffee in the hot coffee, but in the cold freeze, you need those shots. I ordered the white chocolate, and it was very sweet and felt closer to a milkshake then an iced coffee. But I wouldn't say it was bad. And I was told that people started coming to them over the half-hotel Starbucks and the local coffee place for coffee. The place was very warm and bright. But if you're looking for a lot of coffee, be sure to ask how much is in it before you order. Worth a look if you're in the area.

Anyway, I should probably get to work.

List for today:
Cafepress Shops
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Money Making
Clean Room
Work on Art
Step Aerobics
Go To Grocery Store
Moving Phase 1
Moving Phase 4
Moving Phase 6
Moving Phase 8
Moving Phase 10
Moving Phase 12
Moving Phase 13
Moving Phase 15
Moving Phase 16
Moving Phase 17
Moving Phase 18
Moving Phase 19
Moving Phase 20

Wish me luck. :)

Why Am I Tired?

Hey guys. It's been an off weekend. I've either felt to tired until late at night, or I've been making myself get outside of the house. I haven't even been keeping up with my diet. And I should have really worked out yesterday after the ice cream and Shepard's (Cottage, Shepard is made with Lamb, Cottage is made with Beef) Pie.

Well, I don't think I have much really to say. I had better get moving, especially with every day that passes, is a day closer to moving and Halloween.

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List for today:
Cafepress Shop
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Money Making
Ballet DVD
Violin Practice
Clean Bathroom
Clean Hallway
Moving Phase 1
Moving Phase 4
Moving Phase 6
Moving Phase 8
Moving Phase 10
Moving Phase 12
Moving Phase 13
Moving Phase 15
Moving Phase 16
Moving Phase 17
Moving Phase 18
Moving Phase 19
Moving Phase 20

Wish me luck. :)

Film Fest Over!

Hey guys. Well, as I expected, nothing really got done yesterday cause I was out all day at the Kevin Smith Film Festival. Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy (finally saw that, not what I was expecting), Dogma, Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back, and Clerks II. I had hoped Jersey Girl would be on the list, but he really wants to forget about that doesn't he? Shame. But all that got done yesterday was Ballet DVD, and I pretty mcuh forced myself to do it.

Well, I've apparently lost another .7lbs between the last time I weighed myself, and earlier today. I am waiting for it to start to REALLY taper off to where I really only can weigh myself once a week.

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Of course, the problem with today and tomorrow is that I don't pick any particular thing to do on Saturdays and Sunday, while that has the potential for anything, it's also about making those choices. Especially since i decided to try and do twice as much calorie burning today, mostly due to my calorie heavy lunch.

Hopefully I can get stuff done today that'll earn me and extra few dollars here and there, I'd be happy with a few cents. I was hoping to start saving for con season by the end of the month.

Speaking of Halloween, mostly due to my budget, I have decided what I am going to be. And while I need to hand sew the skirt at this point, at some point, I need a red bodice/corset. So I still need practice making those.

Once again, I can't help but note what a long time it's been since I posted on a Saturday. As it is, after I post this, I am going to eat lunch, then go pick up my sister's boyfriend from his job before I can get to anything. Hopefully, I can pick something to do by that time.

List for today:
Cafepress Shop
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Money Making
New Years Resolutions
LARP Songs
Clean Kitchen
Moving Phase 1
Moving Phase 4
Moving Phase 6
Moving Phase 8
Moving Phase 10
Moving Phase 12
Moving Phase 13
Moving Phase 15
Moving Phase 16
Moving Phase 17
Moving Phase 18
Moving Phase 19
Moving Phase 20

Wish me luck. :)

Another Pre-Made Post

Hey guys. Well yesterday (today), was another bust, with only Belly Dancing, Go To Store, and Clean Bathroom getting done. And I don't hold much of high hopes for today because I am going to the Kevin Smith Film Festival and I will be out all day. From 10am-12am I will be in Red Bank to watch some of his best work. And as you might have noticed from the title, I am making this the night before, so I have some hope tomorrow. I also made my lunch/dinner for tomorrow. Hopefully I wont need much else other then that cause that eats up a lot of my calories for tomorrow.

And speaking of calories. I saw that my ticker automatically updates it when I do, so I figured I better say how much I lost/gained yesterday, if anything. I lost one pound so far, but that could be fluctuation.

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I just decided to change my goal of 1/2 lb per week to 1lb per week. It gives me 200 less calories, but I should really get into the mindset of working off some of those since I want to get in shape. Especially if I go to Dragon*Con, I'm willing to be there will be a lot of panels for me to go to there. (And not just Jennie Breedon's Kilt Blowing) I already burned 378 calories this week and I want to give it a strong boost. I should be burning at least 1,540 calories a week, but I want to see from me at least 2,000 a week...I'm gonna kill myself! Well, hopefully I can get a gym membership after I move and get 1-2 job(s). But for now, I need to make sure I exercise before leaving for the film festival.

Which hopefully I will be moving soon, the company has sent a new paycheck to MY address. If I wasn't planning on doing something all day tomorrow, I'd seriously consider staying up all night so I can make sure I am getting boxes tomorrow. I guess I'll have to make sure I get up early tomorrow.

*edit, I just realized i never hit post*

List for today:
Cafepress Shops
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Money Making
Ballet DVD
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Moving Phase 1
Moving Phase 4
Moving Phase 6
Moving Phase 8
Moving Phase 10
Moving Phase 12
Moving Phase 13
Moving Phase 15
Moving Phase 16
Moving Phase 17
Moving Phase 18
Moving Phase 19
Moving Phase 20

Wish me luck. :)


Hey guys. Well, yesterday was a total bust for how high of expectations I had. All that got done was Clean Room, Clean Kitchen, and Step Aroebics. That's rather completely disappointing. This might be the fact that I am still very tired, but I really hope I get more done today.

Yesterday, I half started my new diet. Well, there isn't much to this diet. It's really just calorie counting and exercising. But now I will also be putting up my ticker on my site.

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Well, I better get moving. I got to at least weigh myself around the same time every day.

List for today:
Cafepress Shops
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Pagan Book
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Money Making
Belly Dance DVD
Violin Practice
Clean Bathroom
Go To Store
Moving Phase 1
Moving Phase 4
Moving Phase 6
Moving Phase 8
Moving Phase 10
Moving Phase 12
Moving Phase 13
Moving Phase 15
Moving Phase 16
Moving Phase 17
Moving Phase 18
Moving Phase 19
Moving Phase 20

Wish me luck. :)

Hitting Stride

Hey guys. Well, yesterday went well. What got done was: Writing: Script, I even got my fiance to read it for me and he pointed out quite a bit I need to fix, both phases of Chain Mail, Ballet DVD, Violin Practice, Go To Store, Clean Hallway, and Shower. Though I didn't get as much done as I would have liked. I would have also liked to have done Writing: Book, Money Making, and Sewing before bed. And I really do need to get into the habit of brushing my teeth.

I was actually debating whether or not to go to bed or stay up all night last night. Cause I didn't go to bed till 6am and I wasn't even that tired. Maybe I should have so I could have gotten boxes. Oh well.

Well, hopefully I can keep this momentum. When my mom is done with the Wii Fit, I will be doing the Step Aerobics on it. And hopefully today will be where I want it to be.

List for today:
Cafepress Shops
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Money Making
Clean Room
Work on Art
Step Aerobics
Clean Kitchen
Moving Phase 1
Moving Phase 4
Moving Phase 6
Moving Phase 8
Moving Phase 10
Moving Phase 12
Moving Phase 13
Moving Phase 15
Moving Phase 16
Moving Phase 17
Moving Phase 18
Moving Phase 19
Moving Phase 20

Wish me luck. :)

I hurt like exersise

Hey guys. Well yesterday was a total bust. All that got done was Go To Store. Hopefully today fairs better for me.

I just did a round of the Island Lap Run on the Wii Fit after I wanted a turn and my mom made me after constantly giggling at her complains of her calves hurting and how much it was a bad idea. And although I'll still probably giggle as she practically shouts how she hurts, I got to say, "I hurt like exercise"~Jennie Breedon.

But I will be hopefully getting my but to work on either Ballet DVD or those bags I still haven't put up on Etsy yet.

List for today:
Cafepress Shop
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Money Making
Ballet DVD
Violin Practice
Go To Store
Clean Hallway
Moving Phase 1
Moving Phase 4
Moving Phase 6
Moving Phase 8
Moving Phase 10
Moving Phase 12
Moving Phase 13
Moving Phase 15
Moving Phase 16
Moving Phase 17
Moving Phase 18
Moving Phase 19
Moving Phase 20

Wish me luck. :)

Tick Tok Moving

Hey guys. After getting called into work Thursday and Saturday, I've been kind of off lately. Hopefully with this new week I'll get back on track. I just had to go to the grocery store, twice. And I'll have to go again tomorrow cause the first bag of red peppers were apparently mildewy and the second bag that's here now is half rotten. But at least I'm making my pumpkin cake with pumpkin spice cream cheese frosting today and that'll make me feel better. Though when I put in the cinnamon, I accidentally dumped quite a bit into the frosting. Hopefully leaving it out of the cake will balance it out cause otherwise I have no way to fix it.

Well, it's 5:30 and I've been running around for the past 4 hours or so. So I better get to it.

List for today:
Cafepress Shops
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Webcomic Writing
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Money Making
Clean Out E-Mail
Belly Dance DVD
Youtube Video
Clean Hallway
Go To Store
Moving Phase 1
Moving Phase 4
Moving Phase 6
Moving Phase 8
Moving Phase 9
Moving Phase 10
Moving Phase 12
Moving Phase 13
Moving Phase 15
Moving Phase 16
Moving Phase 17
Moving Phase 18
Moving Phase 19
Moving Phase 20

Wish me luck. :)