Hey guys. Well, nothing really got done yesterday except for me dumping a whole lot of applications for jobs. I got to be honest, I hate putting out applications right now, it feels like I'm dumping things into this endless void of nothingness. But I can't give up hope, because I need a job, and I need full time, and i need to get into a better situation. So, here's endlessly hoping.
Anyway, lots to do, little time to do it in...
List for today:
Cafepress Shop
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
NESTalgia 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Europe DVD
Chain Mail
Money Making
Clean Out Purse
Clean Out Car
Job Search
Apartment Search
Drunken Pixie Planning
Wish me luck. :)
Last Day
Hey guys. Well today was my last day at the Dollar Tree, and did I have a great last job! I created a Halloween display with almost complete creative freedom. And apparently it was a contest among the stores, so hopefully my display wont be too messed up by the time a pictures taken or however it's done. I honestly couldn't have asked for a better last job. But now since it was my last day, I really need to find a new job fast. Hopeuflly something at least comes up till then...
I also really need to start making what I'm going to make and pack everything else.
List for today:
Cafepress Shop
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
NESTalgia 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Money Making
LARP Songs
Job Search
Apartment Search
Drunken Pixie Planning
Wish me luck. :)
I also really need to start making what I'm going to make and pack everything else.
List for today:
Cafepress Shop
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
NESTalgia 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Money Making
LARP Songs
Job Search
Apartment Search
Drunken Pixie Planning
Wish me luck. :)
Nearly October
Hey guys. Well, I haven;'t had much time to post between actually doing stuff and procrastinating doing stuff. I didn't even get to do anything for Mabon. Basically the night before, my fiance was working and got out late. And we had some dinner so we didn't get home till after 5am and I had to shower. So I ended up only laying down for 25 minuets. Then I had a 9 1/2 hour shift at work to which I had to rush out to make sure I got to my interview with Spirit on time. While you might ask why didn't I do something after my interview, I didn't sleep, so by the time I got home I was exhausted and I had to at least have a nap. Which ended with me being awake long enough to eat before going right back to bed.
But hopefully I can get a few things done today, especially since I need to move into a hotel or something soon. I got a lot to do and a lot of distractions too, so I better get to it.
List for today:
Cafepress Shops
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Webcomic Writing
NESTalgia 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Money Making
Clean Out E-Mail
Belly Dance DVD
Youtube Video
Job Search
Apartment Search
Drunken Pixie Planning
Wish me luck. :)
But hopefully I can get a few things done today, especially since I need to move into a hotel or something soon. I got a lot to do and a lot of distractions too, so I better get to it.
List for today:
Cafepress Shops
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Webcomic Writing
NESTalgia 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Money Making
Clean Out E-Mail
Belly Dance DVD
Youtube Video
Job Search
Apartment Search
Drunken Pixie Planning
Wish me luck. :)
Almost Fall
Hey guys. Well despite some minor setbacks yesterday, I did get some things done, though not as much as I was hoping for.
What got done:
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Chain Mail
Money Making
Job Search
Apartment Search
Kickstarter Project
Hopefully today fairs a little better. I did wake up early to get some errands done but I have work through most of the afternoon today. So, here's hoping.
I am going to switch Kickstarter Project with Drunken Pixie Planning. I don't know if I've said this before, but Drunken Pixie Productions is the name of the production company I plan on starting. Where I plan on starting a review show called Cinema Judge and hopefully gain knowledge and experience to start making my own movies. So hopefully I'll be up and running by the end of the year. It'll definitely have to be up and running by early next year though. I'm rather sick of the fact that I can't get started now since I have started getting things together for it. I've already bought some movies to add to the review pile and a prop and shopping for props. But I'm not filming in my current location, and I'm not filming in a hotel room. So hopefully things will fall into place and I'll have a job to support me while I begin following my dreams.
Do you know what this Saturday is? That's right, it's the Autumn Equinox, first day of fall, and the holiday of Mabon. Only problem is, in my current living conditions and income, I can't afford nor have the place to put apple picking. So I have to figure out what else I can do to celebrate the holiday. I have till Saturday to figure it out. Any suggestions?
Well, that's it for now. It's past 11:30 here, so I better get working on my list.
List for today:
Cafepress Shops
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
NESTalgia 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Money Making
Job Search
Apartment Search
Drunken Pixie Planning
Clean Room
Work on Art
Wish me luck. :)
What got done:
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Chain Mail
Money Making
Job Search
Apartment Search
Kickstarter Project
Hopefully today fairs a little better. I did wake up early to get some errands done but I have work through most of the afternoon today. So, here's hoping.
I am going to switch Kickstarter Project with Drunken Pixie Planning. I don't know if I've said this before, but Drunken Pixie Productions is the name of the production company I plan on starting. Where I plan on starting a review show called Cinema Judge and hopefully gain knowledge and experience to start making my own movies. So hopefully I'll be up and running by the end of the year. It'll definitely have to be up and running by early next year though. I'm rather sick of the fact that I can't get started now since I have started getting things together for it. I've already bought some movies to add to the review pile and a prop and shopping for props. But I'm not filming in my current location, and I'm not filming in a hotel room. So hopefully things will fall into place and I'll have a job to support me while I begin following my dreams.
Do you know what this Saturday is? That's right, it's the Autumn Equinox, first day of fall, and the holiday of Mabon. Only problem is, in my current living conditions and income, I can't afford nor have the place to put apple picking. So I have to figure out what else I can do to celebrate the holiday. I have till Saturday to figure it out. Any suggestions?
Well, that's it for now. It's past 11:30 here, so I better get working on my list.
List for today:
Cafepress Shops
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
NESTalgia 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Money Making
Job Search
Apartment Search
Drunken Pixie Planning
Clean Room
Work on Art
Wish me luck. :)
Hey guys. Well,I got things done, but not as much as I was hoping to get done.
What got done:
Chain Mail
Money Making
Clean Out E-Mail
Apartment Search
Kickstarter Project
And I know the reason for this. I was stuck for hours in my fiance's work since we felt we needed to save on gas. Hopefully that'll change today, I'm going to ask my future mother in law for my laptop today and for her to use her user on my computer. So I'm going to specifically do my to do list split into what I can do here and what I can do there.
Well, that's it for now.
List for today:
Cafepress Shop
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
NESTalgia 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Money Making
Job Search
Apartment Search
Ballet DVD
Kickstarter Project
Wish me luck. :)
What got done:
Chain Mail
Money Making
Clean Out E-Mail
Apartment Search
Kickstarter Project
And I know the reason for this. I was stuck for hours in my fiance's work since we felt we needed to save on gas. Hopefully that'll change today, I'm going to ask my future mother in law for my laptop today and for her to use her user on my computer. So I'm going to specifically do my to do list split into what I can do here and what I can do there.
Well, that's it for now.
List for today:
Cafepress Shop
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
NESTalgia 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Money Making
Job Search
Apartment Search
Ballet DVD
Kickstarter Project
Wish me luck. :)
Need New Job
Hey guys. Well, despite my better judgement, I gave my two weeks notice to my current job. I've just felt like it's been more of a detriment then a help to me. That being said, I really, really, really, need to find another job now. A better job. Maybe one that is a set weekday schedule so when I want to do something, I only take 1 day off instead of 3! Holy cow! I'm reaching for the stars here! Well, hopefully i can make it happen.
I honestly don't have much to say at the moment so I should probably just post.
List for today:
Cafepress Shops
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Webcomic Writing
NESTalgia 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Money Making
Clean Out E-Mail
Belly Dance DVD
Youtube Video
Job Search
Apartment Search
Kickstarter Project
Wish me luck. :)
I honestly don't have much to say at the moment so I should probably just post.
List for today:
Cafepress Shops
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Webcomic Writing
NESTalgia 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Money Making
Clean Out E-Mail
Belly Dance DVD
Youtube Video
Job Search
Apartment Search
Kickstarter Project
Wish me luck. :)
Hey guys. Well, I haven't posted for a while and I feel like I didn't want to do anything. I barely felt up to playing Skyrim which is what I spent most of my time procrastinating on. I've just felt very beaten and warn down lately. I had an interview with Starbucks, and I'm going to try riding them about a job there. I don't care if it's in Boston with a long commute, I need to work for a better company who will give me the hours I need!
Well, that's all I truly feel like I can say today, I need to try and get over my hump.
List for today:
Cafepress Shops
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
NESTalgia 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Money Making
Belly Dance DVD
Job Search
Apartment Search
Kickstarter Project
Wish me luck. :)
Well, that's all I truly feel like I can say today, I need to try and get over my hump.
List for today:
Cafepress Shops
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
NESTalgia 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Money Making
Belly Dance DVD
Job Search
Apartment Search
Kickstarter Project
Wish me luck. :)
Break Downs
Hey guys. Well, I have definitely been better then yesterday. I had two emotional break downs yesterday. One in the middle of traffic with screaming and crying. Another at home after my ramen fell to the dirty floor, involving throwing stuff and crying. Needless to say, I haven't been feeling good. It was so bad that I felt like I had to call out of work. Which I still feel like was the right decision because my second break down happened when I would have been half way through my shift. If I'm gonna break down, it's going to be in privacy...
Anyway, I should probably try and get to work on getting stuff done and going to work...
Reward count: 1
List for today:
Cafepress Shop
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
NESTalgia 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Money Making
LARP Songs
Job Search
Apartment Search
Kickstarter Project
Wish me luck. :)
Anyway, I should probably try and get to work on getting stuff done and going to work...
Reward count: 1
List for today:
Cafepress Shop
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
NESTalgia 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Money Making
LARP Songs
Job Search
Apartment Search
Kickstarter Project
Wish me luck. :)
Surprise, surprise.
Hey guys. Well, despite work, play, and turning into a sleep over, I got a decent amount done! I'm very surprised.
What got done:
NESTalgia 1/2 leveling
Chain Mail
MOney Making
Job Search
Apartment Search
Kickstarter Project
So with that, I'm going to start a counter of rewards I'm stock piling so that I will allow myself to purchase a coffee at Starbucks seeing how my favorite flavors are becoming in season.
I don't really have much to say, so I should probably just get to work.
Reward count: 1
List for today:
Cafepress Shops
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
NESTalgia 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Money Making
Belly Dance DVD
Job Search
Apartment Search
Kickstarter Project
Wish me luck. :)
What got done:
NESTalgia 1/2 leveling
Chain Mail
MOney Making
Job Search
Apartment Search
Kickstarter Project
So with that, I'm going to start a counter of rewards I'm stock piling so that I will allow myself to purchase a coffee at Starbucks seeing how my favorite flavors are becoming in season.
I don't really have much to say, so I should probably just get to work.
Reward count: 1
List for today:
Cafepress Shops
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
NESTalgia 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Money Making
Belly Dance DVD
Job Search
Apartment Search
Kickstarter Project
Wish me luck. :)
Alot Then Nothing
Hey guys. Well, didn't get a chance to post yesterday, basically as soon as I got up I've been running errands, going out to job search, or napping the entire day. I suppose that's what happens when you still wake up at 2:30pm when you didn't even go to bed till 9:30am. Dang my British friend for not only being online less often, but late at night! Oh well...
I did get quite a bit done the day before however!
What I got done:
Webcomic Writing
NESTalgia 1/2 Leveling
Chain Mail
Money Making
Clean Out E-Mail
Job Search
Apartment Search
Kickstarter Project
Another point on my list and I would have earned another reward on my scale. I decided that the Starbucks Coffee I had before I had done all that stuff was my reward. I might change my reward to it during Pumpkin Spice/Salted Caramel/Egg Nog season since those are the flavors I look forward to every year. I suppose that's why despite being a spring child, I love the fall time better. I had a mini-interview with McDonalds and it sounded like they'd give me the full time hours I'd need. It's a 24 hour McDonalds so it might be possible to have full time hours there and stay for a few hours at Dollar Tree if I work the late late night shifts. So hopefully, finally, I can earn the income I need.
I should start my list, because my fiance was thinking about hanging out with his friends again, so if I don't get things done now, I wont between work and play.
List for today:
Cafepress Shops
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
NESTalgia 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Money Making
Job Search
Apartment Search
Kickstarter Project
Clean Room
Work on Art
Wish me luck. :)
I did get quite a bit done the day before however!
What I got done:
Webcomic Writing
NESTalgia 1/2 Leveling
Chain Mail
Money Making
Clean Out E-Mail
Job Search
Apartment Search
Kickstarter Project
Another point on my list and I would have earned another reward on my scale. I decided that the Starbucks Coffee I had before I had done all that stuff was my reward. I might change my reward to it during Pumpkin Spice/Salted Caramel/Egg Nog season since those are the flavors I look forward to every year. I suppose that's why despite being a spring child, I love the fall time better. I had a mini-interview with McDonalds and it sounded like they'd give me the full time hours I'd need. It's a 24 hour McDonalds so it might be possible to have full time hours there and stay for a few hours at Dollar Tree if I work the late late night shifts. So hopefully, finally, I can earn the income I need.
I should start my list, because my fiance was thinking about hanging out with his friends again, so if I don't get things done now, I wont between work and play.
List for today:
Cafepress Shops
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
NESTalgia 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Money Making
Job Search
Apartment Search
Kickstarter Project
Clean Room
Work on Art
Wish me luck. :)
Social Bee
Hey guys. Well, despite my good attentions, including going out for over an hour and a half trying to find a carpet shampooer station for my car so that way I could try and get out any sort of mildew that might have built up in my car with the cracked window that has been that way since the second big snow storm of the year here in New Hampshire (that's roughly 7 months of snow and rain that enters my car!), I didn't get much done yesterday. Basically if I didn't already get it done before work, it didn't get done. My fiance and his friends decided last minuet that they wanted to hang out.
We ended up going to the Willows in Salem, Massachusetts, played two games before getting dinner and I continued our campaign of this unofficial version of Warhammer, basically imagine a cross between that and classic D&D using playing cards instead of dice. Then we drove around a bit before heading to one of my fiance's friend's friend's house which was by the beach. My fiance almost beat up his friend to get the bottle that he had carelessly thrown into the ocean before he went and got it himself, throwing it at his friend. Then he upset me and my fiance by throwing the clam shell I found where the clam was perfectly still attached, two pieces and all, back into the ocean. I honestly don't knwo what he was thinking other then being in general absent minded. Though by the time we got back into the car I realized that cleaning out my car was next to pointless because me and my fiance came back in wet and covered in sand. Well, our feet were.
But needless to say, we were out for quite a long time and with my early morning shift, I was too tired to feel up to doing anything else. Though despite that, I feel like the worst part about it is my British friend who rarely comes online anymore was online roughly half an hour before I got up. Annoying!
What got done:
Clean Out Purse
Clean Out Car
Money Making
Anyway, I better get going, my fiance got called in early so I need to get ready to drop him off to work.
List for today:
Cafepress Shops
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Webcomic Writing
NESTalgia 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Money Making
Clean Out E-Mail
Belly Dance DVD
Youtube Video
Job Search
Apartment Search
Kickstarter Project
Wish me luck. :)
We ended up going to the Willows in Salem, Massachusetts, played two games before getting dinner and I continued our campaign of this unofficial version of Warhammer, basically imagine a cross between that and classic D&D using playing cards instead of dice. Then we drove around a bit before heading to one of my fiance's friend's friend's house which was by the beach. My fiance almost beat up his friend to get the bottle that he had carelessly thrown into the ocean before he went and got it himself, throwing it at his friend. Then he upset me and my fiance by throwing the clam shell I found where the clam was perfectly still attached, two pieces and all, back into the ocean. I honestly don't knwo what he was thinking other then being in general absent minded. Though by the time we got back into the car I realized that cleaning out my car was next to pointless because me and my fiance came back in wet and covered in sand. Well, our feet were.
But needless to say, we were out for quite a long time and with my early morning shift, I was too tired to feel up to doing anything else. Though despite that, I feel like the worst part about it is my British friend who rarely comes online anymore was online roughly half an hour before I got up. Annoying!
What got done:
Clean Out Purse
Clean Out Car
Money Making
Anyway, I better get going, my fiance got called in early so I need to get ready to drop him off to work.
List for today:
Cafepress Shops
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Webcomic Writing
NESTalgia 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Money Making
Clean Out E-Mail
Belly Dance DVD
Youtube Video
Job Search
Apartment Search
Kickstarter Project
Wish me luck. :)
Busy Bee
Hey guys. Well, it's been a couple of days, between my work and my fiance's super duper late night shifts, I haven't felt like I've had time lately. Of course, it doesn't help that I've been procrastinating with games and such. So, I've been spending a lot of my time the past few days either driving, working, waiting, sleeping, or playing games. Hopefully it'll change soon, I've already gotten a few things done before I posted.
Anyway, I should get ready for work and make up my list.
List for today:
Cafepress Shop
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
NESTalgia 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Europe DVD
Chain Mail
Money Making
Clean Out Purse
Clean Out Car
Job Search
Apartment Search
Kickstarter Project
Wish me luck. :)
Anyway, I should get ready for work and make up my list.
List for today:
Cafepress Shop
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
NESTalgia 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Europe DVD
Chain Mail
Money Making
Clean Out Purse
Clean Out Car
Job Search
Apartment Search
Kickstarter Project
Wish me luck. :)
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