Nothing Done At All Yesterday

Hey guys. Yep, I got nothing done, except maybe a Gaia online Update. Have nothing really to say, just trying to get through the day today and try and get as much done as I can.

List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Pagan Book
World of Warcraft Emblem / 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Europe DVD
Chain Mail
Violin Practice
Belly Dance DVD
Math Homework
Native American Studies Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Environmental Science Homework
Sundance Book
Fall Cleaning Phase 1
Fall Cleaning Phase 3
Fall Cleaning Phase 4
Fall Cleaning Phase 5
Fall Cleaning Phase 6
Fall Cleaning Phase 7
Fall Cleaning Phase 8
Fall Cleaning Phase 9
Fall Cleaning Phase 10
Fall Cleaning Phase 11
Fall Cleaning Phase 12
Fall Cleaning Phase 13
Fall Cleaning Phase 14

Wish me luck. :)


Hey guys. I don't know why they're coming out now, but it's like every few weeks, I get some random friend request, and I'll think it's someone from Gaia or something and accept it, only to discover it's some stupid slut looking to do webcam stuff, even after I tell them I'm a straight girl. I'm seriously sick of it.

Well, I should probably get to my list, I need to do my homework in 30 minuets before I am at class.

List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Pagan Book
World of Warcraft Emblem / 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Europe DVD
Chain Mail
Clean Room
Work on Art
Step Aerobics
Math Homework
Native American Studies Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Environmental Science Homework
Sundance Book
Fall Cleaning Phase 1
Fall Cleaning Phase 3
Fall Cleaning Phase 4
Fall Cleaning Phase 5
Fall Cleaning Phase 6
Fall Cleaning Phase 7
Fall Cleaning Phase 8
Fall Cleaning Phase 9
Fall Cleaning Phase 10
Fall Cleaning Phase 11
Fall Cleaning Phase 12
Fall Cleaning Phase 13
Fall Cleaning Phase 14

Wish me luck. :)

Clubs, and Class, and List Oh My

Hey guys,. Yesterday could have gone better. All that got done were Gaia Online Updates, Clean Out E-Mail, Job Search, Clean Room, Sundance Book, Fall Cleaning Phase 2. And today I'm leaving early to go join a club. Outdoor Sports Club. :)

List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Pagan Book
World of Warcraft Emblem / 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Europe DVD
Chain Mail
Ballet DVD
Violin Practice
Job Search
Math Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Environmental Science Homework
Sundance Book
Fall Cleaning Phase 1
Fall Cleaning Phase 3
Fall Cleaning Phase 4
Fall Cleaning Phase 5
Fall Cleaning Phase 6
Fall Cleaning Phase 7
Fall Cleaning Phase 8
Fall Cleaning Phase 9
Fall Cleaning Phase 10
Fall Cleaning Phase 11
Fall Cleaning Phase 12
Fall Cleaning Phase 13
Fall Cleaning Phase 14

Wish me luck. :)

Cleaning, Homework, Sewing, Etc

Hey guys. I haven't been able to post the last few days. After that super late night shift, I was too tired to do anything but work and even the work was tiring. But I did manage to clean out my car and my purse yesterday without posting.

I'm going to be cleaning my room off schedule today so that I can have an easier time doing the fall cleaning. I'll still clean it Wednesday though.

I'm thinking about changing my costume from Fear Garden to Evil Food Eater Conchita, it'll be cheaper not to have to get a wig and so many arms.

List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Pagan Book
World of Warcraft Emblem / 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Europe DVD
Chain Mail
Clean Out E-Mail
Belly Dance DVD
Youtube Video
Job Search
Clean Room
(Discovered I don't really have Native American Studies Homework)
Math Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Environmental Science Homework
Sundance Book
Fall Cleaning Phase 1
Fall Cleaning Phase 2
Fall Cleaning Phase 3
Fall Cleaning Phase 4
Fall Cleaning Phase 5
Fall Cleaning Phase 6
Fall Cleaning Phase 7
Fall Cleaning Phase 8
Fall Cleaning Phase 9
Fall Cleaning Phase 10
Fall Cleaning Phase 11
Fall Cleaning Phase 12
Fall Cleaning Phase 13
Fall Cleaning Phase 14

Wish me luck. :)

Late Shift

Hey guys. Unfortunately yesterday all that got done was Gaia Online Updates, Violin For Dummies, and Sundance Book. I was too tired by the time I got home to focus on anything else. :( But today I have to run a few errands and I have a 6-Midnight shift at work. I guess I better get my coffee and hot chocolate, some food and get ready to get moving then.

List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Pagan Book
World of Warcraft Emblem / 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Europe DVD
Chain Mail
Ballet DVD
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Native American Studies Homework
Math Homework
Computer Literacy HW
Environmental Science Homework
Sundance Book
Fall Cleaning Phase 1
Fall Cleaning Phase 2
Fall Cleaning Phase 3
Fall Cleaning Phase 4
Fall Cleaning Phase 5
Fall Cleaning Phase 6
Fall Cleaning Phase 7
Fall Cleaning Phase 8
Fall Cleaning Phase 9
Fall Cleaning Phase 10
Fall Cleaning Phase 11
Fall Cleaning Phase 12
Fall Cleaning Phase 13
Fall Cleaning Phase 14

Wish me luck. :)

Happy Mabon And Gotta Clean!

Hey guys. Happy Mabon or First Day of Fall! Me and my sister picked so many apples yesterday, somewhere between 18-20 pounds!

What got done: Gaia Online, Violin For Dummies, Clean Room, Job search, Sundance Book, Fall Cleaning Planning.
What didn't get done: Everything else.

I really need to be better with homework.

This is what my fall cleaning list looks like.

  1. Desk
    1. Top
    2. Cupboard
    3. Monitor
    4. Separator
    5. Window Seal Section
  2. Drawers
    1. Top
    2. Middle
    3. Bottom
    4. File Separator
  3. Sewing Drawers
    1. Small (S) Top
    2. S Middle
    3. S Bottom
    4. Large (L) Top
    5. L Middle
    6. L Bottom
  4. Sewing Table
    1. Desk
    2. Printer
    3. Under Desk
    4. Under Printer
    5. Cupboard
  5. Shelves
    1. Top
    2. Left 2nd Row
    3. Right 2nd Row
    4. Left 3rd Row
    5. Right 3rd Row
    6. Left 4th Row
    7. Right 4th Row
    8. Left 5th Row
    9. Right 5th Row
    10. Left 6th Row
    11. Right 6th Row
  6. Closet
    1. Top
    2. Left 2nd Row
    3. Right 2nd Row
    4. Left 3rd Row
    5. Right 3rd Row
    6. Left 4th Row
    7. Right 4th Row
    8. Left 5th Row
    9. Right 5th Row
    10. Left 6th Row
    11. Right 6th Row
    12. Middle
  7. Nightstand
    1. Top
    2. Top Drawer
  8. Under Bed
  9. Return Stuff
  10. List Evaluation
  11. Ebay
  12. Thrift Store
  13. Fabric Sorting
  14. Cabnet
    1. 1st Row
    2. 2nd Row
    3. 3rd Row
    4. 4th Row

And unlike last time, this time I have rewards for each phase and 1/2 phase. And also 1/3, 2/3, 3/3 done of the entire list. I just need to set aside money for it. Cause it ranges: Pumpkin Spice Hershey Kisses Candy, Baby Spoon of my Special Honey, Chocolate Truffles, Bath and Body Works Room Spray, New Good Chinese Slipper Mary Janes, and a new Tripp Dress.

Due to the size this will make my list, I'm going to have a small, medium, and big reward on my list rather then the usual small and big.

Lets see how well I do.

List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Pagan Book
World of Warcraft Emblem / 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Europe DVD
Chain Mail
Violin Practice
Belly Dance DVD
Math Homework
Native American Studies Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Environmental Studies Homework
Sundance Book
Fall Cleaning Phase 1
Fall Cleaning Phase 2
Fall Cleaning Phase 3
Fall Cleaning Phase 4
Fall Cleaning Phase 5
Fall Cleaning Phase 6
Fall Cleaning Phase 7
Fall Cleaning Phase 8
Fall Cleaning Phase 9
Fall Cleaning Phase 10
Fall Cleaning Phase 11
Fall Cleaning Phase 12
Fall Cleaning Phase 13
Fall Cleaning Phase 14

Wish me luck. :)

First Day Of Fall Tommarrow

Hey guys. Yesterday didn't go over so well with doing my to do list. All that got done was Gaia Online Updates, Violin For Dummies, Job Search, and reading the Sundance Book. But today me and my sister are celebrating Mabon a day early cause we don't have a lot of time tomorrow. For those of you who don't know what Mabon is, it's the Pagan holiday celebrated the first day of fall, originally celebrating the first days of the fall harvest. It's basically the witch's Thanksgiving where you stuff yourself with seasonal food and do stuff as a family. Me and my sister are going apple picking. But since it's a day before the first day of fall I got to make up my list for the Fall Cleaning I plan on doing. A lot of it, getting rid of stuff I don't want anymore or don't need, etc. Hopefully today I wont be distracted watching Eddsworld on Newgrounds. :)

List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Pagan Book
World of Warcraft Emblem / 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Europe DVD
Chain Mail
Clean Room
Work on Art
Step Aerobics
Job Search
Math Homework
Native American Studies Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Environmental Studies Homework
Sundance Book

Wish me luck. :)

Catching Up Day

Hey guys. I almost did a successful all nighter. But I shouldn't have tried to nap for 2 hours, cause I ended up sleeping for 4 hours and lost a lot of time. But now that I am almost caught up with Native American Studies, I need to catch up with Environmental Science and Computer Literacy. But I also got a few things done yesterday.

What got done: Gaia Online Updates, Violin For Dummies, Clean Out E-mail, Belly Dance DVD, Youtube Video, Native American Studies (to satisfaction).

What didn't get done: Everything else.

I made this since I got inspired to do so despite my poor acting skills. It made me feel better that Jennie Breedon said she liked the mumblings and to do something right. Geebas On Parade.

List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Pagan Book
World of Warcraft Emblem / 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Europe DVD
Chain Mail
Ballet DVD
Violin Practice
Job Search
Math Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Environmental Studies Homework
Sundance Book

Wish me luck. :)


Hey guys. I haven't posted in a few days for some reason and now I'm really behind on my list. No doubt I'm going to need to pull an all nighter to catch up. I'm going to need to buy a couple of the Starbucks coffee/energy drink cans. I'll also need to research good food for all nighters.

List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Pagan Book
World of Warcraft Emblem / 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Europe DVD
Chain Mail
Clean Out E-Mail
Belly Dance DVD
Youtube Video
Job Search
Math Homework
Native American Studies Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Environmental Studies Homework
Sundance Book

Wish me luck. :) I'm going to need it. :(

Piles of Reading

Hey guys, for some reason I couldn't get myself to do anything at all yesterday. I think I was just hungry or needed more iron cause I was more up for doing things after I had my big dinner. Sultan Wok makes good take out. :)

Anyway, which means I'm super behind on all my Native American Studies reading and homework. At this rate I'm going to be reading 100 pages in one setting. But I should probably get to work on it, especially since I'll be making a bento today.

List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Pagan Book
World of Warcraft Emblem / 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Europe DVD
Chain Mail
New Years Resolutions
LARP Songs
Math Homework
Native American Studies Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Environmental Studies Homework
Sundance Book

Wish me luck. :)

Long School Day

Hey guys, today is the day where I have roughly 6 hours to sit in classes. So I don't know how much I can actually do. As it is between sitting in the car with my sister, waiting for her, and making beef stew and helping my mom with her butternut squash soup, and class, I didn't have much time to do much but Math Homework and Clean Room.

List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Pagan Book
World of Warcraft Emblem / 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Europe DVD
Chain Mail
Violin Practice
Belly Dance DVD
Math Homework
Native American Studies Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Environmental Studies Homework
Sundance Book

Wish me luck. :)

Little Done

Hey guys. I actually didn't get anything done but a few math problems. Not 100% sure why that is. But I don't have much else to say right now, so I should probably get to my list.

List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Pagan Book
World of Warcraft Emblem / 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Europe DVD
Chain Mail
Clean Room
Work on Art
Math Homework
Native American Studies Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Environmental Studies Homework
Sundance Book

Wish me luck. :)

Behind On Homework And Late Night

Hey guys. Can't sleep at all, so I decided to just start posting. I tried to post earlier today, but for some reason, I couldn't get myself to do anything. Which is real bad news cause now I am really behind on my Native American studies reading and have quite a bit to read before 1pm. So I should probably get to that before I fall asleep. But I'll make my list ready for tomorrow. I'm surprised I could get myself to clean out my car after New York Renaissance Faire Sunday. I wish I remembered my camera for pictures. :(

List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Pagan Book
World of Warcraft Emblem / 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Europe DVD
Chain Mail
Ballet DVD
Violin Practice
Math Homework
Native American Studies Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Environmental Studies Homework
Sundance Book

Wish me luck. :)

Work and Homework

Hey guys. Yesterday wasn't so very good for getting things done. Ended up having very little time to myself. All that got done yesterday was Gaia Online Updates, Job Search, Native American Studies Homework, Math Homework, and reading the Sundance Book.

I'm hoping to be able to finish some homework between before work, after the bank, and during break at work.

List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Pagan Book
World of Warcraft Emblem / 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Europe DVD
Chain Mail
Ballet DVD
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Native American Studies Homework
Math Homework
Sundance Book
Environmental Science Homework

Wish me luck. :)

Library Book and Homework and World of Warcraft and Science

Hey guys. Yesterday was alright in getting stuff done. I did my homework, cleaned my room, did a drawing (not well), finished my library book, did gaia online updates, and managed to get my speakers plugged in so I could get a World of Warcraft Emblem. I'm really glad I could return to World of Warcraft. I suck without sound. :)

But since I finished my library book, it's time to put up a review.

This is a great book of getting to the root of the problem. Detaching you for why you have clutter in the first place and the stories that lead it there. Asks you to take a look at things individually so you can clear it all out. This book is mostly for motivation and helping you understand the stories around you. A highly recommended book for getting some more space.

Wow, that was a short one.

Well, I should probably get to my list. I've decided to try and read a few pages of the book I have to read for my Native American studies class a day.

List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Pagan Book
World of Warcraft Emblem / 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Europe DVD
Chain Mail
Violin Practice
Belly Dance DVD
Job Search
Native American Studies Homework
Math Homework
Sundance Book

Wish me luck. :)

Homework And Class And Cleaning

Hey guys. I got a later post today since I had an errand to run and had to ride with my sister to her class.

I ended up changing Library Notes to Make Purpose Poster. Which didn't get done cause as soon as I got home, my mom was fighting with me about putting it up in my room. I'm getting a little tired of my family treated me like I'm some retarded child.

Well, I should probably get to my list before I have class in a couple of hours.

List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Webcomic Writing
Library Book
Violin For Dummies
Pagan Book
World of Warcraft Emblem / 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Europe DVD
Chain Mail
Clean Room
Work on Art
Step Aerobics
Native American Studies Homework
Computer Literacy Homework

Wish me luck. :)

First Day Back At School!

Hey guys. Woke up late so I'm late posting on my blog. I was hoping to do it in class but my laptop was dead. Well, it's the first day of class, which means tomorrow is the first day of homework and I got to spend part of today planning the homework. Well, wish me luck on this new year. :) I should probably get to my list.

List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Webcomic Writing
Library Book
Violin For Dummies
Pagan Book
World of Warcraft Emblem / 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Europe DVD
Chain Mail
Ballet DVD
Violin Practice
Library Book Notes
Homework Planning
(Going to decide whether or not to do walking later)

Wish me luck. :)

So Very Sleepy

Hey guys. I'm not looking forward to the next two days. I had to wake up early to drop my sister off and I have the evening shift, and I still have to wake up early tomorrow cause my sister has the 10am shift and I have a 12pm shift. But at least as soon as I get home tomorrow, I could try and sleep for a while. But the more I think about this week between work and school, except Sunday where me and my sister are going to the New York Renaissance Faire, I get more tired and for some reason the more I crave a hamburger.

What got done: Gaia Online, Library Book, Violin For Dummies, 1/2 Brush Teeth, Europe DVD, New Years Resolutions, Shower.

I would have probably done a lot more if I didn't get home at 1am. :(

List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Webcomic Writing
Library Book
Violin For Dummies
Pagan Book
World of Warcraft Emblem / 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Europe DVD
Chain Mail
Library Book Notes
Clean Out Purse
Clean Out Car

Wish me luck. :)

No Rain Yesterday

Hey guys. We had a tropical storm warning yesterday, I was half hoping I'd have the day off cause me and my sister went to this farm stand we pass by everyday and they had a pretty good price for clams. I was hoping my sister could cook and eat then and I'd make jewelery out of the shells to sell at the LARP. And speaking of the LARP, my sister was nice enough to get me some fabric, I'm paying her back later, that I know right away what to do with, both with my costume to add color and to sell.

What got done: Gaia Online, Library Book, 1/2 Brush Teeth, Europe DVD, Library Book Notes, Hiragana/Katakana Practice, Bento.

What didn't get done: Writing: Book, Writing: Script, Writing: Play, Webcomic Writing, Violin For Dummies, Pagan Book, World of Warcraft Emblem/1/2 Leveling, Chain Mail, 1/2 Brush Teeth, Ballet DVD, Vocabulary Practice, Sewing.

So a lot more didn't get done then done yesterday, but for how long I was gone, I feel good about it. I didn't end up eating my bento yesterday, so I'm eating it today.

List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Webcomic Writing
Library Book
Violin For Dummies
Pagan Book
World of Warcraft Emblem / 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Europe DVD
Chain Mail
Library Book Notes
New Years Resolutions
LARP Songs

Wish me luck. :)

Not Much Done

Hey guys. As my title suggests, I didn't get much done yesterday. All that got done were: Gaia Online Updates, Europe DVD, Library Book, and Job Search, and just barely that last one. I think it's because my mom kept bugging me and bugging me to clean the bathroom, which put me less and less in the mood to do actual work on my list because I got more and more irritated with her constant bugging. Oh well, what can you do? I might end up going home with a fairly large tropical storm in the area. But just incase, I'm bringing 2 books and a bento.

List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Webcomic Writing
Library Book
Violin For Dummies
Pagan Book
World of Warcraft Emblem / 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Europe DVD
Chain Mail
Ballet DVD
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Library Book Notes

Wish me luck. :)


Hey guys. If you've been keeping track, I've had a number of week where I just started to clean my room and it never actually got clean. Well, it got clean last night, and although the only other thing that got done was Gaia Online Updates, that's the one I really wanted done. :)

Well, I don't know if I have much else to say, so I'll get to my list while my frozen pizza is cooking.

List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Webcomic Writing
Library Book
Violin For Dummies
Pagan Book
World of Warcraft Emblem / 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Europe DVD
Library Book Notes
Violin Practice
Belly Dance DVD
Job Search

Wish me luck. :)


Hey guys. I think certain stresses are starting to get to me. Making me tired, a bit more irritable, and generally sick. Of course, it could just be something else I'm not at liberty to discuss.

Yesterday didn't go over so well. I forgot my uniform at home and ended up spending more of my free time going back to pick it up. So all that got done was Gaia Updates, Europe DVD, and Shower.

List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Webcomic Writing
Library Book
Violin For Dummies
Pagan Book
World of Warcraft Emblem / 1/2 Leveling
Brushing Teeth
Europe DVD
Chain Mail
Clean Room
Work on Art
Library Book Notes

Wish me luck. :)