Summer Cleaning Phases Done...finally!

Hey guys. Well, yesterday was a good day to get stuff done for some reason. On the list of things that got done were, Reading Book, 1/2 Brush Teeth, Clean out E-mail Clean Room, Clean Hallway, Clean Bathroom, Summer Cleaning Phases 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11.

So as you might have noticed from the title and the list. I finished all my summer cleaning phases. I decided not to continue with the Gaia Online stuff since the guild are long past dead. (Unless someone wants to post from my procrastination guild saying otherwise) And add Cafepress Shop to my list and have a small goal I'll determine that day. I am also going to add moving phases starting September 12th since anytime between there and early October is when I'll be moving. I'll add that to my calender otherwise I'll forget it.

Of course, my fiance reminds me his birthday is in early October, but apparently will be happy if I make him this rich Belgian beef stew recipe. I still need to find him something though and still need to find his mom a gift.

Anyway, I think that's it for now. I'm premaking this the night before and I'm about to head off to bed.

((Edit: Reposting to be on the right day since I forgot to time set it))

List for today:
Cafepress Shop
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Reading Book
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Money Making
Ballet DVD
Violin Practice

Wish me luck. :)

Another Day Off

Hey guys. Well, I have now had a 4 day weekend, and it feels rather nice to be able to sleep in an do what I want. But I do have to clean up today. I started last night, but ended up going to bed after I folded 3 loads of towels and washed my work shirts which always needs a lot of work since the airbrush ink stains.

So I have to get to work, and I don't think I have anything interesting to say.

List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Webcomic Writing
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Reading Book
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Money Making
Clean Out E-Mail
Belly Dance DVD
Clean Room
Clean Bathroom
Clean Hallway
Youtube Video
Summer Cleaning Phase 3
Summer Cleaning Phase 6
Summer Cleaning Phase 7
Summer Cleaning Phase 9
Summer Cleaning Phase 10
Summer Cleaning Phase 11

Wish me luck. :)


Hey guys. I woke up this morning looking at the window and thinking, that's it? That's the tropical storm. I feel silly for being even as worried as I was. Though there are still some pretty strong winds. The power didn't even go out in my area. I'm far enough inland where I didn't have to worry too much. Some of my favorite people were affected, and I wish them well with any trouble they've had. But good thing I already cleared out my car so I don't have to worry about working on it now.

List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Reading Book
Brushing Teeth
Europe DVD
Chain Mail
Money Making
Clean Out Purse
Clean Room
Clean Bathroom
Clean Hallway
Summer Cleaning Phase 3
Summer Cleaning Phase 6
Summer Cleaning Phase 7
Summer Cleaning Phase 9
Summer Cleaning Phase 10
Summer Cleaning Phase 11

Wish me luck. :)

Day Off, Hurricane Comming

Hey guys. Well, today is my day off, though I'm not all that sure I'll be coming in tomorrow, even if it's meant to be before the hurricane. Though I kind of laugh that I'm the one scheduled to be at Hurricane Harbor that day. Althoguh I'm not too worried about a category 1 hurricane. (Seriously folks, by the time it gets up here, just don't do something like leave your house or sit near windows or leave candles burning unattended and I think you'll be fine.) I still need to at least clean out my car and empty anything valuable or things that could get damaged in the event, lets say, a branch breaks a window (why you don't go near windows in high winds) and someone breaks into my car and steals something or my Dungeons and Dragons guide books get ruined...or stolen depending on the thief...

Anyway, I should probably get to work.

List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Reading Book
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Money Making
Ballet DVD
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Clean Room
Clean Out Car
Summer Cleaning Phase 3
Summer Cleaning Phase 6
Summer Cleaning Phase 7
Summer Cleaning Phase 9
Summer Cleaning Phase 10
Summer Cleaning Phase 11

Wish me luck. :)

Working In The Afternoon

Hey guys. Well, yesterday was kind of meh. I arrived home late, and didn't have much time before Jennie Breedon's webcast started. And it played late so I didn't clean my room until about 10:30 where I had to also cook dinner. So all I got done was Clean Room and Money Making cause I'm starting working on 2 new cafepress shops. I'll post links when they are ready for the public.

I don't think I have much to say.

List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Pagan Book
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Reading Book
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Money Making
Belly Dance DVD
Violin Practice
Summer Cleaning Phase 3
Summer Cleaning Phase 6
Summer Cleaning Phase 7
Summer Cleaning Phase 9
Summer Cleaning Phase 10
Summer Cleaning Phase 11

Wish me luck. :)

Work Work Work

Hey guys. Incase your wondering, monday didn't go to well. All that got done was Clean Out E-mail. Though I did do the majority to clean my room enough to have room for everything else. Now if I could just get myself to do everything else when I get home today. I feel like I don't have the time or energy to everything, I need to figure out a way to fix that.

List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Reading Book
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Money Making
Clean Room
Work on Art
Step Aerobics
Summer Cleaning Phase 3
Summer Cleaning Phase 6
Summer Cleaning Phase 7
Summer Cleaning Phase 9
Summer Cleaning Phase 10
Summer Cleaning Phase 11

Wish me luck. :)

Dry Spell

Hey guys. Wow, I'm in a really bad dry spell. I guess with worrying so much about moving, money, work, and every other little thing I'm doing, I either try and get my butt to work unsuccessfully, or I feel like I need a break and end up with hours playing minecraft or something.

Well, today, I'm so far delayed an hour before going to work. Hopefully I get rained out so I can also have a meeting today. And hopefully at least clean my room so I have room for the projects and everything.

List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Webcomic Writing
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Reading Book
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Money Making
Clean Out E-Mail
Belly Dance DVD
Clean Room
Youtube Video
Summer Cleaning Phase 3
Summer Cleaning Phase 6
Summer Cleaning Phase 7
Summer Cleaning Phase 9
Summer Cleaning Phase 10
Summer Cleaning Phase 11

Wish me luck. :)

Wicked Yesterday!

Hey guys. Well, I haven't been doing so well in procrastination lately. Though well in my personal life outside of work since I saw Wicked with my friend and her friend last night. As everyone has probably said, it was fantastic. Utterly amazing. My only two nit picks is that some of the songs, while fantastic, can start to sound very similar to one another, and the "ruby shoes" didn't seem all that ruby. It looked like they tried to shine a light on it to make them look ruby instead of silver but it didn't pay off as it should have. Wish I had a piece of costuming from there though. No wonder it won a Tony for it. But enough about my praise of Wicked.

I got quite a bit I should be doing today, including shipping things before work and trying to do anything I can after work. I wont be home till about 8 tonight, so we'll see how it goes.

List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
World of Warcraft 1/2 Leveling
Reading Book
Brushing Teeth
Chain Mail
Money Making
Ballet DVD
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Summer Cleaning Phase 3
Summer Cleaning Phase 6
Summer Cleaning Phase 7
Summer Cleaning Phase 9
Summer Cleaning Phase 10
Summer Cleaning Phase 11

Wish me luck. :)