Not on Schedule

Hey guys. Yesterday didn't go as well as I had hoped, I just felt so tired I ended up not getting much done. And I fear today might not be much better due to the fact that I woke up later today since my boyfriend set his alarm later. We were up until 2am playing old school red box Dungeons&Dragons. (I am currently a level 2 thief and he's our DM incase you're wondering.) But I at least wanted to get my blog post done today and only have half an hour before I need to make lunch.

What got done: Step Aerobics, Walk, Reading Book 1&2.

What's even worse about that is I really should have done the curls, there was no reason not to and I would have had another back up point. Oh well, what can be done about it now?

Back-Up Rewards: 1

List for today:
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Writing: Short Story
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Reading Book 1

Reading Book 2
Brushing Teeth

Money Making
Job Search
Step Aerobics

Clean Bedroom
Work On Art
Marcelline Wig
Drunken Pixie Planning
Contact Juggling

LARP Plot Writing

Wish me luck. :)

New Sleep Schedule?

Hey guys.  Well, yesterday was a decent day due to me having a bit more time.

What got done: Reading Book 2&3, Curls, Step Aerobics, Walk, Hiragana/Katakana Practice, Shower. (Though I did get a bit of my room done, though not sure how quickly I'll be able to get started since my sister's kitten decided my costume was a perfect place to rest)

So hopefully I'll have a fairly early regulated sleep schedule for the next few weeks since my boyfriend had just started training at his job and it's slightly off from a 9-5. Though this will likely only be for a few weeks but we'll see. Though it's terrible that happened if only because the main reason I quit my second job was because I couldn't get on a regulated sleep schedule with being lucky to get one day a week.

So hopefully with the extra time in the morning I can be consistently posting, weekdays at least, and getting things done. Here's hoping. Though at the moment one of my reading books is being taken off since it's gone missing. I'll have to put it back when I find it.

Back-up Rewards: 1

To Do List:

Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Writing: Short Story
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Ads
Reading Book 1
Reading Book 2
Brush Teeth
Money Making
Job Search
Step Aerobics
Drunken Pixie Planning
Contact Juggling
LARP Plot Writing
Clean Room

Wish me luck. :)

Up Early

Hey guys. Been a while, been quite busy with things, including being in a new relationship! Not going to go into to many details, but I'm really happy to be with him, and glad he feels the same. He's actually sometimes helping me with my procrastination problems so I might be asking him more to help me keep on track.

In the meantime, unfortunately I had to quit my second job. Hopefully that'll be fixed soon enough. Here's hoping I can find one that isn't about weekends, but we'll see. I'm also going to unfortunately have to put my YMCA gym membership on hold til at least I can figure out how to do an easier payment than $30 per month. It's not that it's not worth it, it's that I can't afford it right now between having to quit and my primary job cutting shifts. And since I have my gym membership on hold, I'll need to do other things since my diet hasn't been working out of late and I should get back on it. Especially since my weight loss goal is at least another 15lbs.

I'm going to leave off the summer cleaning for now though.

Well, I better get to it since it's already 10am and in 3 hours I got to eat lunch and get ready for work.

*Edit* Sorry about the weird format guys, for some reason it wont get fixed.

Back-Up Rewards: 0

To-Do List:

Writing: Book 

Writing: Play 

Writing: Script 

Writing: Short Story 

Etsy Teams

Etsy Product

Etsy Ads 

Reading Book 1

Reading Book 2 
Reading Book 3

Brush Teeth

Money Making 

Job Search 


Step Aerobics

Belly Dance DVD 

Clean-Out E-mail 

Hiragana Practice 

Katakana Practice 

Japanese Vocabulary 

Japanese Sentences

Youtube Video




LARP Songs

Contact Juggling

Drunken Pixie Productions Planning
Clean Room

Wish me luck. :)