What got done: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary, Gaia Guild, Writing, Webcomic Writing, Violin For Dummies, Reading Book, Library Book, Pagan Book, Japanese Study, Public Speaking Homework, History Homework, TV Production Homework, Viking Project, Clean out Purse, What is Goth?
What didn't get done: Anime Music Video Third Draft, World of Warcraft Emblems, Japanese Homework, Computer Literacy Homework, Ask The Bones Project.
So the great bulk of things got done, although not enough for my big reward, though I gave myself a sliver of my honey for what I did get done to encourage me to still go passed the half way marker.
Now to a couple of reviews.
We went to Malony's (I might be misspelling it) Pub in Main Street, Matawan, not to far form the Post Office and Thrift Store. Last time I went to the pub, I wasn't at all impressed with their food. I'm very glad that this was not the case yesterday. Me and my family split the Irish Nachos, while I alone had the Potato And Leek Soup and the Shepard's Pie. (To me, it's not a pub without Shepard's Pie) Their Irish Nachos were alright, but good with a pinch of salt, a good recommendation. I never had Potato And Leek Soup, so I didn't know what to expect. I was pleasantly surprised at this thick and well seasoned cup. A HIGH recommendation. The Shepard's Pie last time I had it needed to be doused in Worcestershire Sauce to be flavorful. Luckily this time, it could not ever need it. It was thick, rich, and flavorful, heavy on the ground beef. The only complaint is the odd serving that it was a glump of mashed potato instead of topped with it, although this allowed it to have more filling without being pushed out.
The Irish Rovers were great, as usual, funny comedic guys singing the best of classic Irish Songs. I think everyone's favorite was the Unicorn Song. However, I don't think I have much to say other then my recommendation to any Irish music lover.
I finished my reading of my favorite beginners book on magick (spelt with a k to differentiate between pagan/wiccan magick and fantastical magic). I highly recommend this book to anyone who is even remotely interested in Paganism or Wicca. She offers stories, examples of spells, advice, hints to further reading, and quick references as well as introducing the broader concepts of Paganism and Wicca. Even advice about telling your family that you're studying it. :)
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Anime Music Video Third Draft
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Pagan Book
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
TV Production Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
History Homework
Ask the Bones Project
What is Goth? Reading
Clean Out Computer
Clean Out E-mail
Belly Dance DVD
Job Search
Wish me luck. :)
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