Hey guys, yesterday went pretty well for getting stuff done.
What got done: Hiragana/Katakana Practice, Gaia Guild, Webcomic Writing, Violin For Dummies, World of Warcraft Emblems, Japanese Homework, Job Search Violin Practice, Bento.
What didn't get done: Vocabulary Practice, Writing, Library Book, LARP stuff, Japanese Study, History Homework, Viking Project, Ballet DVD.
So a few more things got done then didn't, but it's about even.
I'm in a panic mode because I was starting my take home test last night to find I'm missing my history textbook. So now I have a test due today and I don't have the stuff I need to get it done. Hopefully I'll find it when I clean my room.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
History Homework
Job Search
LARP Reading for Character History (The LARP is April 9th)
Clean Room
Work on art
Wish me luck. I need it.
Pushing Through The Sluggishness
Hey guys. I was still feeling sluggish. But I managed to get to work on something.
What got done: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice, Gaia Guild, Webcomic Writing, Violin For Dummies, Library Book, World of Warcraft Emblems, Viking Project, Japanese Study, Public Speaking Homework, Clean Out E-Mail, History Homework.
What didn't get done: Writing, LARP stuff, Japanese Homework, Computer Literacy Homework, Job Search, College Applications, Belly Dance DVD.
I'm still trying to figure out why I've been feeling tired and sluggish.
Today I got up at 9:30am, tomorrow I need to wake up at 8:30am, but afterwords, I'll keep trying to wake up by 9:30am.
Well, I don't think I have anything interesting to say.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
History Homework
Job Search
LARP Reading for Character History (The LARP is April 9th)
Violin Practice
Ballet DVD
Wish me luck.
What got done: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice, Gaia Guild, Webcomic Writing, Violin For Dummies, Library Book, World of Warcraft Emblems, Viking Project, Japanese Study, Public Speaking Homework, Clean Out E-Mail, History Homework.
What didn't get done: Writing, LARP stuff, Japanese Homework, Computer Literacy Homework, Job Search, College Applications, Belly Dance DVD.
I'm still trying to figure out why I've been feeling tired and sluggish.
Today I got up at 9:30am, tomorrow I need to wake up at 8:30am, but afterwords, I'll keep trying to wake up by 9:30am.
Well, I don't think I have anything interesting to say.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
History Homework
Job Search
LARP Reading for Character History (The LARP is April 9th)
Violin Practice
Ballet DVD
Wish me luck.
All Aboard The Train To Slugvile
Hey guys. Incase you didn't notice, I didn't post yesterday. I am currently trying to figure out why. I got up early enough where i should have been able to and didn't leave until 3:30pm. It's probably the same reason why I did only one thing the day before. Project wake up by 9:30....failed. Oh well, just have to try again tomorrow. But not the next day cause I try and wake up earlier then that. Then I will try again the next day. And the next day, and the next day, and the next day, and the next day, and the next day, and the next day, and then that's Wednesday again. So you get the idea.
I don't think I ever posted a review of this, so here it goes.
I am posting a review of the next big Disney animation classic, The Princess and the Frog. You guys might know it better as, the movie with the African-American princess. When I first heard about this project, I was skeptical, a African princess on a European tale. Since that's probably the major reason why she is the first, although we have a Middle-Eastern and a Native American and a Chinese princess, is that it's a European tale, so European=White. However, their way of handling it was well mastered. Bringing the tale centuries into the future into 1920's New Orleans. The era of Jazz and when women and Afircan-Americans were first starting to stand on their own two feet and up for themselves. One particular thing I love about this movie, is the note that were WAS INFACT racism in 1920's Louisiana. Most people like to either ignore it or try and pretend like 1920's wasn't a time period where a great amount of people were still racist. Despite his being a light hearted Disney animated film, it dose give a nod to a lot of problem in the Louisiana Bayou during the time. Not just racially, but there is also a huge class struggle there between those who have it all and those have have next to nothing, and those who have nothing at all. But in order to see it, you'd have to look at it with a creative spin. Wait for the anti-disney fans to be spending hate speech videos over the internet saying Disney is advocating this idea like it's a good thing to be racist and take everything out of context and how it is, infact, saying the opposite.
So a little bit more about the story. A twist off the original where a witch changes the prince and the princess kisses him to change him back to normal...Our "Princess" Tiana, is a waitress who works herself to death to get her fantasy resteraunt. Our Prince Naveen is a spoiled brat who is cut off from his allowance by his parents for being a leech and has a live free life style. He makes a deal with "The Shadow Man" who is a master of Voodoo and played by the immensely talented Keith David named Dr. Faciler for what he thinks is going to get him the money to continue his free lifestyle, but he's actually turning him into a frog so that Dr. Faciler and his servant can go around impersonating him to get the money of Tiana's best friend's father. Naveen mistakes Tiana for a princess at a costume party and because she is not a princess, it keeps Naveen a frog and turns Tiana into a frog herself. Twist!
Normally I don't care much for Jazz, but Disney always knows how to make you see the good in it. My personal favorite song is "Friends On The Other Side" sung by Dr. Faciler (aka Keith David) and "his friends on the other side". Other favorites are "I'm Almost There" which seems to want to be the big song of the film. "Ma Belle Evangeline" which is Ray singing about his love for the wishing star he names Evangline, which doubles as the song where Tiana and Naveen are starting to get real close to each other.
For those of you who remember what 2D Disney animation is, you're bound to love this movie.
This a wonderful heartwarming and inspiring tale which plays with the moral of balancing work and play and backing up your dram with hard work. And with a ironic end to it for Dr. Faciler. I HIGHLY recommend.
Image from http://toonbarn.com/
How To Train Your Dragons is well worth the $10.50 you see it on the flat movie theater screen and no doubt worth the $2-$3 more for the 3D. A heart-warming childhood adventure. With a creative look you can see a short theme of war propaganda, but you'd have to really have a creative look into it. I should, when the DVD comes out after the first initial watching, watch it while listening to Crusade by Voltaire to see if it syncs up in a significant way.
The basic storyline is that a young man (especially by Viking standards who believe that their children should be able to survive on their own at the age of 13) is a bumbling sore thumb in the Viking Society. Too weak to lift a sword or a hammer, he tries to use his blacksmithing apprenticeship to create a way that he might gain some prestige and respect from his Viking community, which, in that community, there was one sure fire thing that would do it. Kill a dragon which have been raiding and stealing their food, which we find out later it's for one HUGE FREAKING DRAGON which will eat them if they don't feed him. I warned you I might have a spoiler. Which he finally gets working to bring down the big dragon that raids them. Of course, me and my sister walk out saying, of course it's the dragon that kind of resembles a cat.
Which brings me up to one of my favorite parts of the movie. Rarely is there ever 1 kind of dragon rather then a multitude of different types. Which they frequently show about 5 different types not counting the main character's Toothless (named for his ability for retract his teeth) and then hints that there are many other types of dragons that don't go onto the island where they live.
I also like their nod to Viking lore, which is one of the richest in the world. They not only did with with Oden and Thor, but their belief of destiny. Viking lore is very big on the notion of destiny.
The training montage was cute and cheesey in the cute way. You'll most likely find yourself thinking in your mind "Awww, that's so cheesey.". In the good way.
Well, I think I should stop posting a review which for some reason takes me forever.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Public Speaking Homework
History Homework
Job Search
LARP Reading for Character History (The LARP is April 9th)
Clean Out E-mail
Belly Dance DVD
Wish me luck.
I don't think I ever posted a review of this, so here it goes.
I am posting a review of the next big Disney animation classic, The Princess and the Frog. You guys might know it better as, the movie with the African-American princess. When I first heard about this project, I was skeptical, a African princess on a European tale. Since that's probably the major reason why she is the first, although we have a Middle-Eastern and a Native American and a Chinese princess, is that it's a European tale, so European=White. However, their way of handling it was well mastered. Bringing the tale centuries into the future into 1920's New Orleans. The era of Jazz and when women and Afircan-Americans were first starting to stand on their own two feet and up for themselves. One particular thing I love about this movie, is the note that were WAS INFACT racism in 1920's Louisiana. Most people like to either ignore it or try and pretend like 1920's wasn't a time period where a great amount of people were still racist. Despite his being a light hearted Disney animated film, it dose give a nod to a lot of problem in the Louisiana Bayou during the time. Not just racially, but there is also a huge class struggle there between those who have it all and those have have next to nothing, and those who have nothing at all. But in order to see it, you'd have to look at it with a creative spin. Wait for the anti-disney fans to be spending hate speech videos over the internet saying Disney is advocating this idea like it's a good thing to be racist and take everything out of context and how it is, infact, saying the opposite.
So a little bit more about the story. A twist off the original where a witch changes the prince and the princess kisses him to change him back to normal...Our "Princess" Tiana, is a waitress who works herself to death to get her fantasy resteraunt. Our Prince Naveen is a spoiled brat who is cut off from his allowance by his parents for being a leech and has a live free life style. He makes a deal with "The Shadow Man" who is a master of Voodoo and played by the immensely talented Keith David named Dr. Faciler for what he thinks is going to get him the money to continue his free lifestyle, but he's actually turning him into a frog so that Dr. Faciler and his servant can go around impersonating him to get the money of Tiana's best friend's father. Naveen mistakes Tiana for a princess at a costume party and because she is not a princess, it keeps Naveen a frog and turns Tiana into a frog herself. Twist!
Normally I don't care much for Jazz, but Disney always knows how to make you see the good in it. My personal favorite song is "Friends On The Other Side" sung by Dr. Faciler (aka Keith David) and "his friends on the other side". Other favorites are "I'm Almost There" which seems to want to be the big song of the film. "Ma Belle Evangeline" which is Ray singing about his love for the wishing star he names Evangline, which doubles as the song where Tiana and Naveen are starting to get real close to each other.
For those of you who remember what 2D Disney animation is, you're bound to love this movie.
This a wonderful heartwarming and inspiring tale which plays with the moral of balancing work and play and backing up your dram with hard work. And with a ironic end to it for Dr. Faciler. I HIGHLY recommend.
How To Train Your Dragons is well worth the $10.50 you see it on the flat movie theater screen and no doubt worth the $2-$3 more for the 3D. A heart-warming childhood adventure. With a creative look you can see a short theme of war propaganda, but you'd have to really have a creative look into it. I should, when the DVD comes out after the first initial watching, watch it while listening to Crusade by Voltaire to see if it syncs up in a significant way.
The basic storyline is that a young man (especially by Viking standards who believe that their children should be able to survive on their own at the age of 13) is a bumbling sore thumb in the Viking Society. Too weak to lift a sword or a hammer, he tries to use his blacksmithing apprenticeship to create a way that he might gain some prestige and respect from his Viking community, which, in that community, there was one sure fire thing that would do it. Kill a dragon which have been raiding and stealing their food, which we find out later it's for one HUGE FREAKING DRAGON which will eat them if they don't feed him. I warned you I might have a spoiler. Which he finally gets working to bring down the big dragon that raids them. Of course, me and my sister walk out saying, of course it's the dragon that kind of resembles a cat.
Which brings me up to one of my favorite parts of the movie. Rarely is there ever 1 kind of dragon rather then a multitude of different types. Which they frequently show about 5 different types not counting the main character's Toothless (named for his ability for retract his teeth) and then hints that there are many other types of dragons that don't go onto the island where they live.
I also like their nod to Viking lore, which is one of the richest in the world. They not only did with with Oden and Thor, but their belief of destiny. Viking lore is very big on the notion of destiny.
The training montage was cute and cheesey in the cute way. You'll most likely find yourself thinking in your mind "Awww, that's so cheesey.". In the good way.
Well, I think I should stop posting a review which for some reason takes me forever.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Public Speaking Homework
History Homework
Job Search
LARP Reading for Character History (The LARP is April 9th)
Clean Out E-mail
Belly Dance DVD
Wish me luck.
Woke Up Late Everything Is Late
Hey guys. Today is starting at a late start. it's already 3:30 pm and I didn't wake up until 1:30pm. Yesterday was a pretty good day for my procrastination.
What got done: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice, Gaia Guild Updates, Writing, Webcomic Writing, Violin For Dummies, Library Book, World of Warcraft Emblems, Japanese Study, Japanese Homework, Computer Literacy Homework, Public Speaking Homework, College Applications.
What didn't get done: LARP Read, Job Search, Ballet DVD, Sewing.
So a vast more things got done then didn't get done. And that is a good thing. :)
Since I did my library book it's ready for review.
I just finished reading Time Management from the Inside Out ; The Foolproof System for Taking Control of Your Schedule-and Your Life by Julie Morgenstern. As you probably remember, but if not I shall remind you, before this I finished another Time Management book. I am going to say while both books are a good investment, I would recommend this book over the other one. First major difference between the two books. One focuses on Time Management in your job, which could be invaluable if you feel like you always have to stay late in your job. This one focuses on Time Management in every other aspect in your life, so something that is more important to me. Another important difference between the two books is that the author recognizes some of us have too chaotic lives and has a different way to look at scheduling yourself. Of course, the biggest advice that is helpful is to give some leeway time for distractions. Living with your parents means at any given moment they can throw a wrench into your plans and ask you to go to the bank for them, go grocery shopping for them, clean, unload the dishwasher, ask questions, etc. She has simple formulas for taking control of your schedule without going into too much about making specific time plans. Which makes this book feel more like an anti-procrastination book rather then time management, though useful for both.
WADE and the 4 D's are the simple formulas for trying to get control of your schedule. WADE is Write it Down ; Add it Up ; Decide ; Execute Your Plan. Write it down is self explanatory. Add it Up is estimate and add up how long it'll take to do something. Which somewhere she also tells you you must record how long it takes you to do something for a few weeks. Tasks we hate to do we feel might take 2 hrs but really only takes 1hr 15min, and tasks we love to do we feel might take half an hour but really take an hour. So understanding just how long something takes is a key to getting good time management. Decide gets explained further in the 4 D's. And Execute Your Plan is self explanatory.
The 4 D's are Delete ; Delay ; Delegate ; and/or Diminish. Delete is self explanatory, is there's something that can be not done, don't do it. Like cleaning your house floors everyday with a full times job. There is actually an example of that in the book. Delay, if something can wait for a bit, move it to a move covenant time. Sometime I've already did. Delegate, if someone could do the job or some of the job, give it to them, like your kids and chores. Diminish or separate into smaller/shorter tasks.
I think that's enough for right now. I highly recommend this book. Go out and get it! :-P
It's now 4:40pm, I couldn't just sit here the whole time to write my review and I just made and ate my lunch of beef taquitos, California blend vegetables, and diced kiwi.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Public Speaking Homework
History Homework
Job Search
LARP Reading for Character History (The LARP is April 9th)
Violin Practice
What got done: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice, Gaia Guild Updates, Writing, Webcomic Writing, Violin For Dummies, Library Book, World of Warcraft Emblems, Japanese Study, Japanese Homework, Computer Literacy Homework, Public Speaking Homework, College Applications.
What didn't get done: LARP Read, Job Search, Ballet DVD, Sewing.
So a vast more things got done then didn't get done. And that is a good thing. :)
Since I did my library book it's ready for review.
I just finished reading Time Management from the Inside Out ; The Foolproof System for Taking Control of Your Schedule-and Your Life by Julie Morgenstern. As you probably remember, but if not I shall remind you, before this I finished another Time Management book. I am going to say while both books are a good investment, I would recommend this book over the other one. First major difference between the two books. One focuses on Time Management in your job, which could be invaluable if you feel like you always have to stay late in your job. This one focuses on Time Management in every other aspect in your life, so something that is more important to me. Another important difference between the two books is that the author recognizes some of us have too chaotic lives and has a different way to look at scheduling yourself. Of course, the biggest advice that is helpful is to give some leeway time for distractions. Living with your parents means at any given moment they can throw a wrench into your plans and ask you to go to the bank for them, go grocery shopping for them, clean, unload the dishwasher, ask questions, etc. She has simple formulas for taking control of your schedule without going into too much about making specific time plans. Which makes this book feel more like an anti-procrastination book rather then time management, though useful for both.
WADE and the 4 D's are the simple formulas for trying to get control of your schedule. WADE is Write it Down ; Add it Up ; Decide ; Execute Your Plan. Write it down is self explanatory. Add it Up is estimate and add up how long it'll take to do something. Which somewhere she also tells you you must record how long it takes you to do something for a few weeks. Tasks we hate to do we feel might take 2 hrs but really only takes 1hr 15min, and tasks we love to do we feel might take half an hour but really take an hour. So understanding just how long something takes is a key to getting good time management. Decide gets explained further in the 4 D's. And Execute Your Plan is self explanatory.
The 4 D's are Delete ; Delay ; Delegate ; and/or Diminish. Delete is self explanatory, is there's something that can be not done, don't do it. Like cleaning your house floors everyday with a full times job. There is actually an example of that in the book. Delay, if something can wait for a bit, move it to a move covenant time. Sometime I've already did. Delegate, if someone could do the job or some of the job, give it to them, like your kids and chores. Diminish or separate into smaller/shorter tasks.
I think that's enough for right now. I highly recommend this book. Go out and get it! :-P
It's now 4:40pm, I couldn't just sit here the whole time to write my review and I just made and ate my lunch of beef taquitos, California blend vegetables, and diced kiwi.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Public Speaking Homework
History Homework
Job Search
LARP Reading for Character History (The LARP is April 9th)
Violin Practice
Slugland City
Hey guys. Yesterday I was really sluggish and really didn't get anything done. All that got done was ; Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice, Library Book, World of Warcraft Emblems (one of the reasons why I didn't get much done, getting through Halls of Reflection took over an hour. It's very annoying to be a healer and tank in there), and Japanese Study.
Today I'll most likely be finishing the Library Book and the review will be up tomorrow.
I don't think I have much to say today though.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Public Speaking Homework
History Homework
Ask the Bones Project
Job Search
LARP Reading for Character History (The LARP is April 9th)
Ballet DVD
Wish me luck.
Today I'll most likely be finishing the Library Book and the review will be up tomorrow.
I don't think I have much to say today though.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Public Speaking Homework
History Homework
Ask the Bones Project
Job Search
LARP Reading for Character History (The LARP is April 9th)
Ballet DVD
Wish me luck.
Slugged Yesterday But Finished Strong
Hey guys. I start strong yesterday with Cleaning my Room, doing a bit of Art, and reading the Library Book. (The review should be up soon, around 2-3 days) Once I got to school, I kind of just sat in class and then sat in the library. Once I got home, I was still feeling sluggish. It wasn't until 11pm that I was looking at the clock and was in somewhat shock. Around 11:30-11:45 I made myself get my butt moving and and just did one thing at a time, excluding reading Violin For Dummies and Writing for the Webcomic. Around 3:30 I only had LARP read left on my list and I was sitting on my bed eating the other half of my white chocolate peanut butter rabbit. Since the LARP read has tiny font, I decided I did enough and to send out an e-mail asking what year we're at now and what chapters to particularly pay attention to.
I am not sure what to say right now. Hopefully I'll hear from someone soon for my filming projects.
I'm still looking for ideas and suggestions on how to make my blog more interesting.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Public Speaking Homework
History Homework
Ask the Bones Project
Job Search
LARP Reading for Character History (The LARP is April 9th)
Violin Practice
Belly Dance DVD
Work on Doll
Wish me luck. :)
I am not sure what to say right now. Hopefully I'll hear from someone soon for my filming projects.
I'm still looking for ideas and suggestions on how to make my blog more interesting.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Public Speaking Homework
History Homework
Ask the Bones Project
Job Search
LARP Reading for Character History (The LARP is April 9th)
Violin Practice
Belly Dance DVD
Work on Doll
Wish me luck. :)
Feeling Sluggish
Hey guys, yeah I was a bit sluggish yesterday. Some of it has to do with the fact that I was running around a bit yesterday. So barely anything got done before I decided it was more important I sleep and was well rested for waking up early today. Of course, so for today I haven't been feeling all that focused.
What Got Done: Hiragana/Katakana, Library Book, Computer Literacy Homework, Violin Practice.
I'm thinking of adding Violin Practice every Saturday and Sunday since I am at the point in my Violin For Dummies book that I should be practicing more then reading.
I don't think I have much else to say.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Ask the Bones Project
Job Search
LARP Reading for Character History (The LARP is April 9th)
Clean Room
Work On Art
Wish me luck.
What Got Done: Hiragana/Katakana, Library Book, Computer Literacy Homework, Violin Practice.
I'm thinking of adding Violin Practice every Saturday and Sunday since I am at the point in my Violin For Dummies book that I should be practicing more then reading.
I don't think I have much else to say.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Ask the Bones Project
Job Search
LARP Reading for Character History (The LARP is April 9th)
Clean Room
Work On Art
Wish me luck.
Did Good Yesterday
Hey guys, as the title says, I did pretty good yesterday. It helps that I barely had much left to do on the Spring Cleaning. I do really need to note it takes 3 days and I'm more productive if I switch up what I am doing every so often.
What Got Done: Hiaragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice, Gaia guild, Writing, Webcomic Writing, Violin For Dummies, Library Book, World of Warcraft Emblems, Japanese Study, Computer Literacy Homework, Viking Project, Ask The Bones Project, Job Search, Spring Cleaning, Clean-out E-Mail, Bento.
What Didn't Get Done: LARP Read, Japanese Homework, History Homework, Belly Dance DVD.
So a great deal more got done rather then didn't get done, though not everything. Had I gotten up sooner, I might have been able to do everything.
I am not sure if I have anything else interesting to say.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
History Homework
Ask the Bones Project
Job Search
LARP Reading for Character History (The LARP is April 9th)
Ballet DVD
Violin Practice
Wish me luck. :)
What Got Done: Hiaragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice, Gaia guild, Writing, Webcomic Writing, Violin For Dummies, Library Book, World of Warcraft Emblems, Japanese Study, Computer Literacy Homework, Viking Project, Ask The Bones Project, Job Search, Spring Cleaning, Clean-out E-Mail, Bento.
What Didn't Get Done: LARP Read, Japanese Homework, History Homework, Belly Dance DVD.
So a great deal more got done rather then didn't get done, though not everything. Had I gotten up sooner, I might have been able to do everything.
I am not sure if I have anything else interesting to say.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
History Homework
Ask the Bones Project
Job Search
LARP Reading for Character History (The LARP is April 9th)
Ballet DVD
Violin Practice
Wish me luck. :)
Spring Cleaning Is Appearntly A 3 Day Effort
As the title says, I'm now day three into my spring cleaning, I finished phase 3 yesterday and got through most of phase 4, but never finished. So that leave the last little bit of phase 4 and then phase 5 which is just note taking. So hopefully I'll finish tonight.
Yesterday I managed to finish the script for the Ask The Bones project and now I just need cast, location, tapes, and to have the camera out during filming. Oh, and I need to figure out how to turn a regular microphone into a boom microphone. I also started going through my notes for the viking project, so hopefully I can get filming for that very very very soon. I decided to move ahead the due date of that to the 27-29th so that it doesn't overlap too much with the Ask The Bones. I also managed to break away the last 2 days from my spring cleaning so I can mix up what I was doing with some library book reading, and yesterday some violin for dummies reading.
The only reason why I am not disappointed with how much things have not gotten done is because Spring Cleaning is a huge project. Although I just realized that now I have my entire Japanese Homework to do by tonight. Opps.
I don't think I have much else itneresting to say.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
TV Production Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
History Homework
Ask the Bones Project
Job Search
LARP Reading for Character History (The LARP is April 9th)
Clean out E-mail
Belly Dance DVD
Wish me luck.
Yesterday I managed to finish the script for the Ask The Bones project and now I just need cast, location, tapes, and to have the camera out during filming. Oh, and I need to figure out how to turn a regular microphone into a boom microphone. I also started going through my notes for the viking project, so hopefully I can get filming for that very very very soon. I decided to move ahead the due date of that to the 27-29th so that it doesn't overlap too much with the Ask The Bones. I also managed to break away the last 2 days from my spring cleaning so I can mix up what I was doing with some library book reading, and yesterday some violin for dummies reading.
The only reason why I am not disappointed with how much things have not gotten done is because Spring Cleaning is a huge project. Although I just realized that now I have my entire Japanese Homework to do by tonight. Opps.
I don't think I have much else itneresting to say.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
TV Production Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
History Homework
Ask the Bones Project
Job Search
LARP Reading for Character History (The LARP is April 9th)
Clean out E-mail
Belly Dance DVD
Wish me luck.
Underestimated Spring Cleaning
Hey guys, yesterday I didn't get much done because I underestimated how long it would take to go through all my stuff. You never know just how much stuff you have until you're forced to go through it all. I only got phase 1 and 2 done yesterday and I'm almost done with phase 3.
And what makes today worse, as usual, my family doesn't give a damn about my procrastination stuff, even though it's the only thing that keep my room clean and my homework done. So in addition to all the stuff I got to do today, my mom wants me to do the bathroom and the hallway.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
TV Production Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
History Homework
Ask the Bones Project
Job Search
LARP Reading for Character History (The LARP is April 9th)
Clean Out Purse
Wish me luck. :(
And what makes today worse, as usual, my family doesn't give a damn about my procrastination stuff, even though it's the only thing that keep my room clean and my homework done. So in addition to all the stuff I got to do today, my mom wants me to do the bathroom and the hallway.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
TV Production Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
History Homework
Ask the Bones Project
Job Search
LARP Reading for Character History (The LARP is April 9th)
Clean Out Purse
Wish me luck. :(
Spring Cleaning + Pretty Good Day Yesterday
Hey guys. So first things first. Yesterday (or today if you still want to count it like that) was a pretty good day to get things done one I started to will my way through my things. Before around 10pm, I was being lazy, was downstairs most of the day. I don't know what is causing it, maybe I just need to get through the initial will to get stuff done?
What got done: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary, Gaia Guild Updates, Writing, Webcomic Writing, Violin For Dummies, Reading Book, Library Book, Anime Music Video Third Draft, Pagan Book, Japanese Study, Japanese Homework, Computer Literacy Homework, History Homework, TV Production Homework, Viking Project, Job Search, What Is Goth? Ballet DVD.
What didn't get done: World of Warcraft Emblems, Ask The Bones, Sewing.
So there is a great difference between what got done and what didn't get done. Although I gave myself a big reward, half of me feels like I shouldn't have because I was still technically 5 points short of my goal. The other half says I got so much done before 4am, I still deserved it. I hope it's the second one. What do you guys think? I reward myself with half of the white chocolate peanut butter rabbit you guys saw before in my blog. If you haven't or forgotten, look back.
Well, enough of that for now. Now is time to explain to you and plan out my spring cleaning. For those of you who don't know, today is the first day of spring, the vernal equinox and Ostra in the pagan religion. Which it looks like we are meant to celebrate the same way people celebrate Easter, eggs and all. Surprised? This happens more often then you think, keep in mind this is a Nordic holiday.
Anyway, since it is the first day of spring, I decided it would be the prefect day to do some Spring Cleaning.
Phases and explanation of Spring Cleaning:
Phase 1: Procrastination List ; Basically, I go through my procrastination list, going through project to project, weighing them, dropping them, redefining them, etc.
Phase 2: Software/Tools ; Me spending sometime to find the best tool to try and get this done faster, better or have a digital to do list I can carry around with me and see if it works to keep this paper trail and trash low. Currently, all attempts at this are unsuccessful. But maybe I just haven't found the right program.
Phase 3: Go Through/Reorganize My Stuff ; In-Depth room cleaning, going through my storage stuff, shelves, closet, etc of every last item and either placing them where they are in a neater fashion, moving them to someplace better, or throwing them or storage them somewhere else.
Phase 4: Go Through My Clothes ; See what fits, what almost fits, what's too good to give away, what's good for donating at the thrift store, what needs to be thrown away.
Phase 5: Make Notes/List ; Notes of my spring cleaning on what I need to do, keep doing, improve on, or get to help me keep organized.
I'll start phase 1 now. Searching through my lists, the projects I need to look at to either readjust or drop are:
Reading Book, World of Warcraft Emblems, Pagan Book, Viking Project, Ask The Bones, What Is Goth?, HTML, Social Networking, Try A New Recipe.
Reading Book ; Reading Book 20pgs+Library Book 20pgs+Violin For Dummies 5pgs+Pagan Book 20pgs+What Is Goth? 20 Pgs= 85 pages per day! Do I really need to be reading that much as day not counting homework? I'm benching this project until I do not have a library book to read as well.
World of Warcraft Emblems ; This is a fun project that has the purpose of making me play more and get my moneys worth and get gear to be able to play with my boyfriend. However, I am not on when he is online and playing and it take 2 and a half hours to do if everything runs relatively smoothly and I don't get noobs or idiots. I prefer noobs because at least sometimes that just takes some creative adjusting and isn't the noobs fault. I don't want to bench this project paying $15 a month for a game, however, I am cutting from 10 bonus emblems per day to 6 bonus emblems per day. It makes a small difference, but cuts around an hour a day and will hopefully make me feel like it's a more doable goal.
Pagan Book ; I've already read it, basically I'm rereading it to try and get it to sink in. Again, do I really need to be reading this much per day without homework being factored in? So I am benching this project until a later time when my reading is lighter, and when I pick it back up, I'll hopefully be able to write more notes and just reefer back to the notes rather then this 250pg book.
Viking Project ; This was suppose to be a filmed piece of work, but my due date is March 31st. I'll be asking my sister if she would be willing to draw some pictures instead and I'd just do a voice over. Otherwise, I need to get right to work on filming or it wont be done in time and I'll have to do a PowerPoint. So if I do not have a rough shooting idea and voice-over idea by the 24th-26th, I'll cut my loses and just make a powerpoint.
Ask The Bones ; This is an ambitious project for a college application, if I do not have a full edited version by March 25th, then I will cut my loses and send and old school project.
What is Goth? ; Again, I've read it, I'll just be rereading it. Although it is a good read, I'll bench and just make it leisure without any specific goal.
HTML ; I started on this a while back, but currently, I don't think I have time for it. So it'll still be benched probably at least until I am closer to getting my webcomic out.
Social Networking ; I've found that too many things are just what to do in an interview or website like Facebook and Myspace. Yeah, that's really good to network to find a job. So I don't think I'll research this further unless I find a good book on the type of social networking I want.
Try A New Recipe ; I've basically forgotten this, and my parents are really annoyed at the type of recipes I want to do, so this project is benched at least until I move.
I'm glad I at least got the big project of Anime Music Video Third Draft done. I basically decided that what I had was good enough and added in some black space and am currently trying to get it sent in.
Well, I'm either going to nap, or get to work on phase 2, and I am leaning towards napping, so...
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
TV Production Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
History Homework
Ask the Bones Project
Job Search
LARP Reading for Character History (The LARP is April 9th)
Wish me luck.
What got done: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary, Gaia Guild Updates, Writing, Webcomic Writing, Violin For Dummies, Reading Book, Library Book, Anime Music Video Third Draft, Pagan Book, Japanese Study, Japanese Homework, Computer Literacy Homework, History Homework, TV Production Homework, Viking Project, Job Search, What Is Goth? Ballet DVD.
What didn't get done: World of Warcraft Emblems, Ask The Bones, Sewing.
So there is a great difference between what got done and what didn't get done. Although I gave myself a big reward, half of me feels like I shouldn't have because I was still technically 5 points short of my goal. The other half says I got so much done before 4am, I still deserved it. I hope it's the second one. What do you guys think? I reward myself with half of the white chocolate peanut butter rabbit you guys saw before in my blog. If you haven't or forgotten, look back.
Well, enough of that for now. Now is time to explain to you and plan out my spring cleaning. For those of you who don't know, today is the first day of spring, the vernal equinox and Ostra in the pagan religion. Which it looks like we are meant to celebrate the same way people celebrate Easter, eggs and all. Surprised? This happens more often then you think, keep in mind this is a Nordic holiday.
Anyway, since it is the first day of spring, I decided it would be the prefect day to do some Spring Cleaning.
Phases and explanation of Spring Cleaning:
Phase 1: Procrastination List ; Basically, I go through my procrastination list, going through project to project, weighing them, dropping them, redefining them, etc.
Phase 2: Software/Tools ; Me spending sometime to find the best tool to try and get this done faster, better or have a digital to do list I can carry around with me and see if it works to keep this paper trail and trash low. Currently, all attempts at this are unsuccessful. But maybe I just haven't found the right program.
Phase 3: Go Through/Reorganize My Stuff ; In-Depth room cleaning, going through my storage stuff, shelves, closet, etc of every last item and either placing them where they are in a neater fashion, moving them to someplace better, or throwing them or storage them somewhere else.
Phase 4: Go Through My Clothes ; See what fits, what almost fits, what's too good to give away, what's good for donating at the thrift store, what needs to be thrown away.
Phase 5: Make Notes/List ; Notes of my spring cleaning on what I need to do, keep doing, improve on, or get to help me keep organized.
I'll start phase 1 now. Searching through my lists, the projects I need to look at to either readjust or drop are:
Reading Book, World of Warcraft Emblems, Pagan Book, Viking Project, Ask The Bones, What Is Goth?, HTML, Social Networking, Try A New Recipe.
Reading Book ; Reading Book 20pgs+Library Book 20pgs+Violin For Dummies 5pgs+Pagan Book 20pgs+What Is Goth? 20 Pgs= 85 pages per day! Do I really need to be reading that much as day not counting homework? I'm benching this project until I do not have a library book to read as well.
World of Warcraft Emblems ; This is a fun project that has the purpose of making me play more and get my moneys worth and get gear to be able to play with my boyfriend. However, I am not on when he is online and playing and it take 2 and a half hours to do if everything runs relatively smoothly and I don't get noobs or idiots. I prefer noobs because at least sometimes that just takes some creative adjusting and isn't the noobs fault. I don't want to bench this project paying $15 a month for a game, however, I am cutting from 10 bonus emblems per day to 6 bonus emblems per day. It makes a small difference, but cuts around an hour a day and will hopefully make me feel like it's a more doable goal.
Pagan Book ; I've already read it, basically I'm rereading it to try and get it to sink in. Again, do I really need to be reading this much per day without homework being factored in? So I am benching this project until a later time when my reading is lighter, and when I pick it back up, I'll hopefully be able to write more notes and just reefer back to the notes rather then this 250pg book.
Viking Project ; This was suppose to be a filmed piece of work, but my due date is March 31st. I'll be asking my sister if she would be willing to draw some pictures instead and I'd just do a voice over. Otherwise, I need to get right to work on filming or it wont be done in time and I'll have to do a PowerPoint. So if I do not have a rough shooting idea and voice-over idea by the 24th-26th, I'll cut my loses and just make a powerpoint.
Ask The Bones ; This is an ambitious project for a college application, if I do not have a full edited version by March 25th, then I will cut my loses and send and old school project.
What is Goth? ; Again, I've read it, I'll just be rereading it. Although it is a good read, I'll bench and just make it leisure without any specific goal.
HTML ; I started on this a while back, but currently, I don't think I have time for it. So it'll still be benched probably at least until I am closer to getting my webcomic out.
Social Networking ; I've found that too many things are just what to do in an interview or website like Facebook and Myspace. Yeah, that's really good to network to find a job. So I don't think I'll research this further unless I find a good book on the type of social networking I want.
Try A New Recipe ; I've basically forgotten this, and my parents are really annoyed at the type of recipes I want to do, so this project is benched at least until I move.
I'm glad I at least got the big project of Anime Music Video Third Draft done. I basically decided that what I had was good enough and added in some black space and am currently trying to get it sent in.
Well, I'm either going to nap, or get to work on phase 2, and I am leaning towards napping, so...
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
TV Production Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
History Homework
Ask the Bones Project
Job Search
LARP Reading for Character History (The LARP is April 9th)
Wish me luck.
Terrible Day Yesterday To Be A Procrastinator
Basically, yesterday, I felt like I had a slothful hangover without having a drop of alcohol. :( Although today is already better since I went to my school's editing lab and got most of my homework done.
I don't think I have anything interesting to say.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Anime Music Video Third Draft
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Pagan Book
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
TV Production Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
History Homework
Ask the Bones Project
What is Goth? Reading
Job Search
Ballet DVD
Wish me luck.
I don't think I have anything interesting to say.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Anime Music Video Third Draft
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Pagan Book
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
TV Production Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
History Homework
Ask the Bones Project
What is Goth? Reading
Job Search
Ballet DVD
Wish me luck.
Post St. Patrick's Day
Hey guys, yesterday was an alright day for my procrastination. I hung out with my friend Glyn-Chan and then immediately went to a pub. So it wasn't until after all of that that I got my stuff.
What got done: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary, Gaia Guild, Writing, Reading Book, Library Book, Japanese Study, Japanese Homework, Computer Literacy Homework, History Homework, Viking Project, Job Search, What is Goth?, Clean Room.
What didn't get done: Webcomic Writing, Violin For Dummies, Anime Music Video Third Draft, World of Warcraft Emblems, Pagan Book, TV Production Homework, Ask The Bones Project.
So about half or over half the stuff that was meant to get done got done. :) Not bad for my day being completely taken over.
I finished reading What is Goth? by Voltaire yesterday. An incredibly light read. It's a tiny book, only about 95 pages long with lots of pictures. :D Although goth is a umbrella term, especially right now. Voltaire goes into the subject he knows very much about. Into types of goth, a bit of gothic history and thing in history with the word goth, difference between spooky and creepy; aka goth spooky, real world creepy, and all sorts of gothic goodies such as bad gothic poem generator, and dance steps. This is a fun and humorous read for anyone even the slight bit curious about the Gothic world and a good recommendation. :)
Otherwise I don't think I have much else interesting today. So.
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Anime Music Video Third Draft
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Pagan Book
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
TV Production Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
History Homework
Ask the Bones Project
What is Goth? Reading
Job Search
Violin Practice
Ballet DVD
Work on Doll
Wish me luck. :)
What got done: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary, Gaia Guild, Writing, Reading Book, Library Book, Japanese Study, Japanese Homework, Computer Literacy Homework, History Homework, Viking Project, Job Search, What is Goth?, Clean Room.
What didn't get done: Webcomic Writing, Violin For Dummies, Anime Music Video Third Draft, World of Warcraft Emblems, Pagan Book, TV Production Homework, Ask The Bones Project.
So about half or over half the stuff that was meant to get done got done. :) Not bad for my day being completely taken over.
I finished reading What is Goth? by Voltaire yesterday. An incredibly light read. It's a tiny book, only about 95 pages long with lots of pictures. :D Although goth is a umbrella term, especially right now. Voltaire goes into the subject he knows very much about. Into types of goth, a bit of gothic history and thing in history with the word goth, difference between spooky and creepy; aka goth spooky, real world creepy, and all sorts of gothic goodies such as bad gothic poem generator, and dance steps. This is a fun and humorous read for anyone even the slight bit curious about the Gothic world and a good recommendation. :)
Otherwise I don't think I have much else interesting today. So.
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Anime Music Video Third Draft
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Pagan Book
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
TV Production Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
History Homework
Ask the Bones Project
What is Goth? Reading
Job Search
Violin Practice
Ballet DVD
Work on Doll
Wish me luck. :)
Hey guys, yesterday didn't go so well. I was very late before I finally got out of the house because of make-up complications. And once I got home, I spent most of my time sitting downstairs to be allowed to turn my computer back on which annoyed me to no end. I ended up getting nothing done waiting on them. But of course they don't care, they don't care at all.
What got done: Gaia Guild, Violin For Dummies, Reading Book, Library Book, Pagan Book, Job Search.
What didn't get done: Everything else.
I don't think I have anything else interesting to say from yesterday.
Today might be a little bit chaotic because I got to clean the bathroom and hallway too and meet up with my friend Glyn-Chan and her friend to discuss the LARP we are planning on going to.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Anime Music Video Third Draft
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Pagan Book
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
TV Production Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
History Homework
Ask the Bones Project
What is Goth? Reading
Job Search
Clean Room
Wish me luck.
What got done: Gaia Guild, Violin For Dummies, Reading Book, Library Book, Pagan Book, Job Search.
What didn't get done: Everything else.
I don't think I have anything else interesting to say from yesterday.
Today might be a little bit chaotic because I got to clean the bathroom and hallway too and meet up with my friend Glyn-Chan and her friend to discuss the LARP we are planning on going to.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Anime Music Video Third Draft
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Pagan Book
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
TV Production Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
History Homework
Ask the Bones Project
What is Goth? Reading
Job Search
Clean Room
Wish me luck.
Everything Done Yesterday!
Hey guys. As The title says, I got everything done yesterday. :D I can't remember the last time every single item got done.
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary, Gaia Guild, Writing, Webcomic Writing, Violin For Dummies, Reading Book, Library Book, Anime Music Video Third Draft, World of Warcraft Emblems, Pagan Book, Japanese Study, Japanese Homework, Computer Literacy Homework, History Homework, TV Production Homework, Viking Project, Ask The Bones, Clean Out Computer, Clean Out E-mail, Belly Dance DVD, Job Search, What is Goth?
So sometime today I am going to get myself a big reward while I am out job hunting.
Above 6 pictures are my typical workspace. Keeping in mind that was a Monday and I usually clean my desk Wednesday, so it's about as dirty as it gets. The bottom picture is a before and after picture. Post-spring cleaning I am hoping it'll look more like the image on the right.
I don't think I have anything else interesting to say.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Anime Music Video Third Draft
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Pagan Book
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
TV Production Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
History Homework
Ask the Bones Project
What is Goth? Reading
Job Search
Violin practice
Ballet DVD
Wish me luck. :)
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary, Gaia Guild, Writing, Webcomic Writing, Violin For Dummies, Reading Book, Library Book, Anime Music Video Third Draft, World of Warcraft Emblems, Pagan Book, Japanese Study, Japanese Homework, Computer Literacy Homework, History Homework, TV Production Homework, Viking Project, Ask The Bones, Clean Out Computer, Clean Out E-mail, Belly Dance DVD, Job Search, What is Goth?
So sometime today I am going to get myself a big reward while I am out job hunting.
Above 6 pictures are my typical workspace. Keeping in mind that was a Monday and I usually clean my desk Wednesday, so it's about as dirty as it gets. The bottom picture is a before and after picture. Post-spring cleaning I am hoping it'll look more like the image on the right.
I don't think I have anything else interesting to say.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Anime Music Video Third Draft
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Pagan Book
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
TV Production Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
History Homework
Ask the Bones Project
What is Goth? Reading
Job Search
Violin practice
Ballet DVD
Wish me luck. :)
Pretty Good Day Yesterday
Hey guys. As the title says, I had a pretty good day yesterday. It was a good although not great day for me to get things done.
What got done: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary, Gaia Guild, Writing, Webcomic Writing, Violin For Dummies, Reading Book, Library Book, Pagan Book, Japanese Study, Public Speaking Homework, History Homework, TV Production Homework, Viking Project, Clean out Purse, What is Goth?
What didn't get done: Anime Music Video Third Draft, World of Warcraft Emblems, Japanese Homework, Computer Literacy Homework, Ask The Bones Project.
So the great bulk of things got done, although not enough for my big reward, though I gave myself a sliver of my honey for what I did get done to encourage me to still go passed the half way marker.
Now to a couple of reviews.
We went to Malony's (I might be misspelling it) Pub in Main Street, Matawan, not to far form the Post Office and Thrift Store. Last time I went to the pub, I wasn't at all impressed with their food. I'm very glad that this was not the case yesterday. Me and my family split the Irish Nachos, while I alone had the Potato And Leek Soup and the Shepard's Pie. (To me, it's not a pub without Shepard's Pie) Their Irish Nachos were alright, but good with a pinch of salt, a good recommendation. I never had Potato And Leek Soup, so I didn't know what to expect. I was pleasantly surprised at this thick and well seasoned cup. A HIGH recommendation. The Shepard's Pie last time I had it needed to be doused in Worcestershire Sauce to be flavorful. Luckily this time, it could not ever need it. It was thick, rich, and flavorful, heavy on the ground beef. The only complaint is the odd serving that it was a glump of mashed potato instead of topped with it, although this allowed it to have more filling without being pushed out.
The Irish Rovers were great, as usual, funny comedic guys singing the best of classic Irish Songs. I think everyone's favorite was the Unicorn Song. However, I don't think I have much to say other then my recommendation to any Irish music lover.
I finished my reading of my favorite beginners book on magick (spelt with a k to differentiate between pagan/wiccan magick and fantastical magic). I highly recommend this book to anyone who is even remotely interested in Paganism or Wicca. She offers stories, examples of spells, advice, hints to further reading, and quick references as well as introducing the broader concepts of Paganism and Wicca. Even advice about telling your family that you're studying it. :)
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Anime Music Video Third Draft
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Pagan Book
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
TV Production Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
History Homework
Ask the Bones Project
What is Goth? Reading
Clean Out Computer
Clean Out E-mail
Belly Dance DVD
Job Search
Wish me luck. :)
What got done: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary, Gaia Guild, Writing, Webcomic Writing, Violin For Dummies, Reading Book, Library Book, Pagan Book, Japanese Study, Public Speaking Homework, History Homework, TV Production Homework, Viking Project, Clean out Purse, What is Goth?
What didn't get done: Anime Music Video Third Draft, World of Warcraft Emblems, Japanese Homework, Computer Literacy Homework, Ask The Bones Project.
So the great bulk of things got done, although not enough for my big reward, though I gave myself a sliver of my honey for what I did get done to encourage me to still go passed the half way marker.
Now to a couple of reviews.
We went to Malony's (I might be misspelling it) Pub in Main Street, Matawan, not to far form the Post Office and Thrift Store. Last time I went to the pub, I wasn't at all impressed with their food. I'm very glad that this was not the case yesterday. Me and my family split the Irish Nachos, while I alone had the Potato And Leek Soup and the Shepard's Pie. (To me, it's not a pub without Shepard's Pie) Their Irish Nachos were alright, but good with a pinch of salt, a good recommendation. I never had Potato And Leek Soup, so I didn't know what to expect. I was pleasantly surprised at this thick and well seasoned cup. A HIGH recommendation. The Shepard's Pie last time I had it needed to be doused in Worcestershire Sauce to be flavorful. Luckily this time, it could not ever need it. It was thick, rich, and flavorful, heavy on the ground beef. The only complaint is the odd serving that it was a glump of mashed potato instead of topped with it, although this allowed it to have more filling without being pushed out.
The Irish Rovers were great, as usual, funny comedic guys singing the best of classic Irish Songs. I think everyone's favorite was the Unicorn Song. However, I don't think I have much to say other then my recommendation to any Irish music lover.
I finished my reading of my favorite beginners book on magick (spelt with a k to differentiate between pagan/wiccan magick and fantastical magic). I highly recommend this book to anyone who is even remotely interested in Paganism or Wicca. She offers stories, examples of spells, advice, hints to further reading, and quick references as well as introducing the broader concepts of Paganism and Wicca. Even advice about telling your family that you're studying it. :)
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Anime Music Video Third Draft
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Pagan Book
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
TV Production Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
History Homework
Ask the Bones Project
What is Goth? Reading
Clean Out Computer
Clean Out E-mail
Belly Dance DVD
Job Search
Wish me luck. :)
Lots of Reviews
Hey guys, as the titles says, I got a lot of reviews to cover today. I expected my book review, but not 2 movie reviews. :) So after I do my usual reports, I'll be posting a review of The Time Trap 4th Edition by Alec Mackenzie and Pat Nickerson. Then I'll be posting a review of Michael Moore's Capitalism A Love Story and Hayao Miyazaki's Ponyo.
So first things first, my report of yesterday. Unfortunately since I got distract for hours, first fighting with my parents, then cleaning the bathroom, then watching Middle-End of Michael Moore's Capitalism A Love Story and then Hayao Miyazaki's Ponyo. Of course after I had dinner, I had to go upstairs and watch Capitalism A Love Story from beginning to end.
So with all those distractions, I think I did fairly well, although I didn't get to bed until 3am.
What got done: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary, Gaia Guild, Violin For Dummies, Reading book, Library Book, Pagan Book, Japanese Study, Comp Lit Homework, Public Speaking Homework, History Homework, New Year Resolutions, What is Goth?
What didn't get done: Writing, Webcomic Writing, Anime Music Video Third Draft, World of Warcraft Emblems, Japanese Homework, TV Production Homework, Viking Project, Ask The Bones, Sewing.
So it appears that either the things that got done out number the things that didn't, or it's relatively equal. Which is the very minimum I want done per day. So yesterday I finished The Time Trap because of me doing library book reading. Sometimes though, I feel like I am doing too much reading in any given day.
Time for the reviews.
Overall I would rate this an alright book that's somewhat helpful. It's around 300 pages of advice, stories, and humor. There's one notable one that a manager covers his door with police do not cross tape signs to signify his closed door time and his employee crawls underneath saying it's just me.It's well written, though at times a bit dry. The main thing I've taken from this book is numerical prioritizing with my own spin on it. Another thing is that with some features of outlook it lists, I now want to learn outlook for the extra features it has. Again, I wouldn't highly recommend this book, but I would recommend reading it and writing down it's little hints and tid bits you want.
Michael Moore dose it again. A compelling and humorous argument in the form of a persuasive speech made into a movie. Unlike what everyone thinks, this is not a heavy argument for socialism, although he likes socialism over capitalism. His argument is simply there's a lot of flaws in capitalism, particularly when the government is bought out and dismantles their regulations, which we already know happened. That people need to either revolt, protest, or swarm by the numbers with voting and sway on the government that way because of our immense numbers. Especially since the government will fear a revolt. More importantly, the companies fear a revolt. We've had 2 major histories with industry revolt or stratification, the time when our unions were just being born and workers were saying they've had enough (I can't remember what time period that particularly is) and the Victorian era where you were pretty much either well to do, or you were struggling to get by. Sound familiar? We're basically the Victorian era without being polished and mannered and the lovely fashion. (That's not in the movie, that's just my own observation) I highly recommend this funny persuasive speech.
Hayao Miyazaki's Ponyo is definitely another movie where you look at it and automatically see a Miyazaki classic. A visually stunning masterpiece with heavy relations with the supernatural or spiritual world. With a good heroine, and lovable and endearing characters. If there's any problems with this masterpiece, it's that a little boy plays a little girl (Noah Cirus as Ponyo) and that it's horribly confusing in feeling. Ponyo is inspired by the classic fairytale The Little Mermaid and if you saw it, you can definitely see the similarities. He even mentions the original ending where the mermaid becomes the sea mist. What's the most confusing about it is that it seems like this 5 year-old-boy just promised to have Ponyo as his wife. o_0 If you can get past that, well, that and the people in Miyazaki's films never seem to even be disturbed by a major spiritual force (in japan it's basically down to superstition), it's a wonderful movie. :) I recommend it to everyone.
Well, I think that's it. I tried to finish this blog before I went to the pub and Irish Rovers, but I didn't make it. I was finishing up Capitalism A Love Story before I left. Reviews coming tomorrow. So off to my list.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Anime Music Video Third Draft
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Pagan Book
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
TV Production Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Public Speaking Homework
History Homework
Ask the Bones Project
Clean Out Purse
What is Goth? Reading
Wish me luck. :)
So first things first, my report of yesterday. Unfortunately since I got distract for hours, first fighting with my parents, then cleaning the bathroom, then watching Middle-End of Michael Moore's Capitalism A Love Story and then Hayao Miyazaki's Ponyo. Of course after I had dinner, I had to go upstairs and watch Capitalism A Love Story from beginning to end.
So with all those distractions, I think I did fairly well, although I didn't get to bed until 3am.
What got done: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary, Gaia Guild, Violin For Dummies, Reading book, Library Book, Pagan Book, Japanese Study, Comp Lit Homework, Public Speaking Homework, History Homework, New Year Resolutions, What is Goth?
What didn't get done: Writing, Webcomic Writing, Anime Music Video Third Draft, World of Warcraft Emblems, Japanese Homework, TV Production Homework, Viking Project, Ask The Bones, Sewing.
So it appears that either the things that got done out number the things that didn't, or it's relatively equal. Which is the very minimum I want done per day. So yesterday I finished The Time Trap because of me doing library book reading. Sometimes though, I feel like I am doing too much reading in any given day.
Time for the reviews.
Overall I would rate this an alright book that's somewhat helpful. It's around 300 pages of advice, stories, and humor. There's one notable one that a manager covers his door with police do not cross tape signs to signify his closed door time and his employee crawls underneath saying it's just me.It's well written, though at times a bit dry. The main thing I've taken from this book is numerical prioritizing with my own spin on it. Another thing is that with some features of outlook it lists, I now want to learn outlook for the extra features it has. Again, I wouldn't highly recommend this book, but I would recommend reading it and writing down it's little hints and tid bits you want.
Michael Moore dose it again. A compelling and humorous argument in the form of a persuasive speech made into a movie. Unlike what everyone thinks, this is not a heavy argument for socialism, although he likes socialism over capitalism. His argument is simply there's a lot of flaws in capitalism, particularly when the government is bought out and dismantles their regulations, which we already know happened. That people need to either revolt, protest, or swarm by the numbers with voting and sway on the government that way because of our immense numbers. Especially since the government will fear a revolt. More importantly, the companies fear a revolt. We've had 2 major histories with industry revolt or stratification, the time when our unions were just being born and workers were saying they've had enough (I can't remember what time period that particularly is) and the Victorian era where you were pretty much either well to do, or you were struggling to get by. Sound familiar? We're basically the Victorian era without being polished and mannered and the lovely fashion. (That's not in the movie, that's just my own observation) I highly recommend this funny persuasive speech.
Hayao Miyazaki's Ponyo is definitely another movie where you look at it and automatically see a Miyazaki classic. A visually stunning masterpiece with heavy relations with the supernatural or spiritual world. With a good heroine, and lovable and endearing characters. If there's any problems with this masterpiece, it's that a little boy plays a little girl (Noah Cirus as Ponyo) and that it's horribly confusing in feeling. Ponyo is inspired by the classic fairytale The Little Mermaid and if you saw it, you can definitely see the similarities. He even mentions the original ending where the mermaid becomes the sea mist. What's the most confusing about it is that it seems like this 5 year-old-boy just promised to have Ponyo as his wife. o_0 If you can get past that, well, that and the people in Miyazaki's films never seem to even be disturbed by a major spiritual force (in japan it's basically down to superstition), it's a wonderful movie. :) I recommend it to everyone.
Well, I think that's it. I tried to finish this blog before I went to the pub and Irish Rovers, but I didn't make it. I was finishing up Capitalism A Love Story before I left. Reviews coming tomorrow. So off to my list.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Anime Music Video Third Draft
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Pagan Book
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
TV Production Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Public Speaking Homework
History Homework
Ask the Bones Project
Clean Out Purse
What is Goth? Reading
Wish me luck. :)
In A Bad Rut
Hey guys, as it says in the title, I'm in a bad rut with my procrastination I need to claw out off. As I may or may not have said yesterday, I plan on trying to either figure out which projects to side bench until a later time, or finish up projects. Hopefully my Anime Music Video will be finished before spring break is over. So I should probably spend some of my day figure out my projects and whether or not their worth continuing or if they take up too much time.
Yesterday I did 2 things that'll affect my list. #1 I picked up my inter-library loan of What is Goth? by Voltaire, something that's been on my to read list for a while now. It's a very light read, margined fairly generously, filled with pictures, and the font is readable. So hopefully I could read it 2-3 times before I have to take it back with my 20 page marker.
I finished my second draft of my anime music video yesterday, one more draft and I'll send it into the contest. So hopefully it will be done before spring break is over.
Today is the New Jersey Renaissance Kingdom auditions and I'm still trying to convince my parents to let me go, more on that as it develops. :)
Yesterday I finally caught up with placing winners for my role players guild writing contest so I don't need to worry about that again until I do another one. I need to work on my Dominic Deegan guild's official Dominic Deegan Role Play. Hopefully that'll get done before Monday.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Anime Music Video Third Draft
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Pagan Book
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
TV Production Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Public Speaking Homework
History Homework
Ask the Bones Project
New Year Resolutions
What is Goth? Reading
Wish me luck. :)
Yesterday I did 2 things that'll affect my list. #1 I picked up my inter-library loan of What is Goth? by Voltaire, something that's been on my to read list for a while now. It's a very light read, margined fairly generously, filled with pictures, and the font is readable. So hopefully I could read it 2-3 times before I have to take it back with my 20 page marker.
I finished my second draft of my anime music video yesterday, one more draft and I'll send it into the contest. So hopefully it will be done before spring break is over.
Today is the New Jersey Renaissance Kingdom auditions and I'm still trying to convince my parents to let me go, more on that as it develops. :)
Yesterday I finally caught up with placing winners for my role players guild writing contest so I don't need to worry about that again until I do another one. I need to work on my Dominic Deegan guild's official Dominic Deegan Role Play. Hopefully that'll get done before Monday.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Anime Music Video Third Draft
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Pagan Book
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
TV Production Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Public Speaking Homework
History Homework
Ask the Bones Project
New Year Resolutions
What is Goth? Reading
Wish me luck. :)
Yesterday Had A Break Down
Hey guys. As the title said, I had a break down yesterday. Combination of Haven't Done Anything On The Blog or List + Shaky Interview (I think it went great but someone could be coming back to IHOP and then they'd get the job :() + Studying For a Retake And Not Being Able To Study For a Quiz I Didn't Do Well On + Hunger = Break Down.
So otherwise I don't think I have much to say, next week is my spring break so I'll either make sure I finish projects, or I side bench some projects for a later time.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Anime Music Video Second Draft
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Pagan Book
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
TV Production Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Public Speaking Homework
History Homework
Ask the Bones Project
Ballet DVD
Wish me luck.
So otherwise I don't think I have much to say, next week is my spring break so I'll either make sure I finish projects, or I side bench some projects for a later time.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Anime Music Video Second Draft
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Pagan Book
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
TV Production Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Public Speaking Homework
History Homework
Ask the Bones Project
Ballet DVD
Wish me luck.
Still On Groove
It seems to be a pattern that I finish everything then finish half, then finish everything, then finish half. I am not sure why. At any rate. I got a good amount of things done from my list.
What got done: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice, Gaia Guild Updates, Writing, Webcomic Writing, Violin For Dummies, Library Book, Reading Book, College Application, Pagan Book, Japanese Study, Ask the Bones, Violin Practice, Ballet DVD.
What didn't get done: Anime Music Video Second Draft, Webcomic Art, World of Warcraft Emblems, Viking Project, TV Production Homework, Computer Literacy Homework.
So a lot more things got done then didn't get done.
I'll soon be finishing The Time Trap and will be posting a review about it tomorrow or the next day.
I'm up earlier today because it is Wednesday and I like to get up earlier to clean my room before I go to school cause I don't want to do it after I get back at 8:30pm after a long day of school.
I wont be doing anymore webcomic art until I got another sketch book to fill with design ideas for the webcomic.
I don't think I have anything else to day today.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Anime Music Video Second Draft
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Pagan Book
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
TV Production Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Ask the Bones Project
Clean Room
Work on Art
Wish me luck. :)
What got done: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice, Gaia Guild Updates, Writing, Webcomic Writing, Violin For Dummies, Library Book, Reading Book, College Application, Pagan Book, Japanese Study, Ask the Bones, Violin Practice, Ballet DVD.
What didn't get done: Anime Music Video Second Draft, Webcomic Art, World of Warcraft Emblems, Viking Project, TV Production Homework, Computer Literacy Homework.
So a lot more things got done then didn't get done.
I'll soon be finishing The Time Trap and will be posting a review about it tomorrow or the next day.
I'm up earlier today because it is Wednesday and I like to get up earlier to clean my room before I go to school cause I don't want to do it after I get back at 8:30pm after a long day of school.
I wont be doing anymore webcomic art until I got another sketch book to fill with design ideas for the webcomic.
I don't think I have anything else to day today.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Anime Music Video Second Draft
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Pagan Book
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
TV Production Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Ask the Bones Project
Clean Room
Work on Art
Wish me luck. :)
Back on Groove
Hey guys. Despite taking hours out of my day to go get a few things at an Asian store, Target, and Stop and Shop, and the amount of time it took me to work on my TV production homework despite not finishing, I seem to have gotten almost everything from my list done.
What got done: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice, Gaia Guild Updates, Writing, Webcomic Writing, Violin For Dummies, Reading Book, Library Book, Webcomic Art, Anime Music Video Second Draft, College Application, Viking Project, Pagan Book, History Homework, TV Production Homework, Japanese Homework, Japanese Study, Computer Literacy Homework, Ask The Bones, Clean Out E-mail, Belly Dance DVD.
What didn't get done: World of Warcraft Emblems, Do's Don'ts and Mantras.
So I rewarded myself, first at the halfway mark with a baby spoon of my special honey, then with half of the white chocolate peanut butter filled bunny. I would have had more, but my stomach was upset.
I think I am going to drop my Do's Don'ts and Mantras project, maybe I'll pick it up again in a few weeks.
I don't think I have anything else interesting to day, so I'll just get to my list.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Webcomic Art
Anime Music Video Second Draft
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Pagan Book
Japanese Study
TV Production Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Ask the Bones Project
Ballet DVD
Violin Practice
Wish me luck. :)
What got done: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice, Gaia Guild Updates, Writing, Webcomic Writing, Violin For Dummies, Reading Book, Library Book, Webcomic Art, Anime Music Video Second Draft, College Application, Viking Project, Pagan Book, History Homework, TV Production Homework, Japanese Homework, Japanese Study, Computer Literacy Homework, Ask The Bones, Clean Out E-mail, Belly Dance DVD.
What didn't get done: World of Warcraft Emblems, Do's Don'ts and Mantras.
So I rewarded myself, first at the halfway mark with a baby spoon of my special honey, then with half of the white chocolate peanut butter filled bunny. I would have had more, but my stomach was upset.
I think I am going to drop my Do's Don'ts and Mantras project, maybe I'll pick it up again in a few weeks.
I don't think I have anything else interesting to day, so I'll just get to my list.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Webcomic Art
Anime Music Video Second Draft
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Pagan Book
Japanese Study
TV Production Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Ask the Bones Project
Ballet DVD
Violin Practice
Wish me luck. :)
Getting Back In The Groove
Hey guys. So yesterday I went and saw Alice again. :) Yes twice in a row, and this one did turn out to be 3D though it's not as good as the other theater, ti's still good 3D. Unfortunately this time the theater had a power surge so we spent a few minuets waiting for the movie to come back on. But otherwise, I really enjoyed seeing it again, of course it can't compare to seeing it for the first time or at least months in between for the DVD.
So even though I spent most of my time hanging out with my friend Risa, I still got a good amount of things done from my list.
What got done: Hiragana/Katakana, Writing, Webcomic Writing, Violin For Dummies, Reading Book, Library Book, Webcomic Art, Viking Project, Pagan Book, History Homework, Clean Purse, Clean Car.
What didn't get done: Vocabulary, Gaia guild Updates, Anime Music Video Second Draft, College Applications, World of Warcraft Emblems, Do's Don'ts and Mantras, TV Production Homework, Japanese Homework, Japanese Study, Ask The Bones.
It would appear what didn't get done slightly outweighs what did, but only slightly, and that maybe wording. So since I reached my points, I rewarded myself with a small baby spoon of special honey I bought at Wicked Faire. It's called Meadowfoam honey and it has a slight marshmallow taste to it. If you want some, they have an online store at Bee Folks. If I do roughly or over half my stuff again, I'll get another baby spoon worth.
I was annoyed today because Firefox only save 2 of my windows, and they were windows I didn't particularly care for. So I spent a good deal of time trying to recover what I lost, there's still going to be work to do however in the webcomic sections since I have to start some of them over again.
I think that's it for now.
I'm still looking for ideas on how to make my blog more itneresting.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Webcomic Art
Anime Music Video Second Draft
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing
Pagan Book
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
TV Production Homework
History Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Ask the Bones Project
Clean E-mail
Belly Dance DVD
Wish me luck.
So even though I spent most of my time hanging out with my friend Risa, I still got a good amount of things done from my list.
What got done: Hiragana/Katakana, Writing, Webcomic Writing, Violin For Dummies, Reading Book, Library Book, Webcomic Art, Viking Project, Pagan Book, History Homework, Clean Purse, Clean Car.
What didn't get done: Vocabulary, Gaia guild Updates, Anime Music Video Second Draft, College Applications, World of Warcraft Emblems, Do's Don'ts and Mantras, TV Production Homework, Japanese Homework, Japanese Study, Ask The Bones.
It would appear what didn't get done slightly outweighs what did, but only slightly, and that maybe wording. So since I reached my points, I rewarded myself with a small baby spoon of special honey I bought at Wicked Faire. It's called Meadowfoam honey and it has a slight marshmallow taste to it. If you want some, they have an online store at Bee Folks. If I do roughly or over half my stuff again, I'll get another baby spoon worth.
I was annoyed today because Firefox only save 2 of my windows, and they were windows I didn't particularly care for. So I spent a good deal of time trying to recover what I lost, there's still going to be work to do however in the webcomic sections since I have to start some of them over again.
I think that's it for now.
I'm still looking for ideas on how to make my blog more itneresting.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Webcomic Art
Anime Music Video Second Draft
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing
Pagan Book
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
TV Production Homework
History Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Ask the Bones Project
Clean E-mail
Belly Dance DVD
Wish me luck.
Rolling on Track ~ Alice and Fuddruckers Review
Hey guys. Yesterday went alright, not great, not good, but alright. What got done: Reading Book, Library Book, Webcomic Art, World of Warcraft Emblems, Public Speaking Homework, Computer Literacy Homework, History Homework. So a decent number of things got done considering I went out of my groove, but not as much as i would have liked to get done.
Warning, the following review may contain spoilers.
Picture is from www.iwatchstuff.com
Tim Burton and crew has done it again. :)
First of all, for some reason everyone thinks this, it is NOT like the original animated Disney version. I don't know why everyone thought it was. Yes, Tim Burton, the great film icon is going to make it completely like the unpopular original animated movie and have no creative involvement what so ever. Even noted that in the first few minuets of the movie, it's made very clear that it is more like a sequel.
Basically, the story line of this movie is that Alice is now 19 and returning to Wonderland. Why? Well, on her side, if anyone wants to say the Victorian Era wasn't at least slightly depressing, ask a goth. In the Victorian Era, although clean and polished, was heavily repressive. Right off the bat of 19-year-old Alice, she is criticized for not wearing her corset or stockings even though it's "proper". Although she has a choice, Alice is expected to marry a lord who thinks she's mad and rude for mentioning her "silly" thoughts. Such as the curiosity on what it would be like to fly. Besides pointing out that it reached day dreamers heads for almost all of history, the lord says it is an impossible task as a joke.
Picture from www.moresay.com
A little bit about the Wonderland characters. As expected, Johnny Deep as the Mad Hatter is very much win. It's so much win it's not even funny. Although this is to be expected. If Johnny Deep is good at nothing else (not to say he isn't) it's playing a character. And what better character then our not only active, but radioactive Mad Hatter. As for the others, including the red queen, Tim Burton shows his strength of making really endearing characters, although the talking flowers are still rude. :)
I think I can tell what you're thinking, and if you're not thinking this, you should. What about the Mad Hatter's mad playmates The March Heir and The Door Mouse? They have important roles here as well and very good characters well casted. Although I don't know much about Barbara Windsor (Door Mouse) and Paul Whitehouse (March Heir) they carried their roles well and made very interesting characters. The March Heir is given a little more light then one might expect since often people forget about the poor heir. This teacup throwing twitchy rabbit was the life of the movie when the Mad Hatter was absent or just one of the life when he was there. As for the Door Mouse, she seems a little less mad then the two. Although a slightly more important role then The March Heir. The Door Mouse was definitely a character that can stand on her own two feet, paws, feet, which is right, oh well. A feisty little mouse and a dear character.
Unlike the original animated movie, despite what she has done the Red Queen is a really endearing character. Through most of the movie the Red Queen has been debating with the same question many rulers have faced. Is it better to be feared or loved? Helen Bonham Carter, dose what she dose best, play a lovable mad woman. Even down to the end, the Red Queen pulls a confusing heart string. She desperately wants to be loved, but she knows she is not her sister who everyone loves. She is walking fine lines between loved and feared.
Picture is from shinemag.com
Do you remember Tweddle Dee and Tweedle Dum, both played by the talented Matt Lucas. Unlike the Ompa Lompas fiasco (I love the movie, but I did feel rather cheated with the copy and pasted Ompa Lompas), these lovable characters although seeming to share one mind, they also seemed to be their own right. If anyone was to play dual roles, best it should be the one minded yet debating Tweddle Dee and Tweedle Dum, and no doubt, best it was him.
A quick thing about the Ceshire Cat. He is much more helpful this time around. Although still the self interested trickster.
Unlike the original story, our Alice is forced to go from Reactive to Active because of a prophecy saying she MUST be the one to slay the earlier mentioned Jabberwocky. The battle scene was grand and exiting with a ironic twist. And this is the major spoiler part, as Alice rises up to slay the Jabberwocky, she cries "Off with his head!" and uses the sword to slice the Jabberwocky's head off his neck. Althoguh the ending is more Bitter Sweet Ending once Alice leave Wonderland and returns to our world.
Well, I think I've said enough, I'll leave you with this. To miss Alice in Wonderland would be mad, to miss it in IMAX 3D would only be half mad. :)
I've never been to Fuddruckers before, so I didn't know what to expect. Right off the bat, the decor doesn't look like they change concepts since the 70's. The good thing, arcade video games, the bad, cheesy decor. The menu from the star was confusing to order from. But there was 2 things that struck me that I would recommended people would go for due to rarity. Buffalo Burger and Ostrich Burger. It tastes just like beef, but it's very lean. So I ordered the Ostrich Burger with fries. Another thing they never bothered to make clear, you build the burger yourself. Before you get excited, don't, it's a simple spread of basics. Although you could potentially put some cheese sauce on it. :) They have a pump of cheese for cheese fries. Again, don't get exited, it was quite bland. And the fries were quite dry and required the sauce or some ketchup to make it good. Over all, I don't recommend or condone it. If you're in the area and want a burger before or after a movie, it's an alright place. It's a burger and nothing more, it's sure as heck isn't the best burger in America.
I might be going to see Alice again today, if not I'll be trying to go see it Tuesday after next when I have my spring break.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Webcomic Art
Anime Music Video Second Draft
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing
Pagan Book
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
TV Production Homework
History Homework
Ask the Bones Project
Clean Out Purse
Clean Out Car
Wish me luck.
Dragging My Feet
Hey guys, since I've decided to come back from my break of procrastination, I've kind of been dragging my feet, I'm either still tire or got lazy. Yesterday I didn't even post on my blog after getting up much later then I wanted to to go out job hunting. Hopefully something calls soon.
Today I'll be going to see Alice in Wonderland in IMAX 3D. :D!! Full review tomorrow.
I've been looking at Live Action Role Play groups. So hopefully as soon as I find a job, I can afford to go to a few. In the meantime, I should really finish a book and try and get it published so I am not at a job where people might be upset about me going to LARPs.
I don't think I have much else interesting to say.
I'm still looking for suggestions to make my blog more interesting.*
*If anyone knows how to open up a spell check dictionary so I can remove my accidental additions that are typos, please let me know.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Webcomic Art
Anime Music Video Second Draft
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing
Pagan Book
Japanese Study
Public Speaking Homework
Japanese Homework
TV Production Homework
History Homework
Ask the Bones Project
Sewing (I've decided to make it Fridays and Saturdays)
New Years Resolutions
Wish me luck. :)
Today I'll be going to see Alice in Wonderland in IMAX 3D. :D!! Full review tomorrow.
I've been looking at Live Action Role Play groups. So hopefully as soon as I find a job, I can afford to go to a few. In the meantime, I should really finish a book and try and get it published so I am not at a job where people might be upset about me going to LARPs.
I don't think I have much else interesting to say.
I'm still looking for suggestions to make my blog more interesting.*
*If anyone knows how to open up a spell check dictionary so I can remove my accidental additions that are typos, please let me know.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Webcomic Art
Anime Music Video Second Draft
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing
Pagan Book
Japanese Study
Public Speaking Homework
Japanese Homework
TV Production Homework
History Homework
Ask the Bones Project
Sewing (I've decided to make it Fridays and Saturdays)
New Years Resolutions
Wish me luck. :)
Back to Work
Hey guys, I've spent the last few days destressing because I've felt like I've been crushed to death under the weight of my own projects, and after hard days at school I decided it was best to take it easy for a few days.
I may or may not be going to Cincinnati OH for a Live Action Role Play in a castle. Castle ftw. So I need to figure that out. If not, I'll just be going up to Connecticut for a regular larp. Either way, I need to find a job asap.
I finished my first draft of my Anime Music Video and about to work on my second draft. I need comments and opinions on it. The link is here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULF_d8Pv960 .
Looking forward to seeing Alice In Wonderland this weekend in IMAX 3D.
I don't think I have anything else interesting to say.
I'm still looking for suggestions on how to make my blog more interesting.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Webcomic Art
Anime Music Video First Draft
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing
Pagan Book
Japanese Study
Ask the Bones Project
Violin Practice
Work on Doll
Belly Dance DVD
Wish me luck.
I may or may not be going to Cincinnati OH for a Live Action Role Play in a castle. Castle ftw. So I need to figure that out. If not, I'll just be going up to Connecticut for a regular larp. Either way, I need to find a job asap.
I finished my first draft of my Anime Music Video and about to work on my second draft. I need comments and opinions on it. The link is here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULF_d8Pv960 .
Looking forward to seeing Alice In Wonderland this weekend in IMAX 3D.
I don't think I have anything else interesting to say.
I'm still looking for suggestions on how to make my blog more interesting.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Webcomic Art
Anime Music Video First Draft
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing
Pagan Book
Japanese Study
Ask the Bones Project
Violin Practice
Work on Doll
Belly Dance DVD
Wish me luck.
Taking Today and Tommarrow Off From List
Hey guys, I just had a really stressful day, and it doesn't help that I'm already stressed, so to try and relieve some stress, I am not going to do anything from my procrastination list today or tom marrow.
Almost Everything Got Done!
You remember that white chocolate bunny I had a few nights ago and why I had it? Well I am happy to say once again I got most of my things done.
What got done was: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice, Gaia Guild Updates, Writing, Webcomic Writing, Violin For Dummies, Reading Book, Library Book, Webcomic Art, Anime Music Video First Draft, Viking Project Book/Website, Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing, Pagan Book, Japanese Study, Ask the Bones Project, Public Speaking Homework, History Homework, TV Production Homework, Computer Literacy Homework, and Clean out Purse.
What didn't get done: World of Warcraft Emblems.
And the only reason that didn't get done is because it would have taken 2 and a half hours.
Last night I watched my recording of The Daily Show. And all I can say is no wonder my credit card seemed to charge more then usual for my interest and my minimal payment went from $13 to $18. At last Capital One doesn't seem to be doing it ridiculously, unless they decided to do that retarded fee for NOT using your card.
Well, otherwise I don't think I have anything else interesting to say.
I'm still looking for ideas to make my blog more interesting.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Webcomic Art
Anime Music Video First Draft
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing
Pagan Book
Japanese Study
Ask the Bones Project
Public Speaking Homework
History Homework
TV Production Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Clean Out E-mail
Belly Dance DVD
Clean Out Laptop
Mom wants me to go to the grocery store and later I am hanging with my friend Glyn-Chan, so wish me luck.
What got done was: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice, Gaia Guild Updates, Writing, Webcomic Writing, Violin For Dummies, Reading Book, Library Book, Webcomic Art, Anime Music Video First Draft, Viking Project Book/Website, Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing, Pagan Book, Japanese Study, Ask the Bones Project, Public Speaking Homework, History Homework, TV Production Homework, Computer Literacy Homework, and Clean out Purse.
What didn't get done: World of Warcraft Emblems.
And the only reason that didn't get done is because it would have taken 2 and a half hours.
Last night I watched my recording of The Daily Show. And all I can say is no wonder my credit card seemed to charge more then usual for my interest and my minimal payment went from $13 to $18. At last Capital One doesn't seem to be doing it ridiculously, unless they decided to do that retarded fee for NOT using your card.
Well, otherwise I don't think I have anything else interesting to say.
I'm still looking for ideas to make my blog more interesting.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Webcomic Art
Anime Music Video First Draft
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing
Pagan Book
Japanese Study
Ask the Bones Project
Public Speaking Homework
History Homework
TV Production Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Clean Out E-mail
Belly Dance DVD
Clean Out Laptop
Mom wants me to go to the grocery store and later I am hanging with my friend Glyn-Chan, so wish me luck.
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