Hey guys. Yesterday didn't go as well as I had hoped, I just felt so tired I ended up not getting much done. And I fear today might not be much better due to the fact that I woke up later today since my boyfriend set his alarm later. We were up until 2am playing old school red box Dungeons&Dragons. (I am currently a level 2 thief and he's our DM incase you're wondering.) But I at least wanted to get my blog post done today and only have half an hour before I need to make lunch.
What got done: Step Aerobics, Walk, Reading Book 1&2.
What's even worse about that is I really should have done the curls, there was no reason not to and I would have had another back up point. Oh well, what can be done about it now?
Back-Up Rewards: 1
List for today:
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Writing: Short Story
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Reading Book 1
Reading Book 2
Brushing Teeth
Money Making
Job Search
Step Aerobics
Clean Bedroom
Work On Art
Marcelline Wig
Drunken Pixie Planning
Contact Juggling
LARP Plot Writing
Wish me luck. :)
New Sleep Schedule?
Hey guys. Well, yesterday was a decent day due to me having a bit more time.
What got done: Reading Book 2&3, Curls, Step Aerobics, Walk, Hiragana/Katakana Practice, Shower. (Though I did get a bit of my room done, though not sure how quickly I'll be able to get started since my sister's kitten decided my costume was a perfect place to rest)
So hopefully I'll have a fairly early regulated sleep schedule for the next few weeks since my boyfriend had just started training at his job and it's slightly off from a 9-5. Though this will likely only be for a few weeks but we'll see. Though it's terrible that happened if only because the main reason I quit my second job was because I couldn't get on a regulated sleep schedule with being lucky to get one day a week.
So hopefully with the extra time in the morning I can be consistently posting, weekdays at least, and getting things done. Here's hoping. Though at the moment one of my reading books is being taken off since it's gone missing. I'll have to put it back when I find it.
Back-up Rewards: 1
To Do List:
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Writing: Short Story
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Ads
Reading Book 1
Reading Book 2
Brush Teeth
Money Making
Job Search
Step Aerobics
Drunken Pixie Planning
Contact Juggling
LARP Plot Writing
Clean Room
Wish me luck. :)
What got done: Reading Book 2&3, Curls, Step Aerobics, Walk, Hiragana/Katakana Practice, Shower. (Though I did get a bit of my room done, though not sure how quickly I'll be able to get started since my sister's kitten decided my costume was a perfect place to rest)
So hopefully I'll have a fairly early regulated sleep schedule for the next few weeks since my boyfriend had just started training at his job and it's slightly off from a 9-5. Though this will likely only be for a few weeks but we'll see. Though it's terrible that happened if only because the main reason I quit my second job was because I couldn't get on a regulated sleep schedule with being lucky to get one day a week.
So hopefully with the extra time in the morning I can be consistently posting, weekdays at least, and getting things done. Here's hoping. Though at the moment one of my reading books is being taken off since it's gone missing. I'll have to put it back when I find it.
Back-up Rewards: 1
To Do List:
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Writing: Short Story
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Ads
Reading Book 1
Reading Book 2
Brush Teeth
Money Making
Job Search
Step Aerobics
Drunken Pixie Planning
Contact Juggling
LARP Plot Writing
Clean Room
Wish me luck. :)
Up Early
Hey guys. Been a while, been quite busy with things, including being in a new relationship! Not going to go into to many details, but I'm really happy to be with him, and glad he feels the same. He's actually sometimes helping me with my procrastination problems so I might be asking him more to help me keep on track.
In the meantime, unfortunately I had to quit my second job. Hopefully that'll be fixed soon enough. Here's hoping I can find one that isn't about weekends, but we'll see. I'm also going to unfortunately have to put my YMCA gym membership on hold til at least I can figure out how to do an easier payment than $30 per month. It's not that it's not worth it, it's that I can't afford it right now between having to quit and my primary job cutting shifts. And since I have my gym membership on hold, I'll need to do other things since my diet hasn't been working out of late and I should get back on it. Especially since my weight loss goal is at least another 15lbs.
I'm going to leave off the summer cleaning for now though.
Well, I better get to it since it's already 10am and in 3 hours I got to eat lunch and get ready for work.
*Edit* Sorry about the weird format guys, for some reason it wont get fixed.
To-Do List:
Wish me luck. :)
In the meantime, unfortunately I had to quit my second job. Hopefully that'll be fixed soon enough. Here's hoping I can find one that isn't about weekends, but we'll see. I'm also going to unfortunately have to put my YMCA gym membership on hold til at least I can figure out how to do an easier payment than $30 per month. It's not that it's not worth it, it's that I can't afford it right now between having to quit and my primary job cutting shifts. And since I have my gym membership on hold, I'll need to do other things since my diet hasn't been working out of late and I should get back on it. Especially since my weight loss goal is at least another 15lbs.
I'm going to leave off the summer cleaning for now though.
Well, I better get to it since it's already 10am and in 3 hours I got to eat lunch and get ready for work.
*Edit* Sorry about the weird format guys, for some reason it wont get fixed.
Back-Up Rewards: 0
To-Do List:
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Writing: Short Story
Etsy Teams
Etsy Product
Etsy Ads
Reading Book 1
Reading Book 2
Reading Book 3
Reading Book 3
Brush Teeth
Money Making
Job Search
Step Aerobics
Belly Dance DVD
Clean-Out E-mail
Hiragana Practice
Katakana Practice
Japanese Vocabulary
Japanese Sentences
Youtube Video
LARP Songs
Contact Juggling
Drunken Pixie Productions Planning
Clean Room
Clean Room
Wish me luck. :)
Sister's Birthday
Hey guys. Well yesterday could have gone better.
What got done: Reading Book, Curls, LARP Plot Writing
So that's still a lot of my list that didn't get done, which I can't say I'm surprised over since after work I went to the gym which I even cut short because I wanted to pick up some ice cream from the store before my now weekly Classic Dungeons&Dragons run. Which pretty much went on for hours, the dice hated all of us including the monsters. Incase you're wondering, I'm playing a thief.
Today is my little sister's birthday and I kinda feel bad because I'm going to be busy for it since I'm attending Jennie Breedon's livestream tonight. (Which support her and her awesomeness! We're $50 a month away from some Geebas!) But even if it wasn't tonight I don't have any money whatsoever to go out with her. Well, hopefully she likes the stack of comics I gave to her as a gift.
With the livestream tonight usually only running an hour maybe two and no D&D to take my attention tonight, hopefully I'll get more done. I'm also once again resetting my back-up reward number.
Back-Up Rewards: 0
List for today:
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Writing: Short Story
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Reading Book
Brushing Teeth
Money Making: Writing
Money Making: Survey
Money Making: Other
Job Search
Step Aerobics
Clean Bedroom
Work On Art
Marcelline Wig
Drunken Pixie Planning
Contact Juggling
LARP Plot Writing
Summer Cleaning 2
Summer Cleaning 3
Summer Cleaning 4
Summer Cleaning 5
Summer Cleaning 6
Summer Cleaning 7
Summer Cleaning 8
Summer Cleaning 9
Summer Cleaning 10
Summer Cleaning 11
Summer Cleaning 12
Summer Cleaning 13
Summer Cleaning 14
Wish me luck. :)
What got done: Reading Book, Curls, LARP Plot Writing
So that's still a lot of my list that didn't get done, which I can't say I'm surprised over since after work I went to the gym which I even cut short because I wanted to pick up some ice cream from the store before my now weekly Classic Dungeons&Dragons run. Which pretty much went on for hours, the dice hated all of us including the monsters. Incase you're wondering, I'm playing a thief.
Today is my little sister's birthday and I kinda feel bad because I'm going to be busy for it since I'm attending Jennie Breedon's livestream tonight. (Which support her and her awesomeness! We're $50 a month away from some Geebas!) But even if it wasn't tonight I don't have any money whatsoever to go out with her. Well, hopefully she likes the stack of comics I gave to her as a gift.
With the livestream tonight usually only running an hour maybe two and no D&D to take my attention tonight, hopefully I'll get more done. I'm also once again resetting my back-up reward number.
Back-Up Rewards: 0
List for today:
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Writing: Short Story
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Reading Book
Brushing Teeth
Money Making: Writing
Money Making: Survey
Money Making: Other
Job Search
Step Aerobics
Clean Bedroom
Work On Art
Marcelline Wig
Drunken Pixie Planning
Contact Juggling
LARP Plot Writing
LARP Songs
Summer Cleaning 1Summer Cleaning 2
Summer Cleaning 3
Summer Cleaning 4
Summer Cleaning 5
Summer Cleaning 6
Summer Cleaning 7
Summer Cleaning 8
Summer Cleaning 9
Summer Cleaning 10
Summer Cleaning 11
Summer Cleaning 12
Summer Cleaning 13
Summer Cleaning 14
Wish me luck. :)
Reset Button?
Hey guys. It's been a while, though I'm really hoping that with a friend's help, I can get back on track but I'll still need to rethink my reward system. But in the meantime I'll have to keep up as normal until it's tweaked into a better system. Anyone have any suggestions?
Back-up Rewards: 22
To Do List:
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Writing: Short Story
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Ads
Reading Book
Brush Teeth
Money Making: Writing
Money Making: Survey
Money Making: Other
Job Search
Step Aerobics
Drunken Pixie Planning
Contact Juggling
LARP Plot Writing
Summer Cleaning 1
Summer Cleaning 2
Summer Cleaning 3
Summer Cleaning 4
Summer Cleaning 5
Summer Cleaning 6
Summer Cleaning 7
Summer Cleaning 8
Summer Cleaning 9
Summer Cleaning 10
Summer Cleaning 11
Summer Cleaning 12
Summer Cleaning 13
Summer Cleaning 14
Wish me luck. :)
Back-up Rewards: 22
To Do List:
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Writing: Short Story
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Ads
Reading Book
Brush Teeth
Money Making: Writing
Money Making: Survey
Money Making: Other
Job Search
Step Aerobics
Drunken Pixie Planning
Contact Juggling
LARP Plot Writing
Summer Cleaning 1
Summer Cleaning 2
Summer Cleaning 3
Summer Cleaning 4
Summer Cleaning 5
Summer Cleaning 6
Summer Cleaning 7
Summer Cleaning 8
Summer Cleaning 9
Summer Cleaning 10
Summer Cleaning 11
Summer Cleaning 12
Summer Cleaning 13
Summer Cleaning 14
Wish me luck. :)
Post Spring
Hey guys. Apologies to anyone who's viewed this before I even got a chance to type things in. What's worse is that I was nearly done but firefox decided it was going to crash, so now I have to type this all over again because I didn't save. Yay... Well, anyway, I got a lot to do today. Not the least of which are cleaning my bedroom, writing for a large ghostwriting project, cleaning out my e-mail, having a reset on going through my stuff, and having many sewing projects.
As you might have caught from me listing those things off, I am now a ghostwriter. for a website where I chose from available jobs and start getting paid to write. Woot! Today I got to work on my biggest writing project yet, but at least it's in a field of expertise for me, video production. I got a lot I can say about the subject and I should be able to get it done soonish.
I've also got a lot of sewing projects to do today. I realized during my, oh damn, I need more income spells, that I have an etsy shop I seem to forget about and lots of crafts to work on. So I should at the very least probably make a few things for it. The other sewing projects include making a new skirt for LARPing, making costuming for Steampunk Worlds Fair, and realizing I should probably cut cost by making as much costuming as possible. I should also probably start frequenting donation shops as much as possible to cut costs.
Well, it's passed the first day of spring, so now I have to reset all my spring cleaning...whoooo... Well, at least it'll start being warmer to do the flea market more often.
Back up rewards: 22
List for today:
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Writing: Short Story
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Brushing Teeth
Money Making: Writing
Money Making: Survey
Money Making: Other
Job Search
Step Aerobics
Practice Violin
Work On Art
Drunken Pixie Planning
Contact Juggling
LARP Songs
Clean Room
Clean Out E-Mail
Clean Out Car
Clean Out Purse
Spring Cleaning 1
Spring Cleaning 3
Spring Cleaning 4
Spring Cleaning 5
Spring Cleaning 6
Spring Cleaning 7
Spring Cleaning 8
Spring Cleaning 9
Spring Cleaning 10
Spring Cleaning 11
Spring Cleaning 12
Spring Cleaning 13
Spring Cleaning 14
Wish me luck! :)
As you might have caught from me listing those things off, I am now a ghostwriter. for a website where I chose from available jobs and start getting paid to write. Woot! Today I got to work on my biggest writing project yet, but at least it's in a field of expertise for me, video production. I got a lot I can say about the subject and I should be able to get it done soonish.
I've also got a lot of sewing projects to do today. I realized during my, oh damn, I need more income spells, that I have an etsy shop I seem to forget about and lots of crafts to work on. So I should at the very least probably make a few things for it. The other sewing projects include making a new skirt for LARPing, making costuming for Steampunk Worlds Fair, and realizing I should probably cut cost by making as much costuming as possible. I should also probably start frequenting donation shops as much as possible to cut costs.
Well, it's passed the first day of spring, so now I have to reset all my spring cleaning...whoooo... Well, at least it'll start being warmer to do the flea market more often.
Back up rewards: 22
List for today:
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Writing: Short Story
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Reading Book 1
Reading Book 2Brushing Teeth
Money Making: Writing
Money Making: Survey
Money Making: Other
Job Search
Step Aerobics
Practice Violin
Work On Art
Drunken Pixie Planning
Contact Juggling
LARP Songs
Clean Room
Clean Out E-Mail
Clean Out Car
Clean Out Purse
Spring Cleaning 1
Spring Cleaning 3
Spring Cleaning 4
Spring Cleaning 5
Spring Cleaning 6
Spring Cleaning 7
Spring Cleaning 8
Spring Cleaning 9
Spring Cleaning 10
Spring Cleaning 11
Spring Cleaning 12
Spring Cleaning 13
Spring Cleaning 14
Wish me luck! :)
Long Time Pre-LARP
Hey guys. Sorry I've been kinda busy lately. It's been a bit of a whirlwind for me lately, I only have a few minuets right now to post before I got to get ready for work and then onto my to do list.
I honestly don't have that much to say since I've been busy with LARPs and Cons and life. Hopefully I'll be able to fix up the last one much better than I have.
Back-Up Rewards: 22
To-Do List:
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Writing: Short Story
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Reading Book 1
Reading Book 2
Reading Book 3
Brushing Teeth
Money Making: Writing
Money Making: Survey
Money Making: Other
Job Search
Step Aerobics
Belly Dance DVD
Clean Room
Clean Out E-mail
Work On Art
Drunken Pixie Planning
Winter Cleaning 3
Winter Cleaning 4
Winter Cleaning 5
Winter Cleaning 6
Winter Cleaning 7
Winter Cleaning 8
Winter Cleaning 9
Winter Cleaning 10
Winter Cleaning 11
Winter Cleaning 12
Winter Cleaning 13
Winter Cleaning 14
Wish me luck. :)
I honestly don't have that much to say since I've been busy with LARPs and Cons and life. Hopefully I'll be able to fix up the last one much better than I have.
Back-Up Rewards: 22
To-Do List:
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Writing: Short Story
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Reading Book 1
Reading Book 2
Reading Book 3
Brushing Teeth
Money Making: Writing
Money Making: Survey
Money Making: Other
Job Search
Step Aerobics
Belly Dance DVD
Clean Room
Clean Out E-mail
Work On Art
Drunken Pixie Planning
Contact Juggling
LARP Songs
Winter Cleaning 1Winter Cleaning 3
Winter Cleaning 4
Winter Cleaning 5
Winter Cleaning 6
Winter Cleaning 7
Winter Cleaning 8
Winter Cleaning 9
Winter Cleaning 10
Winter Cleaning 11
Winter Cleaning 12
Winter Cleaning 13
Winter Cleaning 14
Wish me luck. :)
Snowed In
Hey guys. It's been a while, I've been on a sort of chaotic sleep schedule and haven't had the stability to post. Figures on my snow day I end up getting up really early so I can post now. Unfortunately since this weekend is another LARP event followed by a convention (Wicked Faire), I'll be trying to spread my focus between the two. So today is mostly going to be about cleaning, sewing, earning extra money, and prepping. I'm fairly optimistic though since it's just passed 8am at the moment. Though I'm a little concerned because every time it snows like this I go stir crazy in the house most likely just because I can't leave.
Well, honestly, I don't have much to say so I probably should just get to work.
Back-Up Rewards: 22
To-Do List:
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Writing: Short Story
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Reading Book 1
Brushing Teeth
Money Making: Writing
Money Making: Survey
Money Making: Other
Job Search
Step Aerobics
Belly Dance DVD
Clean Room
Work On Art
Drunken Pixie Planning
Winter Cleaning 3
Winter Cleaning 4
Winter Cleaning 5
Winter Cleaning 6
Winter Cleaning 7
Winter Cleaning 8
Winter Cleaning 9
Winter Cleaning 10
Winter Cleaning 11
Winter Cleaning 12
Winter Cleaning 13
Winter Cleaning 14
Wish me luck. :)
Well, honestly, I don't have much to say so I probably should just get to work.
Back-Up Rewards: 22
To-Do List:
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Writing: Short Story
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Reading Book 1
Brushing Teeth
Money Making: Writing
Money Making: Survey
Money Making: Other
Job Search
Step Aerobics
Belly Dance DVD
Clean Room
Work On Art
Drunken Pixie Planning
Contact Juggling
LARP Songs
Winter Cleaning 1Winter Cleaning 3
Winter Cleaning 4
Winter Cleaning 5
Winter Cleaning 6
Winter Cleaning 7
Winter Cleaning 8
Winter Cleaning 9
Winter Cleaning 10
Winter Cleaning 11
Winter Cleaning 12
Winter Cleaning 13
Winter Cleaning 14
Wish me luck. :)
Steampunk Book Review
Hey guys. Well, yesterday could have gone better since only Reading Books 1&2 were done since I ended up coming home and getting...it was either seriously buzzed or actual drunk.
But that being said at the very least I can now put up the review of the Steampunk Crafts Book.
Please note that at the time I am writing this, for some reason Amazon Associates doesn't seem to want to work with blogger. Hopefully a link will work better.
"Steampunk Accessories: 20 Projects to Help You Nail the Style
"by Nicola Tedman&Sarah Skeate is a wonderfully detailed book on how to create some wicked accessories ranging in a multitude of difficulty and investment levels and offers some helpful hints and tricks about where to find some important material. Though personally I would change around a few things especially if you're like me and you're not only concerned with making accessories for yourself. Like how many things of juice or milk containers can one get without massively over-inflating their budget for milk and juice just for a bit of the plastic? I would probably sooner measure out how much plastic that is and just head to jo-ann's for very little at a time but enough where it still makes it worth it. But ultimately it's acting more like a helpful tip.
This book is also great in the fact that while I says some specific accessories, you really could just add and subtract whatever you want to it and it'll just teach you how to put it together, layering for effect, and all sorts of other techniques. I highly recommend this book for the crafty person who wants to dive into the world of death rays and corsets. While it is a bit pricey and I do recommend actually buying it so you have something to turn back to, it is far cheaper when you consider the cost of buying a finished product or several.
Well, there's my review, I best get my lazy butt to work before I have to leave for work.
Back-Up Rewards: 22
To-Do List:
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Writing: Short Story
Etsy Teams
Etsy Product
Etsy Ad
Money Making: Writing
Money Making: Survey
Money Making: Other
Job Search
Step Aerobics
Hiragana Practice
Katakana Practice
Japanese Vocabulary
Japanese Sentences
Work on Art
Clean Room
Contact Juggling
LARP Songs
Drunken Pixie Productions Planning
Winter Cleaning 1
Winter Cleaning 2
Winter Cleaning 3
Winter Cleaning 5
Winter Cleaning 6
Winter Cleaning 7
Winter Cleaning 8
Winter Cleaning 9
Winter Cleaning 10
Winter Cleaning 11
Winter Cleaning 12
Winter Cleaning 13
Winter Cleaning 14
Wish me luck. :)
But that being said at the very least I can now put up the review of the Steampunk Crafts Book.
Please note that at the time I am writing this, for some reason Amazon Associates doesn't seem to want to work with blogger. Hopefully a link will work better.
"Steampunk Accessories: 20 Projects to Help You Nail the Style
This book is also great in the fact that while I says some specific accessories, you really could just add and subtract whatever you want to it and it'll just teach you how to put it together, layering for effect, and all sorts of other techniques. I highly recommend this book for the crafty person who wants to dive into the world of death rays and corsets. While it is a bit pricey and I do recommend actually buying it so you have something to turn back to, it is far cheaper when you consider the cost of buying a finished product or several.
Well, there's my review, I best get my lazy butt to work before I have to leave for work.
Back-Up Rewards: 22
To-Do List:
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Writing: Short Story
Etsy Teams
Etsy Product
Etsy Ad
Reading Book
Brush TeethMoney Making: Writing
Money Making: Survey
Money Making: Other
Job Search
Step Aerobics
Hiragana Practice
Katakana Practice
Japanese Vocabulary
Japanese Sentences
Work on Art
Clean Room
Contact Juggling
LARP Songs
Drunken Pixie Productions Planning
Winter Cleaning 1
Winter Cleaning 2
Winter Cleaning 3
Winter Cleaning 5
Winter Cleaning 6
Winter Cleaning 7
Winter Cleaning 8
Winter Cleaning 9
Winter Cleaning 10
Winter Cleaning 11
Winter Cleaning 12
Winter Cleaning 13
Winter Cleaning 14
Wish me luck. :)
In Between LARPs
Hey guys. I know it's been a while, I've been in a slight whirlwind due to the freezing cold LARP event last weekend. Unfortunately my winter costume has yet to come to fruition due to the pieces now being too thick for the machine. I'm hoping to find a place where I can rent a heavy duty machine to be able to finish but in the meantime I suppose I'll do what I can.
Of course this isn't helped by the fact that Wicked Faire is the weekend after next event so I now have to divide my attention and money between prepping for two different events. Hopefully I wont be too overwhelmed.
Although speaking of money, I am going to be trying to earn an extra $48 a day outside of work. Hopefully this works out well, I feel like it's a doable goal. Though I should start looking for craft fairs for my etsy products so they are more likely to sell. I am going to be dividing my Money Making into categories now between Writing, Survey, and Other. I'm trying a multitude of things so hopefully it works out best.
I'll hopefully be finishing one of the books today and be posting a review of it tomorrow. Of course depending on whether or not I get up early enough. Which if I don't, hopefully I can do part of it on my phone and finish at work like I am doing today, but we'll have to see.
Well, I better get to work on it.
Back-Up Rewards: 22
To-Do List:
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Writing: Short Story
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Reading Book 1
Reading Book 2
Brushing Teeth
Money Making: Writing
Money Making: Survey
Money Making: Other
Job Search
Step Aerobics
Belly Dance DVD
Clean Room
Work On Art
Drunken Pixie Planning
Winter Cleaning 1
Winter Cleaning 3
Winter Cleaning 4
Winter Cleaning 5
Winter Cleaning 6
Winter Cleaning 7
Winter Cleaning 8
Winter Cleaning 9
Winter Cleaning 10
Winter Cleaning 11
Winter Cleaning 12
Winter Cleaning 13
Winter Cleaning 14
Wish me luck. :)
Of course this isn't helped by the fact that Wicked Faire is the weekend after next event so I now have to divide my attention and money between prepping for two different events. Hopefully I wont be too overwhelmed.
Although speaking of money, I am going to be trying to earn an extra $48 a day outside of work. Hopefully this works out well, I feel like it's a doable goal. Though I should start looking for craft fairs for my etsy products so they are more likely to sell. I am going to be dividing my Money Making into categories now between Writing, Survey, and Other. I'm trying a multitude of things so hopefully it works out best.
I'll hopefully be finishing one of the books today and be posting a review of it tomorrow. Of course depending on whether or not I get up early enough. Which if I don't, hopefully I can do part of it on my phone and finish at work like I am doing today, but we'll have to see.
Well, I better get to work on it.
Back-Up Rewards: 22
To-Do List:
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Writing: Short Story
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Reading Book 1
Reading Book 2
Brushing Teeth
Money Making: Writing
Money Making: Survey
Money Making: Other
Job Search
Step Aerobics
Belly Dance DVD
Clean Room
Work On Art
Drunken Pixie Planning
Contact Juggling
LARP Songs
ShowerWinter Cleaning 1
Winter Cleaning 3
Winter Cleaning 4
Winter Cleaning 5
Winter Cleaning 6
Winter Cleaning 7
Winter Cleaning 8
Winter Cleaning 9
Winter Cleaning 10
Winter Cleaning 11
Winter Cleaning 12
Winter Cleaning 13
Winter Cleaning 14
Wish me luck. :)
Monday Countdown!
Hey guys. It's been a while since I posted since I've been in a slight whirlwind of doing stuff. Friday was all about me either feeling sick of terrible sleep or preparing for last weekend. I got to see Danielle Corsetto who makes one of my favorite webcomics Girls With Slingshots and wrote what is currently one of my favorite comic books Adventure Time; Playing With Fire. I do enjoy my Flame Princess. And then yesterday I had a meeting for AnimeNext which I ended with hanging out with my friend&department head. Though I somewhat regret eating out since now I'm even more broke, though at the same time I was in painful starving through the whole meeting.
So counting down the days I now only have 4 days to finish 86% of my winter larp costume and 5 days to finish the last 14% but that has to wait since that Friday is payday and I'm going to need to make a run for fabric. Hopefully I wont end up having a problem with finishing it by that point.
Well, I best get to work, there's some things I'd rather get done before I have to go to work in a little over 2 hours.
To-Do List:
So counting down the days I now only have 4 days to finish 86% of my winter larp costume and 5 days to finish the last 14% but that has to wait since that Friday is payday and I'm going to need to make a run for fabric. Hopefully I wont end up having a problem with finishing it by that point.
Well, I best get to work, there's some things I'd rather get done before I have to go to work in a little over 2 hours.
Back-Up Rewards: 22
To-Do List:
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Writing: Short Story
Etsy Teams
Etsy Product
Etsy Ads
Reading Book 1
Reading Book 2
Brush Teeth
Money Making
Job Search
Step Aerobics
Belly Dance DVD
Clean-Out E-mail
Hiragana Practice
Katakana Practice
Japanese Vocabulary
Japanese Sentences
Youtube Video
LARP Songs
Contact Juggling
Drunken Pixie Productions Planning
Winter Cleaning 1
Winter Cleaning 2
Winter Cleaning 3
Winter Cleaning 5
Winter Cleaning 6
Winter Cleaning 7
Winter Cleaning 8
Winter Cleaning 9
Winter Cleaning 10
Winter Cleaning 11
Winter Cleaning 13
Winter Cleaning 14
Wish me luck. :)
Wish me luck. :)
Room Is...Almost Cleaned!
Hey guys. Sorry for the lack of posting yesterday. After the whole all nighter to clean my room thing, I was not in the mood to do much of anything. I even had to change strategies in order to get it even close to what it is now. I ended up shoving everything on my bed so I wouldn't be able to go to bed until it was done. Ok that and I found that this time around, I couldn't do my list as normal and just needed to work from outside in. Which that only half worked since I ending up taking a nap on the couch before I had finished. But now my room is nearly completely cleaned and that is good, especially since my next focus is the bodice, skirt, and cloak I need to finish in like a week!
Well, I best get to work.
Back-Up Rewards: 22
List for today:
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Writing: Short Story
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Reading Book 1
Reading Book 2
Brushing Teeth
Money Making
Job Search
Step Aerobics
Clean Bedroom
Work On Art
Marcelline Wig
Drunken Pixie Planning
Contact Juggling
Winter Cleaning 2
Winter Cleaning 3
Winter Cleaning 5
Winter Cleaning 6
Winter Cleaning 7
Winter Cleaning 8
Winter Cleaning 9
Winter Cleaning 10
Winter Cleaning 11
Winter Cleaning 13
Winter Cleaning 14
Wish me luck. :)
Well, I best get to work.
Back-Up Rewards: 22
List for today:
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Writing: Short Story
Etsy Teams
Etsy Products
Etsy Advertisements
Reading Book 1
Reading Book 2
Brushing Teeth
Money Making
Job Search
Step Aerobics
Clean Bedroom
Work On Art
Marcelline Wig
Drunken Pixie Planning
Contact Juggling
LARP Songs
Winter Cleaning 1Winter Cleaning 2
Winter Cleaning 3
Winter Cleaning 5
Winter Cleaning 6
Winter Cleaning 7
Winter Cleaning 8
Winter Cleaning 9
Winter Cleaning 10
Winter Cleaning 11
Winter Cleaning 13
Winter Cleaning 14
Wish me luck. :)
New Years Dry Spell
Hey guys. Sorry I haven't posted in a while, it's been a little weird for me. Not helped by the fact that I now have around a week and a half to finish my winter LARP costume so there's going to be a lot of time dedicated to that. There's a lot of stuff I got to do, heck, last night I started catching up on where I left off on Legend of Korra. Yeah, I now know about the Mako-Korra-Asami stuff...again! My reaction: No! No! No! Must hit stuff! No! No more stupid love triangle bs!
So yeah, this week will probably be dedicated to catching up; making my costume; cleaning my room; and other LARP preparations. I'm going to have to return my library books though since they're all way over due. I don't even wanna see my fees bill. But I will, at some point.
Well, as it is I'm posting at work and I should probably just put this up and do other stuff.
Back-Up Rewards: 22
To-Do List:
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Writing: Short Story
Etsy Teams
Etsy Product
Etsy Ads
Reading Book 1
Reading Book 2
Brush Teeth
Money Making
Job Search
Step Aerobics
Belly Dance DVD
Clean-Out E-mail
Hiragana Practice
Katakana Practice
Japanese Vocabulary
Japanese Sentences
Youtube Video
Clean Room
LARP Songs
Contact Juggling
Drunken Pixie Productions Planning
Winter Cleaning 1
Winter Cleaning 2
Winter Cleaning 3
Winter Cleaning 5
Winter Cleaning 6
Winter Cleaning 7
Winter Cleaning 8
Winter Cleaning 9
Winter Cleaning 10
Winter Cleaning 11
Winter Cleaning 12
Winter Cleaning 13
Winter Cleaning 14
Wish me luck. :)
Wish me luck. :)
New Years Dry Spell
Hey guys. Yeah, it's been a pretty heavy dry spell, with the holidays and finances and everything and of course my own horrible sleep schedule. Hopefully I can get back on track. As it is I am not nearly as done with my winter costume for LARPing as I had hoped. I may even need to stop by joann's tonight for some fabric for it.
I might be doing a short story writing contest soon, we'll have to see. $52 for something that I'm competing against publish professionals for, yeah, I'm a bit nervous, but if I don't try, I wont improve. And it'll be a great way to get some fire under my butt.
I honestly don't have that much to say, probably why I procrastinated posting yesterday.
Back-Up Rewards: 25
To-Do List:
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Writing: Short Story
Etsy Teams
Etsy Product
Etsy Ad
Library Book 1
Library Book 2
Library Book 3
Brush Teeth
Money Making
Job Search
Step Aerobics
Hiragana Practice
Katakana Practice
Japanese Vocabulary
Japanese Sentences
Work on Art
Clean Room
Contact Juggling
Drunken Pixie Productions Planning
Winter Cleaning 1
Winter Cleaning 2
Winter Cleaning 3
Winter Cleaning 5
Winter Cleaning 6
Winter Cleaning 7
Winter Cleaning 8
Winter Cleaning 9
Winter Cleaning 10
Winter Cleaning 11
Winter Cleaning 12
Winter Cleaning 13
Winter Cleaning 14
Wish me luck. :)
I might be doing a short story writing contest soon, we'll have to see. $52 for something that I'm competing against publish professionals for, yeah, I'm a bit nervous, but if I don't try, I wont improve. And it'll be a great way to get some fire under my butt.
I honestly don't have that much to say, probably why I procrastinated posting yesterday.
Back-Up Rewards: 25
To-Do List:
Writing: Book
Writing: Play
Writing: Script
Writing: Short Story
Etsy Teams
Etsy Product
Etsy Ad
Library Book 1
Library Book 2
Library Book 3
Library Book 4
Reading Book 1
Reading Book 2Brush Teeth
Money Making
Job Search
Step Aerobics
Hiragana Practice
Katakana Practice
Japanese Vocabulary
Japanese Sentences
Work on Art
Clean Room
Contact Juggling
Drunken Pixie Productions Planning
Winter Cleaning 1
Winter Cleaning 2
Winter Cleaning 3
Winter Cleaning 5
Winter Cleaning 6
Winter Cleaning 7
Winter Cleaning 8
Winter Cleaning 9
Winter Cleaning 10
Winter Cleaning 11
Winter Cleaning 12
Winter Cleaning 13
Winter Cleaning 14
Wish me luck. :)
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