Hey guys, so as my title says, I was out most of the day yesterday. I went and hung out with my friends Glyn-Chan, Sarah, and Risa, and after getting home, I went out again to just hang out with my friend Risa. So I was gone till like 11:30pm. So all that ended up getting done was: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary, Gaia Guild Updates, and Japanese study. So yeah. But I am going to keep trying to do better although it's already almost 2pm.
I don't really think I have much of anything to say right now that is interesting. So onto my list.
I'm still looking for ideas on how to make my blog more interesting.
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Webcomic Art
Anime Music Video First Draft
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing
Pagan Book
Japanese Study
Ask the Bones Project
Public Speaking Homework
History Homework
TV Production Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Clean out Purse
Everything got done yesterday!
Unbelievably, everything on my list had gotten done to satisfaction. So what got done is: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice, Gaia Guild Updates, Writing, Webcomic Writing, Violin For Dummies, Reading Book, Library Book, Webcomic Art, Anime Music Video First Draft, World of Warcraft Emblems, Viking Project Book/Website, Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing, Pagan Book, Japanese Study, Ask the Bones Project, Public Speaking Homework, Sewing, and Ballet DVD.
The above pictures are pictures of that white chocolate peanut butter filled rabbit I told you guys about a while ago. The one I've been using as a carrot that if I got most or all of my things done, I could have it. It was delicious especially in a delayed gratification sort of way. So now if I do everything again, I need a new carrot.
Today I am going to be hanging out with my friend's Glyn-Chan and Sarah. So we'll see if as many things will get done today.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Webcomic Art
Anime Music Video First Draft
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing
Pagan Book
Japanese Study
Ask the Bones Project
Public Speaking Homework
New Year Resolutions Update Reports
Wish me luck.
Still Snowing Yesterday A Bust
Hey guys. Yes it is still snowing in New Jersey. :) Just as most of the snow was melting we got some more fresh white goodness. :)
Yesterday for whatever reason was a bad day to get stuff done, all that got done was Hiragana/Katakana, Reading Book, Gaia Guild, and World of Warcraft Emblems.
So hopefully today will be better. Although today is when I start really working on my role play guild on gaia.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Webcomic Art
Anime Music Video First Draft
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing
Pagan Book
Japanese Study
Ask the Bones Project
Public Speaking Homework
Ballet DVD
Wish me luck.
Yesterday for whatever reason was a bad day to get stuff done, all that got done was Hiragana/Katakana, Reading Book, Gaia Guild, and World of Warcraft Emblems.
So hopefully today will be better. Although today is when I start really working on my role play guild on gaia.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Webcomic Art
Anime Music Video First Draft
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing
Pagan Book
Japanese Study
Ask the Bones Project
Public Speaking Homework
Ballet DVD
Wish me luck.
As you may or may not know, I freaking love snow. And New Jersey is snowing again. And it's predicting snow for the next few days and I am very happy about that. It's still very cold. it was warm for a few days but it went to cold and rainy which was terrible, and now it's cold and snowing which is wonderful. :D
What Got done: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary, Gaia Guild Updates, Violin For Dummies, Reading Book, Library Book, Webcomic Art, World of Warcraft Emblems, Computer Literacy Homework, Japanese Study, Clean Room, Work on Art.
What Didn't Get Done: Writing, Webcomic Writing, Anime Music Video First Draft, Viking Project Book/Website, Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing, Pagan Book, Public Speaking Homework, Ask the Bones Project.
Although I could swear more got done then didn't get done, it seems these paragraphs say otherwise and it's kind of equal.
I don't know if I have much to say right now so I'll get to my list.
I'm still looking for ideas to make my blog more interesting.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Webcomic Art
Anime Music Video First Draft
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing
Pagan Book
Japanese Study
Ask the Bones Project
Public Speaking Homework
Violin Practice
Belly Dance DVD
Work on Doll
Wish me luck.
What Got done: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary, Gaia Guild Updates, Violin For Dummies, Reading Book, Library Book, Webcomic Art, World of Warcraft Emblems, Computer Literacy Homework, Japanese Study, Clean Room, Work on Art.
What Didn't Get Done: Writing, Webcomic Writing, Anime Music Video First Draft, Viking Project Book/Website, Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing, Pagan Book, Public Speaking Homework, Ask the Bones Project.
Although I could swear more got done then didn't get done, it seems these paragraphs say otherwise and it's kind of equal.
I don't know if I have much to say right now so I'll get to my list.
I'm still looking for ideas to make my blog more interesting.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Webcomic Art
Anime Music Video First Draft
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing
Pagan Book
Japanese Study
Ask the Bones Project
Public Speaking Homework
Violin Practice
Belly Dance DVD
Work on Doll
Wish me luck.
No News
Hey guys, yesterday was an alright day for getting things done but not as good as yesterday. Today is not looking so good either since I woke up later then normal today.
What got done: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice, Gaia Guild, Violin For Dummies, Reading book, Bentos, Japanese Homework.
What didn't get done: Writing, Webcomic Writing, Library Book, Webcomic Art, Anime Music Video First Draft, World of Warcraft Emblems, Viking Project Book/Website, Do's Don'ts Mantras of Writing, Pagan Book, History Study, Ballet DVD, Violin Practice.
So unlike yesterday, what didn't get done got well out numbered by what did.
There is not real news today. All I can say is pretty soon I'll be getting started on a video project for my college applications. The picture of today's bento lunch will be up tomorrow most likely.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Webcomic Art
Anime Music Video First Draft
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing
Pagan Book
History Study
Computer Literacy Homework
Japanese Homework
Ask the Bones Project
Public Speaking Homework
Clean Room
Work On Art
Wish me luck.
What got done: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice, Gaia Guild, Violin For Dummies, Reading book, Bentos, Japanese Homework.
What didn't get done: Writing, Webcomic Writing, Library Book, Webcomic Art, Anime Music Video First Draft, World of Warcraft Emblems, Viking Project Book/Website, Do's Don'ts Mantras of Writing, Pagan Book, History Study, Ballet DVD, Violin Practice.
So unlike yesterday, what didn't get done got well out numbered by what did.
There is not real news today. All I can say is pretty soon I'll be getting started on a video project for my college applications. The picture of today's bento lunch will be up tomorrow most likely.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Webcomic Art
Anime Music Video First Draft
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing
Pagan Book
History Study
Computer Literacy Homework
Japanese Homework
Ask the Bones Project
Public Speaking Homework
Clean Room
Work On Art
Wish me luck.
Yesterday Got Rewarded
Hey guys. Yesterday was alright for getting things done. I got enough points in my point system for my reeses peanut butter egg. Now I am going to have a half way point of 1/2-1 cup of my root beer vanilla ice cream.
What got done: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice, Gaia guild Updates, Webcomic Writing, Violin For Dummies, Reading Book, Library Book, Webcomic Art, World of Warcraft Emblems, Pagan Book, History Study, Public Speaking Homework, Clean E-mail, TV Production Homework.
What didn't get done: Writing, Anime Music Video First Draft, Viking Project Book/Website, Do's Don'ts Mantras of Writing, Computer Literacy Homework, Japanese Homework, Belly Dance DVD, Bento.
Laid out like that, I got a lot more things done then didn't done. :)
Yesterday I got my inter-library loan of Ask The Bones, so now I am going to start working on that video project. More on that as it develops.
I'm still looking for ideas to make my blog more interesting.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Webcomic Art
Anime Music Video First Draft
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing
Pagan Book
History Study
Computer Literacy Homework
Japanese Homework
Violin Practice
Ballet DVD
Ask the Bones Project
Wish me luck.
What got done: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice, Gaia guild Updates, Webcomic Writing, Violin For Dummies, Reading Book, Library Book, Webcomic Art, World of Warcraft Emblems, Pagan Book, History Study, Public Speaking Homework, Clean E-mail, TV Production Homework.
What didn't get done: Writing, Anime Music Video First Draft, Viking Project Book/Website, Do's Don'ts Mantras of Writing, Computer Literacy Homework, Japanese Homework, Belly Dance DVD, Bento.
Laid out like that, I got a lot more things done then didn't done. :)
Yesterday I got my inter-library loan of Ask The Bones, so now I am going to start working on that video project. More on that as it develops.
I'm still looking for ideas to make my blog more interesting.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Webcomic Art
Anime Music Video First Draft
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Book/Website
Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing
Pagan Book
History Study
Computer Literacy Homework
Japanese Homework
Violin Practice
Ballet DVD
Ask the Bones Project
Wish me luck.
I got better
Hey guys, incase you were wondering on the status of that cold, it's gone. Now I just have to worry about allergies. :) Unfortunately nothing much got done yesterday, I couldn't focus for some reason. Only History Homework, Gaia guild Updates, and Clean Out Purse got done. But yeah, I am trying very hard to work on my stuff.
Well, I have nothing really much to say. Hopefully I'll have something interesting to say tomorrow.
List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Webcomic Art
AMV First Draft
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Website/Book
Do's Dont's Mantras of Writing
Pagan Book
History Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
Public Speaking Homework
TV Production Homework
Clean out E-mail
Belly Dance
Wish me luck. :)
Well, I have nothing really much to say. Hopefully I'll have something interesting to say tomorrow.
List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Webcomic Art
AMV First Draft
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Website/Book
Do's Dont's Mantras of Writing
Pagan Book
History Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
Public Speaking Homework
TV Production Homework
Clean out E-mail
Belly Dance
Wish me luck. :)
Home earlier sunday, had fun, feeling better, back to work
Hey guys, the title summaries it pretty much. It's currently 4:30pm as I am typing this sentence and Wicked Faire is over for this year and really looking forward to next year.
So pictures, a few notes, and then to my list. Note: No pictures of sunday because I didn't take any. no real big opportunity since we got there later then I wanted.
Me, my sister, and our Philippine Alice Glyn-Chan.
Glyn-Chan kissing my killer white rabbit.
Me and my killer white rabbit and his pocket watch.
The White Queen, the Cheshire Cat, and a devilish woman.
A very pretty costume.
Ok, so now that those pictures are out of the way a few things.
#1 I have a new incentive in my points program. 1 small baby spoon of amazingly tasty honey that has a taste of marshmallows as a small reward. For some of the honey and others (the one with the marshmallow taste is Meadowfoam) go to www.beefolks.com They also have some mead making kits.
#2 I got a very productive and positive fortune told to me today. I did a small $1 crystal dowsing originally asking if i should look south for a job. At no extra cost the fortune teller asked in all directions and another. I found that I should be looking North and I know where to look. I also got a very positive rating in money aspect of my horoscope on Facebook today.
#3 The Killer White Rabbit videos. I am currently working on production of some killer white rabbit videos. More details will come when available.
I think that's it.
I'm still looking for suggestions on how to make my blog more interesting.
List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Webcomic Art
AMV First Draft
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Website/Book
Do's Dont's Mantras of Writing
Pagan Book
History Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
Public Speaking Homework
Clean Out Purse
Wish me luck.
No work done yesterday probably not today, wicked faire.
Me before going to wicked faire in the outfit I wore for friday.
Mad hatter hat of awsomeness.
The Cheshire Cat and Alice.
The Mad Hatter, Alice, and Queen of Hearts aka Red Queen.
One of the girls from The Flirts of Fancie.
Me with something I wanted to buy.
Well, those are the pictures I promised you. I'll post today's exploits when available.
It's late at night actually, nothing done, and nothing will get done, but pictures will be up soon.
Almost better, still driving through
Hey guys. Yesterday was ok, but not great as to get things done, especially since I took my test yesterday for my distance education course. What got done was: Hiragana/Katakana practice, Gaia Guild Updates, Violin For Dummies, Library Book, Webcomic Art.
Yesterday, on my way home and dropping off my friend at her house, I ended up getting myself come candy, and my friend 1 $0.99 chocolate lolipop, she was in a rotten mood and i wanted to cheer her up. I had to stop at Walgreens anyway for cold medicine. So rather then just eating it even though it's bad for my diet, I decided to do something with it. I bought 1 resses peanut butter egg and 1 peanut butter filled white chocolate bunny. I've noticed lately that some of my higher priorities haven't been getting done. So after I make my list, I am going to give each of them point values. I'm going to add them up and then decide a goal number. One portion of the goal will be the smaller resses egg, and the rest or almost to the entire goal will be the bigger white chocolate bunny egg. :) I'll keep this up until I have it, though by the time I do, I might want to get more for a driving goal.


Above is a picture of my lunch Tuesday. It was a fish sandwhich with light whole wheat buns. I also got baby carrot sticks, cut kiwi, a pudding filled marshmallow, and a container of ranch dressing for the sandwhich and carrots. What's ontop of the kiwi and marshmallow is raspberry fruit leather i cut with a cookie cutter into flowers.
Today is the start of wicked faire. :D Pictures will be up when available.
I'm still looking for suggestions to make my blog more interesting.
List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Webcomic Art
AMV First Draft
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Website/Book
Do's Dont's Mantras of Writing
Pagan Book
History Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
Public Speaking Homework
Television Production Homework
(Once again I'm skipping Ballet because of my cold)
House Clean (My friend Glyn-Chan is coming over before we go to Wicked Faire so the house has to be clean)
Big list, wish me luck. :)
Yesterday, on my way home and dropping off my friend at her house, I ended up getting myself come candy, and my friend 1 $0.99 chocolate lolipop, she was in a rotten mood and i wanted to cheer her up. I had to stop at Walgreens anyway for cold medicine. So rather then just eating it even though it's bad for my diet, I decided to do something with it. I bought 1 resses peanut butter egg and 1 peanut butter filled white chocolate bunny. I've noticed lately that some of my higher priorities haven't been getting done. So after I make my list, I am going to give each of them point values. I'm going to add them up and then decide a goal number. One portion of the goal will be the smaller resses egg, and the rest or almost to the entire goal will be the bigger white chocolate bunny egg. :) I'll keep this up until I have it, though by the time I do, I might want to get more for a driving goal.


Above is a picture of my lunch Tuesday. It was a fish sandwhich with light whole wheat buns. I also got baby carrot sticks, cut kiwi, a pudding filled marshmallow, and a container of ranch dressing for the sandwhich and carrots. What's ontop of the kiwi and marshmallow is raspberry fruit leather i cut with a cookie cutter into flowers.
Today is the start of wicked faire. :D Pictures will be up when available.
I'm still looking for suggestions to make my blog more interesting.
List for today:
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Webcomic Art
AMV First Draft
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Website/Book
Do's Dont's Mantras of Writing
Pagan Book
History Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
Public Speaking Homework
Television Production Homework
(Once again I'm skipping Ballet because of my cold)
House Clean (My friend Glyn-Chan is coming over before we go to Wicked Faire so the house has to be clean)
Big list, wish me luck. :)
I'm getting better
Hey guys, I'm just about over that cold. The worst of it is over and I can start to get back to work.

The above pictures is one of my bentos from a week before that I can't remember.On one tier there's pan fried sour cream and cheddar perogies. On the other tier is schezuan vegetables, candy cane vanilla bark, and blackberries.

This would have been the other day of that week.On one tier I got whole wheat rigatoni pasta in a tomato sauce I made myself from canned tomato sauce and spices. :) It was good, but maybe I added a bit too much paprika. On the other tier I have ABC jelly, 2 boiled quail eggs, and pieces of pineapple.



The above pictures was dinner a few weeks ago. Chicken Tikka with either baked or deep fried Vegetable Samosas, Papadoms, which is a spiced chipy bread, and brown rice. Little hint, it's so much more worth it to have it deep fried rather then baked. Baked comes out burnt and hard, deep fried comes out soft and yummy and perfect. Tikka is a near dry yogurt marinade that's yummy and flavorful. I really don't know how to describe it. It just is. These samosas were filled with mashed chick peas, potato, peas, and spices.
Sorry about the high amount of pictures today, I wanted to clear them out rather then spread them since I am going to wicked faire tomorrow and should be taking a lot of pictures.
Well, I should probably get to work.
List for today:
Japanese Homework
Japanese Study
TV Production Homework
Public Speaking Homework
History Study
Computer Literacy Homework
Gaia Guild Updates
Violin For Dummies
Webcomic Writing
Webcomic Concept Art
Reading Book
Library Bok
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking project Website/Book
Anime Music Video First Draft
Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing
Pagan Book Read
Work on Doll
(I'm skipping Belly Dance DVD and Violin Practice because my cold is still here and I don't feel like I am psychically up to it.)
Well, I better get to work, see you guys soon.
The above pictures is one of my bentos from a week before that I can't remember.On one tier there's pan fried sour cream and cheddar perogies. On the other tier is schezuan vegetables, candy cane vanilla bark, and blackberries.
This would have been the other day of that week.On one tier I got whole wheat rigatoni pasta in a tomato sauce I made myself from canned tomato sauce and spices. :) It was good, but maybe I added a bit too much paprika. On the other tier I have ABC jelly, 2 boiled quail eggs, and pieces of pineapple.
The above pictures was dinner a few weeks ago. Chicken Tikka with either baked or deep fried Vegetable Samosas, Papadoms, which is a spiced chipy bread, and brown rice. Little hint, it's so much more worth it to have it deep fried rather then baked. Baked comes out burnt and hard, deep fried comes out soft and yummy and perfect. Tikka is a near dry yogurt marinade that's yummy and flavorful. I really don't know how to describe it. It just is. These samosas were filled with mashed chick peas, potato, peas, and spices.
Sorry about the high amount of pictures today, I wanted to clear them out rather then spread them since I am going to wicked faire tomorrow and should be taking a lot of pictures.
Well, I should probably get to work.
List for today:
Japanese Homework
Japanese Study
TV Production Homework
Public Speaking Homework
History Study
Computer Literacy Homework
Gaia Guild Updates
Violin For Dummies
Webcomic Writing
Webcomic Concept Art
Reading Book
Library Bok
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking project Website/Book
Anime Music Video First Draft
Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing
Pagan Book Read
Work on Doll
(I'm skipping Belly Dance DVD and Violin Practice because my cold is still here and I don't feel like I am psychically up to it.)
Well, I better get to work, see you guys soon.
Sick Day Again
Sick day yesterday and maybe today.
Hey guys, I took some night time cold medicine yesterday to help this cold I've been having. As such I lost all focus to do any work. I got the kind of cold that because I'm not breathing so well I'm not thinking straight. So nothing got done. I don't know if I can do anything today. I'll see if I can.


The top is a bento I packed roughly a week ago. It's a vegetable stir fry, black berries, boiled quail eggs, ABC Jelly, and pineapple. The bottom is a picture of the bento I used which is brand new. :D
Well, I'm not going to put up the list, I'll see if I do anything at all.
The top is a bento I packed roughly a week ago. It's a vegetable stir fry, black berries, boiled quail eggs, ABC Jelly, and pineapple. The bottom is a picture of the bento I used which is brand new. :D
Well, I'm not going to put up the list, I'll see if I do anything at all.
Monday With A Cold
Hey guys. As you might have guessed from the title above, I've got a cold. :( My schedule yesterday was a complete failure after a major distraction and only to come home being tired and wanting to take some cold medicine and a nap.
What got done: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary, Gaia Guild updates, Library Book Reading, Public Speaking Homework, Japanese Study.
What didn't get done: Everything else. I'm kind of losing focus so i don't think I'll put it up.
So project time schedule: Failed.


You might have heart there was some snow in New Jersey from the big snow storm. Those are a couple of pictures.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Japanese Study
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Webcomic Concept Art
Violin For DUmmies
Reading Book
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Website/Book
Anime Music Video First Draft
Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing
History Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Japanese Homework
Public Speaking Homework
Pagan Book Read
Clean Out E-mail
Belly Dance DVD (Might not do it with this cold)
Clean out Computer
A big list today, wish me luck.
What got done: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary, Gaia Guild updates, Library Book Reading, Public Speaking Homework, Japanese Study.
What didn't get done: Everything else. I'm kind of losing focus so i don't think I'll put it up.
So project time schedule: Failed.
You might have heart there was some snow in New Jersey from the big snow storm. Those are a couple of pictures.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Japanese Study
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Webcomic Concept Art
Violin For DUmmies
Reading Book
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Website/Book
Anime Music Video First Draft
Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing
History Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Japanese Homework
Public Speaking Homework
Pagan Book Read
Clean Out E-mail
Belly Dance DVD (Might not do it with this cold)
Clean out Computer
A big list today, wish me luck.
Happy Valentines Day
Hey guys! Happy Valentines Day and Happy Chinese New Year! This year the fell on the same day. :)

The picture above is a picture of my room after we redid it last September. Lovely isn't it? :)
What got done: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice, Japanese Study, Gaia Guild Updates, Library Book, World of Warcraft Emblems, Anime Music Video First Draft, Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing, Japanese Study, Social Networking, HTML Website, Film/Video Ideas, Table Top Room Ideas, New Years Resolutions.
What didn't get done: Writing, Webcomic Writing, Violin For Dummies, Reading Book, Webcomic Art, History Homework, Computer Literacy Homework, Japanese Homework, Public Speaking Homework, Pagan Book Reading.
I was thinking that I did more of a percentage then I did. I decided to cut down my reading from the reading book, library book, and pagan book from 40-50pages to 20-30pages to see if a more doable goal will help me do it more often. I also decided to count my Anime Music Video First Draft as goal of 30 seconds completed a day, so that first draft should be done between 2-4 days from now.
I've been reading one of the time management books, The Time Trap, and I'll be posting a review of it when I am done. I'm going to try and schedule my day out, taking notes about how long things actually take and see if I can predict when distractions come. If something takes less time then I imagined by a significant number, I'll move onto the next task, otherwise I am taking a small break.
I'm still looking for suggestions on how to make my blog more interesting.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Webcomic Art
World Of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Website/Book
Anime Music Video First Draft
Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing
History Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
Public Speaking Homework
TV Production Homework
Pagan Book
I'm not doing my purse because I just got a new purse yesterday, something bigger so I can hold everything I need. Another big list but not as big as it's been. Wish me luck. :)
The picture above is a picture of my room after we redid it last September. Lovely isn't it? :)
What got done: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice, Japanese Study, Gaia Guild Updates, Library Book, World of Warcraft Emblems, Anime Music Video First Draft, Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing, Japanese Study, Social Networking, HTML Website, Film/Video Ideas, Table Top Room Ideas, New Years Resolutions.
What didn't get done: Writing, Webcomic Writing, Violin For Dummies, Reading Book, Webcomic Art, History Homework, Computer Literacy Homework, Japanese Homework, Public Speaking Homework, Pagan Book Reading.
I was thinking that I did more of a percentage then I did. I decided to cut down my reading from the reading book, library book, and pagan book from 40-50pages to 20-30pages to see if a more doable goal will help me do it more often. I also decided to count my Anime Music Video First Draft as goal of 30 seconds completed a day, so that first draft should be done between 2-4 days from now.
I've been reading one of the time management books, The Time Trap, and I'll be posting a review of it when I am done. I'm going to try and schedule my day out, taking notes about how long things actually take and see if I can predict when distractions come. If something takes less time then I imagined by a significant number, I'll move onto the next task, otherwise I am taking a small break.
I'm still looking for suggestions on how to make my blog more interesting.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Webcomic Art
World Of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Website/Book
Anime Music Video First Draft
Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing
History Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
Public Speaking Homework
TV Production Homework
Pagan Book
I'm not doing my purse because I just got a new purse yesterday, something bigger so I can hold everything I need. Another big list but not as big as it's been. Wish me luck. :)
Busy Yesterday, going to be busy today?
Hey guys, after Mitsuwa yesterday I had to go to the bank, the library, and to find rock salt and cold medicine. So unfortunately I couldn't even think about my list until 9pm. And right now Firefox keeps crashing every few minuets. Currently working on a solution to the problem. All that got done yesterday was Hiragana and Katakana practice, and gaia update.

Those are pictures of the cake I bought from Mitsuwa yesterday. A delicious raspberry mousse cake for $3.50 a slice and I think it was $18 for the whole cake but I don't remember. Beautiful isn't it? Taken by my sister's Cannon, which means that I figured out a way to get my bento pictures up here. So pretty soon I'll be catching up with those pictures and don't have to rely on my mom to post them up on her blog.
Well, I should be getting to my list especially since I need to go to the grocery store today and try and convince mom to let me go to avenue today so I can use that coupon and buy some much needed jeans.
When I went to the library it was to get 1 book on vikings, but I ended up getting like 5 or so. So instead of websites, I'll be skimming books for a while.
To Do List Today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Webcomic Concept Art
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Website/Book
Anime Music Video First Draft
Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing
Social Networking Website
HTML Website
Film/Video Ideas
Table Top Room Ideas
New Years Resolution Progress Report
History Homework
TV Production Homework
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Public Speaking Homework
WOAH! That's some big list, wish me luck. :(
Those are pictures of the cake I bought from Mitsuwa yesterday. A delicious raspberry mousse cake for $3.50 a slice and I think it was $18 for the whole cake but I don't remember. Beautiful isn't it? Taken by my sister's Cannon, which means that I figured out a way to get my bento pictures up here. So pretty soon I'll be catching up with those pictures and don't have to rely on my mom to post them up on her blog.
Well, I should be getting to my list especially since I need to go to the grocery store today and try and convince mom to let me go to avenue today so I can use that coupon and buy some much needed jeans.
When I went to the library it was to get 1 book on vikings, but I ended up getting like 5 or so. So instead of websites, I'll be skimming books for a while.
To Do List Today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
Webcomic Concept Art
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Website/Book
Anime Music Video First Draft
Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing
Social Networking Website
HTML Website
Film/Video Ideas
Table Top Room Ideas
New Years Resolution Progress Report
History Homework
TV Production Homework
Japanese Study
Japanese Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Public Speaking Homework
WOAH! That's some big list, wish me luck. :(
Happy Friday
Happy Friday guys. I don't have much time because I got to get ready to go out to the Mitsuwa marketplace right after this.
What got done: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocbulary practice, Gaia Guild Updates, Writing, Webcomic Writing, Violin For Dummies, World of Warcraft Emblems, Webcomic Art, Viking Project Website, Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing, Study Japanese, Belly Dance DVD, Violin Practice, Work on Doll.
What didn't get done: Reading Book, Library Book, History Homework, Computer Literacy Homework, Anime Music Video First Draft.
Wow, a lot more things got done then didn't get done. :D
I don't know what to say anyway, and I should be going.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocbulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblems
Webcomic Art
Viking Project Website
Anime Music Video First Draft
History Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Japanese Homework
Japanese Study
Ballet DVD
Still a big list. :( Wish me luck.
What got done: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocbulary practice, Gaia Guild Updates, Writing, Webcomic Writing, Violin For Dummies, World of Warcraft Emblems, Webcomic Art, Viking Project Website, Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing, Study Japanese, Belly Dance DVD, Violin Practice, Work on Doll.
What didn't get done: Reading Book, Library Book, History Homework, Computer Literacy Homework, Anime Music Video First Draft.
Wow, a lot more things got done then didn't get done. :D
I don't know what to say anyway, and I should be going.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocbulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblems
Webcomic Art
Viking Project Website
Anime Music Video First Draft
History Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Japanese Homework
Japanese Study
Ballet DVD
Still a big list. :( Wish me luck.
Snow Day! Day 2!
Yep, I got a second snow day because it was still snowing yesterday and I guess they needed this day to clear out the parking lot. Might or might not go grocery shopping depending on if my mom thinks the roads are clear enough to send me.
What got done: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice, Gaia Guild Updates, World of Warcraft Emblems, Webcomic Concept Art, Some Computer Literacy Homework, Clean Room, Work on Art.
What didn't get done: Writing, Webcomic Writing, Violin For Dummies Reading, Reading Book, Library Book, Viking Project Website, Anime Music Video First Draft, Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing, History Homework.
It seems a bit equal yesterday. So slightly better then Tuesday.
I am now officially going to Wicked Faire all weekend next weekend. :D So I'll need to put together some outfits since I want to look like I'm running with the themes. Pictures will come up when they are ready. Those pictures will be taken with my camera, so quality might be lower but I have a cable to upload pictures instead of just a memory card.
I don't think I have anything else to say at this point, so I'll just go to my list.
To Do List for Today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblems
Webcomic Art
Viking Project Website
Anime Music Video First Draft
Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing Bullet Points
History Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Japanese Studying
Belly Dance DVD
Violin Practice
Work on Doll
Big lsit, wish me luck. :(
What got done: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice, Gaia Guild Updates, World of Warcraft Emblems, Webcomic Concept Art, Some Computer Literacy Homework, Clean Room, Work on Art.
What didn't get done: Writing, Webcomic Writing, Violin For Dummies Reading, Reading Book, Library Book, Viking Project Website, Anime Music Video First Draft, Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing, History Homework.
It seems a bit equal yesterday. So slightly better then Tuesday.
I am now officially going to Wicked Faire all weekend next weekend. :D So I'll need to put together some outfits since I want to look like I'm running with the themes. Pictures will come up when they are ready. Those pictures will be taken with my camera, so quality might be lower but I have a cable to upload pictures instead of just a memory card.
I don't think I have anything else to say at this point, so I'll just go to my list.
To Do List for Today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Violin For Dummies
Reading Book
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblems
Webcomic Art
Viking Project Website
Anime Music Video First Draft
Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing Bullet Points
History Homework
Computer Literacy Homework
Japanese Studying
Belly Dance DVD
Violin Practice
Work on Doll
Big lsit, wish me luck. :(
SNOW DAY! DAY OFF FROM SCHOOL! But not from my list
Hey guys, incase you didn't know, New Jersey has been snowing, their predicting blizzard conditions and it's suppose to snow more later and through out the day. I might get out of my Japanese class if it wont stop snowing and have slight more time to study for my quiz. I have gotten the grammar mostly down, now I just need to remember what each word means. So yeah, I am going to try and use this new found time to catch up on the computer literacy homework, study, clean my room, etc.
What got done yesterday: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary practice, Gaia Guild Updates, Webcomic Writing, Webcomic Concept Art, Violin Practice. (Making a bento got canceled due to cancellation of school.)
What didn't get done: Writing, Reading Book, Library Book, World of Warcraft Emblems, Ballet DVD, History Homework (I only did about half of it), Anime Music Video First Draft, Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing, Computer literacy homework.
Unlike the trend I've been doing, what didn't get done out weighs what got done.
Well, I better get to the list.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Webcomic Concept Designs
Violin For Dummies Reading
Reading Book
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Website
Anime Music Video First Draft
Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing
(History homework? or just lose the 5 points out of 300?)
Computer Literacy Homework (and a lot of it)
Public Speaking Homework
Clean Room
Work on Art
Step Aerobics (Should I be doing step aerobics cause me and my sister have to shovel?)
Another big list. :( Wish me luck.
What got done yesterday: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary practice, Gaia Guild Updates, Webcomic Writing, Webcomic Concept Art, Violin Practice. (Making a bento got canceled due to cancellation of school.)
What didn't get done: Writing, Reading Book, Library Book, World of Warcraft Emblems, Ballet DVD, History Homework (I only did about half of it), Anime Music Video First Draft, Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing, Computer literacy homework.
Unlike the trend I've been doing, what didn't get done out weighs what got done.
Well, I better get to the list.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Webcomic Concept Designs
Violin For Dummies Reading
Reading Book
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Website
Anime Music Video First Draft
Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing
(History homework? or just lose the 5 points out of 300?)
Computer Literacy Homework (and a lot of it)
Public Speaking Homework
Clean Room
Work on Art
Step Aerobics (Should I be doing step aerobics cause me and my sister have to shovel?)
Another big list. :( Wish me luck.
Terrible Tuesdays...ok not really
Hey guys, happy Tuesday, if there's anyone actually out there. :( Yesterday went pretty well, probably could have gotten everything done if I didn't get so damn tired around 2am.
What got done: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice, Gaia Guild Updates, Webcomic Writing, Webcomic Art, Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing Bullet points (just a few put enough where I can count it for my list, it's a working progress), Public Speaking Homework, A Section of History Homework, Clean E-mail, Belly Dance DVD, Bento. (I am going to figure out how the heck to get those bento pictures up soon. :()
What didn't get done: Writing, Reading Book, Library Book, World of Warcraft Emblems, Viking Project Website, Anime Music Video First Draft, Other History Homework.
Wow, what got done and what didn't get done is very slanted despite me being out most of the day and getting very very very annoyed at the guidance counselor department for reasons I don't feel like discussing. Lets just say that's roughly an hour or two of my time I'll never ever get back. But speaking of school, I signed up for another class just incase one I am taking doesn't work out. That and I also need it for my degree. Luckily, it's an easy class that if I weren't doing the distance education on, I'd be very bored and very tense because I feel it's a waste of my time. It's one of those computer literacy courses, y'know for Microoft Word, Excel, Access. I might need a refresher in Access but I've done all this to nausea in high school so this should be easy to catch up on3 weeks of work.
An update on my quest, it seems that my school's library dose a inter-library loan program, so we'll see if I get approved for Ask The Bones and if it comes in a timely manner. Hopefully it will cause i need to get this done asap.
Well, I think that's all for today, so I better get to that list before I go to school.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Webcomic Concept Art
Reading Book
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Website
Anime Music Video First Draft
Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing Bullet points
Computer Literacy Homework
History Homework
Ballet DVD
Violin Practice
Another big list. :( Wish me luck.
What got done: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice, Gaia Guild Updates, Webcomic Writing, Webcomic Art, Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing Bullet points (just a few put enough where I can count it for my list, it's a working progress), Public Speaking Homework, A Section of History Homework, Clean E-mail, Belly Dance DVD, Bento. (I am going to figure out how the heck to get those bento pictures up soon. :()
What didn't get done: Writing, Reading Book, Library Book, World of Warcraft Emblems, Viking Project Website, Anime Music Video First Draft, Other History Homework.
Wow, what got done and what didn't get done is very slanted despite me being out most of the day and getting very very very annoyed at the guidance counselor department for reasons I don't feel like discussing. Lets just say that's roughly an hour or two of my time I'll never ever get back. But speaking of school, I signed up for another class just incase one I am taking doesn't work out. That and I also need it for my degree. Luckily, it's an easy class that if I weren't doing the distance education on, I'd be very bored and very tense because I feel it's a waste of my time. It's one of those computer literacy courses, y'know for Microoft Word, Excel, Access. I might need a refresher in Access but I've done all this to nausea in high school so this should be easy to catch up on3 weeks of work.
An update on my quest, it seems that my school's library dose a inter-library loan program, so we'll see if I get approved for Ask The Bones and if it comes in a timely manner. Hopefully it will cause i need to get this done asap.
Well, I think that's all for today, so I better get to that list before I go to school.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Webcomic Concept Art
Reading Book
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Website
Anime Music Video First Draft
Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing Bullet points
Computer Literacy Homework
History Homework
Ballet DVD
Violin Practice
Another big list. :( Wish me luck.
Quest Time
Yesterday went pretty well. If you didn't see, I decide to boost up my cut off time to where I would count it as the next day. I like this so far since for some reason I do more at night then during the day.
What got done: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice, Gaia Guild Updates, World of Warcraft Emblems, Webcomic Concept Art, Webcomic Writing, TV Production Homework, Half of Public Speaking Homework, Purse. (Started on history homework)
What didn't get done: Writing, Reading Book, Library Book, Viking Project Website, Anime Music Video First Draft, Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing.
So this time, because of the time change, a lot more things got done then didn't, though I still haven't done everything.
Notice the title of this blog? I am questing to find a certain Chinese myth involving a servant girl, a master, and a piece of cloth. I am not sure if it's in Ask The Bones or Even More Short & Shivery: Thirty Spine-Tingling Tales. I want this myth cause I might do a short film about it for my college applications. So the quest is on to find it. Wish me luck.
Anyway, I have to go to the post office, so I better just end here and put up my list.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Webcomic Concept Art
Reading Book
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Website
Anime Music Video First Draft
Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing Bullet points
Public Speaking Homework
History Homework
Clean out E-mail
Belly Dance DVD
Make a Bento
Another big list. :( See you all soon.
What got done: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice, Gaia Guild Updates, World of Warcraft Emblems, Webcomic Concept Art, Webcomic Writing, TV Production Homework, Half of Public Speaking Homework, Purse. (Started on history homework)
What didn't get done: Writing, Reading Book, Library Book, Viking Project Website, Anime Music Video First Draft, Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing.
So this time, because of the time change, a lot more things got done then didn't, though I still haven't done everything.
Notice the title of this blog? I am questing to find a certain Chinese myth involving a servant girl, a master, and a piece of cloth. I am not sure if it's in Ask The Bones or Even More Short & Shivery: Thirty Spine-Tingling Tales. I want this myth cause I might do a short film about it for my college applications. So the quest is on to find it. Wish me luck.
Anyway, I have to go to the post office, so I better just end here and put up my list.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Webcomic Writing
Webcomic Concept Art
Reading Book
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblems
Viking Project Website
Anime Music Video First Draft
Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing Bullet points
Public Speaking Homework
History Homework
Clean out E-mail
Belly Dance DVD
Make a Bento
Another big list. :( See you all soon.
Super bowel?
Hey guys, happy super bowel if you care that it's super bowel day, personally I don't. So yeah. The only things I like about super bowel is stealing snacks and weird commercials coming out on that day. Though I found on IMDB the Super Bowel Avatar The Last Airbender trailer. I guess I wont be seeing it due to white, white, middle eastern, white, white, white, white, middle eastern, Asian but minor character who doesn't really have a name. It's an insult to Mako's memory. Not only that, but it's clear whoever was in charge of costuming doesn't know the difference between Russia, Mongolia, to Japan. To ignore the heavy Asian and Inuit influence is insulting.
Yesterday was alright, I did: Hiragana/Katakana, Gaia Updates, Webcomic Art, New Years Resolutions, HTML, Table Top Game Room, Film/Video, Business Etiquette.
Didn't Do: Vocabulary Practice, Writng, Reading Book, Library Book, World Of Warcraft Emblems, Viking Project Website, College Applications, AMV First Draft, Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing bullet points, All Homework, Webcomic Writing.
So yeah, by a lot, there's more things not done then done, but it's slightly better then the runt I've been in. But i need to get to work on some things. So I better get to it. Though it's 5pm already. D:
I'm still looking for suggestions to make my blog more interesting.
To Do List:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Reading Book
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblems
Webcomic Concept Art
Viking Project Website
College Applications
AMV First Draft
Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing
TV Production Homework
History Homework
Public Speaking Homework
Clean out Purse
Still a big list. :( Wish me luck.
**Late edit post, I decided to just make my deadline to 5am, where I count it as a new day. I'll see what happens with this after a while.
Yesterday was alright, I did: Hiragana/Katakana, Gaia Updates, Webcomic Art, New Years Resolutions, HTML, Table Top Game Room, Film/Video, Business Etiquette.
Didn't Do: Vocabulary Practice, Writng, Reading Book, Library Book, World Of Warcraft Emblems, Viking Project Website, College Applications, AMV First Draft, Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing bullet points, All Homework, Webcomic Writing.
So yeah, by a lot, there's more things not done then done, but it's slightly better then the runt I've been in. But i need to get to work on some things. So I better get to it. Though it's 5pm already. D:
I'm still looking for suggestions to make my blog more interesting.
To Do List:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Reading Book
Library Book
World of Warcraft Emblems
Webcomic Concept Art
Viking Project Website
College Applications
AMV First Draft
Do's Don'ts and Mantras of Writing
TV Production Homework
History Homework
Public Speaking Homework
Clean out Purse
Still a big list. :( Wish me luck.
**Late edit post, I decided to just make my deadline to 5am, where I count it as a new day. I'll see what happens with this after a while.
Snow Day!
Today, New Jersey snowed. :D But once again, I've had a nasty day to try and get things done. :( Basically all that got done was some concept designs for the webcomic.
Anyway, to the reviews I promised you guys.
The Dublin House in Red Bank New Jersey was, as always, great. I don't remember when they finished their renovations, but the Dublin House is a cozy little cottage down the street from Count Basie Theater and across from a new age store. We got a table upstairs and by the fire place. Which both toasted me up, and cooled me down since most likely wind was coming from the fireplace. I ordered my usual shepherds pie. The masted potato top was creamy and delicious with some amount of chunks, which I really like chunks. As for the filling, the peas and carrots were nice and tender, but not mushy, perfectly cooked in. The meat was well ground, and tender. Unlike some places you might get shepherds pie from where the inside just has greased up juices, the shepherds pie in The Dublin House is well seasoned and delicious. Even if you might usually like to add some Worcestershire sauce to your food, you don't need to with this. Since I didn't eat all day, I had room for desert. I can't remember the last time I had room for desert there. So I thought between the Dolce De Leche Cheesecake and the Caramel Apple Pie. I decided on the pie. The Caramel Apple Pie was a skinny but gooey slice of pie with strawberry slices and vanilla whip cream. The whip cream was sweet, delicious, and light. The pie itself has a shortbread cookie crust and topping which was butters and delicious. The filling was packed in with lots of caramel cream. I HIGHLY recommend the Dublin House.
The Cirque Le Masque. If you need justification of French superiority other then architecture, food, art, you might want to try watching this and remind yourself this form of entertainment is known as French Circus. Just don't try reading too much into it! The major problem I had with this was that it says it has a storyline, aside from the Flying Silk and the improv skit (to which I don't see a title in the program for it). But don't let that detract from the sense of Awe and wonder you can only get from highly trained acrobats. And an odd looking clown. :) If you're wondering why the people who made Kaliedo Star decided to do a more upscale magical version of a french circus, go see what can be done in reality. It'll leave you spell bound. Overall my favorite part was the Flying Silk with Caroline Petrement, which seemed to have a sort of love storyline. But what was truly grand about this performance was the sense that she was effortlessly flying. Several times was the silken cloth flowing with her as if they were fairy wing in a wonderful display of beauty. Weego which I am guessing is a clown was the preshow entertainment and a laugh with the famous song I'm Too Sexy. Elsie Smith and Serenity (wow a person named Serenity :D now i can justify my role play character's name) Smith Forchion were seamless wonders of the sky. Yuriy Abrosimov was a grand spectacle with his balancing act that rivals the high budgeted Dare Devil acts in awe. Aliza Panfilova uses her Hula Hoops in a grand display that gives you the illusion of watching someone dancing in lazer beams. Mario Diamond gives juggling a new found respect with feeling like a magician preforming magic dose. Andrei Roublev with his german wheel makes me redefine the word balance. The lights were a nice throw of something more modern to classic acrobatic tricks. I highly recommend finding tickets, even the cheap $10 seats that leave you with a feeling of vertigo before the show starts.
Well, enough reviews. It's already 4:30pm! D: I might get to my list.
My list for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Reading Book
Library Book
World Of Warcraft Emblems
Webcomic Concept Art
Anime music Video First Draft
Viking Project Website
College Applications
New Year Resolution Progress Report
Social Network Website
HTML Website
Table Top Game Room Ideas
Film/Video Ideas
Business Etiquette Notes
Public Speaking Homework
Japanese Homework (if I didn't do it already)
TV Production Homework
History Homework
WOW! Big list! Wish me luck!
Anyway, to the reviews I promised you guys.
The Dublin House in Red Bank New Jersey was, as always, great. I don't remember when they finished their renovations, but the Dublin House is a cozy little cottage down the street from Count Basie Theater and across from a new age store. We got a table upstairs and by the fire place. Which both toasted me up, and cooled me down since most likely wind was coming from the fireplace. I ordered my usual shepherds pie. The masted potato top was creamy and delicious with some amount of chunks, which I really like chunks. As for the filling, the peas and carrots were nice and tender, but not mushy, perfectly cooked in. The meat was well ground, and tender. Unlike some places you might get shepherds pie from where the inside just has greased up juices, the shepherds pie in The Dublin House is well seasoned and delicious. Even if you might usually like to add some Worcestershire sauce to your food, you don't need to with this. Since I didn't eat all day, I had room for desert. I can't remember the last time I had room for desert there. So I thought between the Dolce De Leche Cheesecake and the Caramel Apple Pie. I decided on the pie. The Caramel Apple Pie was a skinny but gooey slice of pie with strawberry slices and vanilla whip cream. The whip cream was sweet, delicious, and light. The pie itself has a shortbread cookie crust and topping which was butters and delicious. The filling was packed in with lots of caramel cream. I HIGHLY recommend the Dublin House.
The Cirque Le Masque. If you need justification of French superiority other then architecture, food, art, you might want to try watching this and remind yourself this form of entertainment is known as French Circus. Just don't try reading too much into it! The major problem I had with this was that it says it has a storyline, aside from the Flying Silk and the improv skit (to which I don't see a title in the program for it). But don't let that detract from the sense of Awe and wonder you can only get from highly trained acrobats. And an odd looking clown. :) If you're wondering why the people who made Kaliedo Star decided to do a more upscale magical version of a french circus, go see what can be done in reality. It'll leave you spell bound. Overall my favorite part was the Flying Silk with Caroline Petrement, which seemed to have a sort of love storyline. But what was truly grand about this performance was the sense that she was effortlessly flying. Several times was the silken cloth flowing with her as if they were fairy wing in a wonderful display of beauty. Weego which I am guessing is a clown was the preshow entertainment and a laugh with the famous song I'm Too Sexy. Elsie Smith and Serenity (wow a person named Serenity :D now i can justify my role play character's name) Smith Forchion were seamless wonders of the sky. Yuriy Abrosimov was a grand spectacle with his balancing act that rivals the high budgeted Dare Devil acts in awe. Aliza Panfilova uses her Hula Hoops in a grand display that gives you the illusion of watching someone dancing in lazer beams. Mario Diamond gives juggling a new found respect with feeling like a magician preforming magic dose. Andrei Roublev with his german wheel makes me redefine the word balance. The lights were a nice throw of something more modern to classic acrobatic tricks. I highly recommend finding tickets, even the cheap $10 seats that leave you with a feeling of vertigo before the show starts.
Well, enough reviews. It's already 4:30pm! D: I might get to my list.
My list for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Reading Book
Library Book
World Of Warcraft Emblems
Webcomic Concept Art
Anime music Video First Draft
Viking Project Website
College Applications
New Year Resolution Progress Report
Social Network Website
HTML Website
Table Top Game Room Ideas
Film/Video Ideas
Business Etiquette Notes
Public Speaking Homework
Japanese Homework (if I didn't do it already)
TV Production Homework
History Homework
WOW! Big list! Wish me luck!
I hate procrastination
Yesterday was a bad day to be a procrastinator. I was doing some good head way, even though I woke up far later then I should have an had a long time where I had to go to the grocery store. And then for some reason, I couldn't get myself to do anything. I am not sure why. :(
Basically all that got done was Hiragana.Katakana/Vocabulary practice, Gaia Guild Updates, and webcomic concept art.
I still don't have my bento pictures.
Apparently I am going to see a french circus show and going to the Red Bank pub today. I <3 that pub. I'll be posting reviews of both the food and the show here tomorrow.
I also have to print out a Brookdale statement, take pictures of my old geo tracker for sale (I'm going to miss it D:), and go to the grocery store for a few things.
I better get to work on my list.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Reading Book
Library Book
World Of Warcraft Emblems
Webcomic Concept Art
Anime music Video First Draft
Viking Project Website
Ballet DVD
AnimeNext Panel Bullet Points
College Applications
Basically all that got done was Hiragana.Katakana/Vocabulary practice, Gaia Guild Updates, and webcomic concept art.
I still don't have my bento pictures.
Apparently I am going to see a french circus show and going to the Red Bank pub today. I <3 that pub. I'll be posting reviews of both the food and the show here tomorrow.
I also have to print out a Brookdale statement, take pictures of my old geo tracker for sale (I'm going to miss it D:), and go to the grocery store for a few things.
I better get to work on my list.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Reading Book
Library Book
World Of Warcraft Emblems
Webcomic Concept Art
Anime music Video First Draft
Viking Project Website
Ballet DVD
AnimeNext Panel Bullet Points
College Applications
Lousy Day Yesterday
Yesterday was a lousy day to get things done. I was running around a lot because of the whole transferring to a new college thing and only put in 1 application. Which I need to work on everything else involved with it too. :(
What got done: Hiragana/Katakana Practice, Japanese Homework, Room, Spring Cleaning, Write Recipe, Gaia Guild Updates.
What didn't get done: Everything else though I did start on my Webcomic writing and first draft of that anime music video.
I've decided to move the Social Networking Website, Business Etiquette Website, Table Top Room Ideas, and HTML Website to Saturday when I don't have as much going on since I feel like that's why I feel that I don't have as much time.
I still have no pictures of my bentos to put up. Hopefully they'll be here soon.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Reading Book
Library Book
World Of Warcraft Emblems
Webcomic Concept Art
Anime music Video First Draft
Viking Project Website
Belly Dance DVD
Violin Practice
Work on Doll
College Applications
What got done: Hiragana/Katakana Practice, Japanese Homework, Room, Spring Cleaning, Write Recipe, Gaia Guild Updates.
What didn't get done: Everything else though I did start on my Webcomic writing and first draft of that anime music video.
I've decided to move the Social Networking Website, Business Etiquette Website, Table Top Room Ideas, and HTML Website to Saturday when I don't have as much going on since I feel like that's why I feel that I don't have as much time.
I still have no pictures of my bentos to put up. Hopefully they'll be here soon.
List for today:
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Reading Book
Library Book
World Of Warcraft Emblems
Webcomic Concept Art
Anime music Video First Draft
Viking Project Website
Belly Dance DVD
Violin Practice
Work on Doll
College Applications
The 5 more mineuts trap
Hey guys, yesterday didn't go so well, mostly due to to the fact that between my classes I was running around for the start of my transferring to college phase. I'm going to be doing that a bit today but not as bad. It also has to do with the fact I thought my sister got out at 9pm not 10pm, so, yeah, if remembered that, I would have had a lot more time to do something.
Yesterday went so bad, I'll just tell you what did get done. Gaia Updates, Social Networking Website, HTML Website, Bento. (Btw the bento pictures will be up late since my mom hasn't posted them on her blog yet.)
Well, I better get my butt moving today. I would have started up sooner if I wasn't in the 5 more minuet snooze trap. I even went to bed earlier then last night, it's weird. But yeah, I fell into that downward spiral and now I only have about an hour to do everything. *sigh*
I also found out Amazon dose self publishing. Though you have to pay them. :( I guess I'll spend 1-2+ years saving while writing.
I'm still looking for ideas to make my blog more interesting.
Well, I better get to that list.
Today's List:
Social Networking
Business Etiquette
Table Top Room Ideas
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing (I decided to try and make a 5 page a day minimum)
Reading Books
Library Book Reading
World of Warcraft Emblems
Webcomic Design Art
Webcomic Writing
Homework: History Viking Project Website Reading
Homework: Japanese (Once I find the sheet that tells me it)
Homework: Public Speaking (Once I find the sheet of what pages I should have been reading before my book arrived)
Anime Music Video First Draft
Write Recipes
Spring Cleaning
Clean Room
Work On Art
Another big list. :( See you soon everyone.
Yesterday went so bad, I'll just tell you what did get done. Gaia Updates, Social Networking Website, HTML Website, Bento. (Btw the bento pictures will be up late since my mom hasn't posted them on her blog yet.)
Well, I better get my butt moving today. I would have started up sooner if I wasn't in the 5 more minuet snooze trap. I even went to bed earlier then last night, it's weird. But yeah, I fell into that downward spiral and now I only have about an hour to do everything. *sigh*
I also found out Amazon dose self publishing. Though you have to pay them. :( I guess I'll spend 1-2+ years saving while writing.
I'm still looking for ideas to make my blog more interesting.
Well, I better get to that list.
Today's List:
Social Networking
Business Etiquette
Table Top Room Ideas
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Writing (I decided to try and make a 5 page a day minimum)
Reading Books
Library Book Reading
World of Warcraft Emblems
Webcomic Design Art
Webcomic Writing
Homework: History Viking Project Website Reading
Homework: Japanese (Once I find the sheet that tells me it)
Homework: Public Speaking (Once I find the sheet of what pages I should have been reading before my book arrived)
Anime Music Video First Draft
Write Recipes
Spring Cleaning
Clean Room
Work On Art
Another big list. :( See you soon everyone.
Procrastination Book Review!!
Hey guys, yesterday was not a good day to be a procrastinator. Since my laptop didn't want to read my internet connection till later at night, I spent most of the day trying to figure out how to fix it. Though I eventually got it, it ate up too much of my time. To make matters worse, it took 2 hours for me to finish Pit of Saron in World Of Warcraft last night. A new and currently difficult heroic. Though because of the unusually long amount of time it took to finish it, I moved my deadline of getting things done from 2am to 4am. Though there's no way I could have done it later, at 5am and 6 am I start counting it as the next day since a lot of people wake up around those times.
So basically, here's what:
Got Done: Hiragana/Katakana Practice, Library Book (Review TODAY), World Of Warcraft Emblems, Viking Project Website, Social Networking Website, Table Top Room ideas, HTML Website, Homework: TV Production: Editing Lab, Homework: History: Traditions And Encounters Pages 43-51, Homework: Public Speaking: Show And Tell (I'm going to do it on my pocket goth which I got from Wicked Faire last year), Clean Out E-Mail, Laptop, Bento.
Didn't Get Done: Vocabulary Practice, Gaia Guild Updates, Writing, Reading Book, Webcomic Writing, Webcomic Concept Designs, Write Recipes, Anime Music Video First Draft, Business Etiquette Website, Belly Dance DVD, College Application Information (That I need to grab the bullet points for for my guidance councilor appointment).
So considerably I got more things done then didn't done but it's not as much as I've been able to do the last few days.
So now time for the review.
The book is called Crash Course; On Getting Things Done Now: 17 Proven Principals For Overcoming Procrastination by Lisa Tresch, and I guess edited by Larry J. Koenig, PH.D.? Larry's name is on the book, but in the introduction says Lisa is the author. This is the book that first got me going on my procrastination habit roughly 8 months ago. Which if you've been following the blog, had gotten to a very rocky start and now is coming to nearly everyday regiments. This book is a 17 chapter, 173 pages, motivational mover. Lisa Tresch takes many different approaches to the habit of procrastination. #1 She points out it is a habit, and habit must break habit. #2 She doesn't make you feel guilty for backsliding. #3 She gives you advice, and has advice for the others around you, especially since you'll need them soon. #4 She analyzes the 3 major types of procrastinators: The Perfectionist, The Success-Fearing, and The Over-Doing Project Hopping. Why they do what they do and little tidbits on each section that should help the particular procrastinator though most of her advice is one size fits all.
Throughout the book, she reminds the procrastinator that procrastination has more then the apparent consequences. Such as a constant state of anxiety and guilt and strained relationships with friends, family, employers, and co-workers. Though at the same time reminds the procrastinator that that was in the past, and if they are determined to beat the habit, a brighter future is ahead of completed projects, reduce stress level and better health, job promotions, and more.
The major tips from this book is breaking it down, the reward system, and the buddy system. That's where those friends and family come in, but only those who will give encouraging but honest words, and don't nag. They recognize the problem, but don't nag. Did I mention yet don't nag? The author stresses the point of not nagging seeing as how the procrastinator is most likely aware that the deadline is creeping up on them and already feels guilty, they don't need the nagger making the temptation to not work on it more tempting. The buddy system also acts like a sort of hall monitor asking for reports when the time seems right of how the procrastinator is doing. This reminds them of forgotten goals and, even if they didn't forget it, give encouraging words and stern reminders.
I HIGHLY recommend this book for the procrastinator, friends of procrastinators, significant others of procrastinators, parents of procrastinators, and anyone who wants to know more about the subject of procrastinating. I will be checking this book out again, or buying it, in another few months to rereread and get rereinspired. :)
List for today:
Social Networking
Business Etiquette
Table Top Room Ideas
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Reading Books
Library Book Reading
World of Warcraft Emblems
Homework: History Viking Project Website Reading
Anime Music Video First Draft
Write Recipes
Spring Cleaning
Violin Practice
Ballet DVD
Woah, big list, wish me luck. :(
So basically, here's what:
Got Done: Hiragana/Katakana Practice, Library Book (Review TODAY), World Of Warcraft Emblems, Viking Project Website, Social Networking Website, Table Top Room ideas, HTML Website, Homework: TV Production: Editing Lab, Homework: History: Traditions And Encounters Pages 43-51, Homework: Public Speaking: Show And Tell (I'm going to do it on my pocket goth which I got from Wicked Faire last year), Clean Out E-Mail, Laptop, Bento.
Didn't Get Done: Vocabulary Practice, Gaia Guild Updates, Writing, Reading Book, Webcomic Writing, Webcomic Concept Designs, Write Recipes, Anime Music Video First Draft, Business Etiquette Website, Belly Dance DVD, College Application Information (That I need to grab the bullet points for for my guidance councilor appointment).
So considerably I got more things done then didn't done but it's not as much as I've been able to do the last few days.
So now time for the review.
The book is called Crash Course; On Getting Things Done Now: 17 Proven Principals For Overcoming Procrastination by Lisa Tresch, and I guess edited by Larry J. Koenig, PH.D.? Larry's name is on the book, but in the introduction says Lisa is the author. This is the book that first got me going on my procrastination habit roughly 8 months ago. Which if you've been following the blog, had gotten to a very rocky start and now is coming to nearly everyday regiments. This book is a 17 chapter, 173 pages, motivational mover. Lisa Tresch takes many different approaches to the habit of procrastination. #1 She points out it is a habit, and habit must break habit. #2 She doesn't make you feel guilty for backsliding. #3 She gives you advice, and has advice for the others around you, especially since you'll need them soon. #4 She analyzes the 3 major types of procrastinators: The Perfectionist, The Success-Fearing, and The Over-Doing Project Hopping. Why they do what they do and little tidbits on each section that should help the particular procrastinator though most of her advice is one size fits all.
Throughout the book, she reminds the procrastinator that procrastination has more then the apparent consequences. Such as a constant state of anxiety and guilt and strained relationships with friends, family, employers, and co-workers. Though at the same time reminds the procrastinator that that was in the past, and if they are determined to beat the habit, a brighter future is ahead of completed projects, reduce stress level and better health, job promotions, and more.
The major tips from this book is breaking it down, the reward system, and the buddy system. That's where those friends and family come in, but only those who will give encouraging but honest words, and don't nag. They recognize the problem, but don't nag. Did I mention yet don't nag? The author stresses the point of not nagging seeing as how the procrastinator is most likely aware that the deadline is creeping up on them and already feels guilty, they don't need the nagger making the temptation to not work on it more tempting. The buddy system also acts like a sort of hall monitor asking for reports when the time seems right of how the procrastinator is doing. This reminds them of forgotten goals and, even if they didn't forget it, give encouraging words and stern reminders.
I HIGHLY recommend this book for the procrastinator, friends of procrastinators, significant others of procrastinators, parents of procrastinators, and anyone who wants to know more about the subject of procrastinating. I will be checking this book out again, or buying it, in another few months to rereread and get rereinspired. :)
List for today:
Social Networking
Business Etiquette
Table Top Room Ideas
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Reading Books
Library Book Reading
World of Warcraft Emblems
Homework: History Viking Project Website Reading
Anime Music Video First Draft
Write Recipes
Spring Cleaning
Violin Practice
Ballet DVD
Woah, big list, wish me luck. :(
Can't Wait For Spring
Hey guys, it's Feburary. Coldest month of the year. D: And you can defiantly feel it in New Jersey. Well, for some reason, yesterday was a great day for getting stuff done.
What got done: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice, Webcomic Writing, Reading Library Book, World Of Warcraft Emblems (Yes, I finally got all 10 in a day :D), Webcomic Concept Designs, TV Production Homework Chapters 3-4, History Homework Pages 25-41, Viking Project Website, Some Spring Cleaning, Conversion for my Anime Music Video First Draft (the files weren't able to be read for Adobe Premiere), Social Networking Website Notes, Business Etiquette Website Notes, Table Top Game Room Ideas, HTML Website Notes, Film/Video Ideas, Clean Out Purse.
What Didn't Get Done: Gaia Guild Updates, Writing, Reading Book, History Homework Pages 43-51, Cooking Something.
As you can see, a great bulk of the stuff that was suppose to get done, got done. :)
Today or tomorrow (All my research is telling me tomorrow but someone is claiming it's today) is Imbolc. Which is a pagan holiday. Which is a good holiday for new beginnings. The maiden goddess Brigid brings with her and the candle magick, inspiration, purification, and new starts. And considering I've been feeling quite stressed and feeling my procrastination is like a toxin in my body, this is wonderful. I've got a ritual printed out, I just need 7 red and white candles, a large bowel or cauldron, and sand to fill the bottom of it with, oh and of course a lighter for the candles.
Today is the first of the month which means I need to clean out my laptop. So this month I am going to: 1) Install Firefox ( want my spell checker and restore sessions) 2) Run Virus/Spam Scans 3) Do the right click drive clean out thingy, I don't know what that's called 4) Updates.
My mom is going to send me to the grocery store for a small amount of things. Or at least it better be, I'm tired of the grocery store eating up all my time to do my list. And while I'm out I'll get the candles that should be cheap, if it's not there cheap, I'll have to find it somewhere else cheap.
My sister has class today and I don't. So today I am going to the editing lab to do my TV Production homework. Maybe I can do the brain test while I am there if I have time.
Yesterday was a fair day to be on weight watchers. I was really tired and needed a bit more food, but i think I made the right decisions.
Well, I should get started on that list.
Today's List:
Social Networking
Business Etiquette
Table Top Room Ideas
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Reading Books
Library Book Reading
World of Warcraft Emblems
Homework: TV Production Editing Lab (Due Tuesday for Wednesday Class)
Homework: Public Speaking Show And Tell (Due Monday for class Tuesday)
Homework: History Traditions and Encounters Reading Pages 43-51
Homework: History Viking Project Website Reading
Anime Music Video First Draft (DVDs Ripped and Converted, now I just need to start editing)
Clean Out Laptop
Clean out E-Mail
Belly Dance DVD
Write Recipes
Spring Cleaning
Gah! Another big list. D: Wish me luck everyone.
What got done: Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice, Webcomic Writing, Reading Library Book, World Of Warcraft Emblems (Yes, I finally got all 10 in a day :D), Webcomic Concept Designs, TV Production Homework Chapters 3-4, History Homework Pages 25-41, Viking Project Website, Some Spring Cleaning, Conversion for my Anime Music Video First Draft (the files weren't able to be read for Adobe Premiere), Social Networking Website Notes, Business Etiquette Website Notes, Table Top Game Room Ideas, HTML Website Notes, Film/Video Ideas, Clean Out Purse.
What Didn't Get Done: Gaia Guild Updates, Writing, Reading Book, History Homework Pages 43-51, Cooking Something.
As you can see, a great bulk of the stuff that was suppose to get done, got done. :)
Today or tomorrow (All my research is telling me tomorrow but someone is claiming it's today) is Imbolc. Which is a pagan holiday. Which is a good holiday for new beginnings. The maiden goddess Brigid brings with her and the candle magick, inspiration, purification, and new starts. And considering I've been feeling quite stressed and feeling my procrastination is like a toxin in my body, this is wonderful. I've got a ritual printed out, I just need 7 red and white candles, a large bowel or cauldron, and sand to fill the bottom of it with, oh and of course a lighter for the candles.
Today is the first of the month which means I need to clean out my laptop. So this month I am going to: 1) Install Firefox ( want my spell checker and restore sessions) 2) Run Virus/Spam Scans 3) Do the right click drive clean out thingy, I don't know what that's called 4) Updates.
My mom is going to send me to the grocery store for a small amount of things. Or at least it better be, I'm tired of the grocery store eating up all my time to do my list. And while I'm out I'll get the candles that should be cheap, if it's not there cheap, I'll have to find it somewhere else cheap.
My sister has class today and I don't. So today I am going to the editing lab to do my TV Production homework. Maybe I can do the brain test while I am there if I have time.
Yesterday was a fair day to be on weight watchers. I was really tired and needed a bit more food, but i think I made the right decisions.
Well, I should get started on that list.
Today's List:
Social Networking
Business Etiquette
Table Top Room Ideas
Hiragana/Katakana/Vocabulary Practice
Gaia Guild Updates
Reading Books
Library Book Reading
World of Warcraft Emblems
Homework: TV Production Editing Lab (Due Tuesday for Wednesday Class)
Homework: Public Speaking Show And Tell (Due Monday for class Tuesday)
Homework: History Traditions and Encounters Reading Pages 43-51
Homework: History Viking Project Website Reading
Anime Music Video First Draft (DVDs Ripped and Converted, now I just need to start editing)
Clean Out Laptop
Clean out E-Mail
Belly Dance DVD
Write Recipes
Spring Cleaning
Gah! Another big list. D: Wish me luck everyone.
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